Susan Douglas

Shades of Sophia

Remember Sophia Loren in the film The Millionairess? How she looked in her black lingerie and wide brimmed hat? Well, SUSAN DOUGLAS may be in white instead of black, but would you say we were uncommonly biased if we said Susan looks just as good? After all, as one pink elephant said to another pink elephant, "Hello, good-looking."

Span No 128 - July 1964

Helga Sommerfeld

The Things We Do For Art

Art who? Art Kimble, affectionately known to his intimates as Goof. A great friend of ours, and we'd do anything for him except lend him a fiver. He's got enough of his own. But we're off course, Goof has nothing to do with this. We should have said cinematic art. Lovely HELGA SOMMERFELD German star, is rehearsing a scene where she's strapped to the revolving target while some incomprehensible cad throws knives all round her. We wouldn't do that for any art, there are some incomprehensible cads who can't throw accurately at a static target, let alone a moving one.

Beautiful Britons No 106 - August 1964

Marilyn Ward

Do Belt Up

Having worn tights for several years, beauty queen MARILYN WARD didn't quite know how to cope with all the straps and clips of a suspender belt, and the whole thing seemed to be all loose ends.

Well, everyone had been saying that nylons were coming back, and Marilyn didn't want to be left out, like. And she didn't want to be beaten. She got the belt all fixed up in the end and when it all came undone again at the first deep breath, she took she wasn't half ratty.

Still, it was all a bit of a giggle, really.

Spick & Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Marie Graham and Nicola Taylor

More Sun, More Fun

Out they went into the sun again, those two Hampshire housewives, MARIE GRAHAM and NICOLA TAYLOR. Well, they're all for giggles, and where there's sun there's fun.

They found a three-wheeled scooter, and that was just the job for a one-legged scoot round the farm if only they hadn't both tried to use it at the same time.

"What are you following us for?" asked Marie.

"Just for the fun of it, " said the photographer.

"Well, do excuse my stocking-tops, won't you?" said Marie.

"It's too warm for maxis, you see," said Marie.

"It's quite all right with me, "said the photographer.

Oh, good show," said Nicola.

She didn't know what she was saying.

Beautiful Britons No 192 - November 1971

Laurette Atkin

You Know What Sailors Are

Sailors are men who go round the world in ships and find out the phone numbers of the curviest girls in every port. As soon as they dock, they get on the nearest blower.

"Hello, is that you, Rosie? This is Bert."

"Oh, how thrilling. Come right round and ring three times. That'll just give me time to load my shotgun."

Well, you know what sailors are. Sometimes it makes the girls real mad.

Of course, not all sailors are like Bert.

LAURETTE ATKIN is a sailor. She sails in Poole Harbour all wrapped up in mustard-coloured oilskins when it's rough. She's got a 12-foot dinghy and she can sail rings round the marker buoys when the tiller gets stuck.

She wasn't out in her dinghy when we took these photographs of her. She was just outside Bournemouth, and she was having a landlubber's holiday or something. Later we went to crew for her. We fell overboard. It was a shockingly wet way to go.

Span No 182 - October 1969

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Can You See Ferdinand

Up in this part of the Scottish Highlands there's a farm that wanders over countless acres, and if you're anywhere near watch out for Ferdinand.

RUTH CAVENDISH in the ankle boots and ANNE SCOTT in the high boots were near enough on this occasion to feel just a mite nervous. So much so that they hitched up their skirts to be all ready to vamoose if Ferdinand did appear.

And sure, enough a pair of inimical horns hove into view eventually and our two lovelies did not stand upon their going but went.

'"Hold on,' panted Ruth after a mile or so, "that's not Ferdinand, that's


"Oh, how sweet," said Anne.

Bessie, of course, is Ferdinand's lovable mate.

Span No 200 - April 1971

Jennifer Goodman

Welsh Charm

Soft-eyed, lilting-voiced and dark-haired are many Welsh girls, and appealing in her own natural charm is JENNIFER GOODMAN of Swansea. Welsh readers who frequently ask for more features on their own girls should find Jennifer just the right answer. If they don't, they're too hard to please.

Jennifer is a wages clerk, and a darned delightful one at that. whose hobbies are dressmaking, designing, music, modelling and men. Don't ask us in what order just make your own guess.

Jennifer's vitalistics amount to 35"23"36", which means the structure is nicely streamlined and the curves just right. Out and about she is glamorous and eye-catching and she's not far short of this indoors, either!

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Barbara Bonge - Gisela Schumann - Verena May

Three Girl Mix

These three shots are all of lovely VERENA MAY, a starlet featured in German films, and who has a dark beauty not usually associated with fair Teutons. The hairstyle can change the look but not the girl.

Windswept on a swing is GISELA SCHUMANN, and snug in a chair is BARBARA BONGE.

Span No 84 - August 1961

Brandy Scott

Brandy For Hair?

If you think this is all about how to stop your hair falling out by giving it brandy, you must be going bald or something.

We are actually referring to BRANDY SCOTT, a most intriguingly named dolly from the southwest.

It's Brandy's ambition, as a talented amateur dramatics performer and a dancer who naturally delights the eye, to appear in the musical HAIR. Girls of extremely noteworthy talent have appeared in this fabulously modern musical, and Brandy would make one more never-to-be-forgotten member of the cast.

Span No 212 - April 1972

Elizabeth Gallacher

Kilroy Went Before

It's often like that. It was like it when ELIZABETH GALLACHER went out to look for some springtime primroses.

But that feller Kilroy and all his fellow travellers had been there before Liz and there wasn't a primrose in sight. They'd all been nicked.

It didn't actually make life inconsolably desolate for Liz, but it did put her right off Kilroy.

Kilroy, you remember if you're old enough was the legendary character who became famous during the Second World War. Whenever a pub sold out of beer, or you turned up for a date and found your girlfriend had gone off with someone else, it was a case of "Kilroy was here hard luck, mate."

You probably know all that. You probably want to know about Liz, not the unspeakable Kilroy.

Well, Liz is a Scottish girl and a real dream of a girl.

Absolutely lovely legs and beautiful eyes

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Dawn Grayson

Second Time Out

This is only the second time we've seen DAWN GRAYSON, but it makes no difference. We're out cold all right, just as we were when we met her the first time. It's exhilarating when you come to and realise how impressionable you still are.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Ann Leslie

Bounce is Beautiful

Ah dear, when you're young what is more beautiful than bounce? All that youth and vitality, all that urge to jump around and dance about and look as irrepressible as ANN LESLIE. If you've got a pain in your tibia, it probably makes you wince just to look at Ann cavorting so uninhibitedly, in which case go and put a hot plaster on. And have a nice cup of cocoa.

Span No 182 - October 1969