Marilyn Ward
/Marilyn Ward
A nice candid picture of Marilyn, all cosy in her DK’s.
Span No 177 - May 1969
A nice candid picture of Marilyn, all cosy in her DK’s.
Span No 177 - May 1969
Finalist in all kinds of glamorous and eventful beauty competitions, Miss MARILYN WARD is the fair and shapely object of universal admiration. Those who believe in the unequivocal inspirationalism of the feminine form divine naturally know what they're talking about when they quote just how divine Miss Ward is.
And having got the dictionary of our chest and back on the bottom shelf, let's say that if you know any other girl who can look as good as Marilyn when draped in a pair of nylons, then don't let her go off to Greenland and get lost among the igloos. Tell us about her.
Marilyn, of course, is the girl who runs a Bournemouth boutique. It's a packed boutique on Saturdays. Not just with girls, you understand. There's any amount of fellers who like to chat up the fascinating manageress.
Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969
There were these two girls, you see. One of them runs a boutique in
Bournemouth and the other one came in to buy something.
Blonde MARILYN WARD runs the boutique and the girl who came in to buy was PAULINE GORVIN. So, round the hangers they went and the conversation was something like this.
"Ah. Um. I wonder?"
"Yes, it's fab, isn't it? Try it on."
"Oh, but how about this one?"
"It goes awfully well with a coke."
"I like plum juice. Do you like plum juice?"
"I like it in a plum pie. Were you out with that boy from the travel agency last night?"
"Cheeky devil tried to sell me a ticket to Singapore. On a banana boat of all things. Oh, isn't that sweet? Is it my size?"
"Costume jewellery is all the rage with that style, you know."
"Yes, I know. I wish you didn't have such a marvellous stock; I'd like to buy so much of it, but I can't, I'm saving up to go to Spain”.
"I went there last year. Aren't those matadors slinky?"
"I can look after myself, it's those poor bulls I feel sorry for. Do you know, I really think I like this dress best."
"Honestly no, really it looks super."
"Well, I'll have it."
"But, Pauline, it's the one you were wearing when you came in.
First of all, if you haven't met them before and you're kicking yourself in consequence, these two Bournemouth dollies are brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD.
They went down to the beach for a swim. It was the kind of day that called them to the warm waves. Only when they got there someone had forgotten the bikinis. Nicola meant to remember for both of them but forgot, and Marilyn meant to remind Nicola to remember but she forgot too. Never mind, they looked ever so glam in their best nylons and the sunshine was marvellous.
Pretty girls are naturally camera-conscious and don't like to be caught when they've just come up from a coalmine. "No, not yet," said MARILYN WARD as NICOLA TAYLOR got her into focus, “the breeze is making me look all windswept,”
“Well, hurry up," said Nicola as Marilyn reversed the process, "I'm getting sand in my shoes, "Say cheese." said Marilyn.
"Oh, blow that," said Nicola, "every time I say cheese, I get sand in my mouth too.
"How do I look now?" asked Marilyn, sitting pretty, "As I gaze intently into the viewfinder," said Nicola, “I can now see what's in it for the photographers. No wonder they like their job."
'Yes, I see what you mean," said Marilyn a minute later, "you look ever so mini-skirted. I say, aren't they lucky, they get paid as well." “I tell you what” said Nicola, "let's go and see if there's any beefcake on the beach - we might get paid for photographing them."
Having worn tights for several years, beauty queen MARILYN WARD didn't quite know how to cope with all the straps and clips of a suspender belt, and the whole thing seemed to be all loose ends.
Well, everyone had been saying that nylons were coming back, and Marilyn didn't want to be left out, like. And she didn't want to be beaten. She got the belt all fixed up in the end and when it all came undone again at the first deep breath, she took she wasn't half ratty.
Still, it was all a bit of a giggle, really.
Spick & Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975
Making our cover look colourful and fetching this month - at least, that was our intention - is Bournemouth boutique girl MARILYN WARD. Marilyn was a model before she took over her boutique.
We usually buy our clothes from Ernest's in the High Street not far from here, but if Marilyn would only stock bowler hats and pin-stripes we'd give up going to Ernest's.
Ernest is quite nice and always very polite. Nothing is too much trouble when he's explaining and illustrating the merits of a forty-guinea waistcoat.
"Look, we don't wear waistcoats."
"Then sir is losing the opportunity to become utterly ravishing, sir." "Look, we bet Marilyn Ward wouldn't try to sell us forty-guinea waistcoats when all we want is a pair of socks with a red stripe.' "Sir is joking, of course. Sir is vainly resisting. Hold him, Montgomery, hold him, Lancelot. There. Now what does sir think of himself? Sir looks beautiful. How can sir think of mere socks when sir is adorned in a waistcoat like that?"
"All right, you win. We'll have it on the never-never. Put it in some brown paper and deliver it. We're off to Bournemouth to buy a pair of socks."
Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968
Nice article from a November 1971 issue of the Radio Times about Marilyn Ward and the Miss UK contest. As we already know, Marilyn went on to win Miss UK that year, with her coming second as Miss World.
If nothing else, it certainly gives an interesting insight into the way that women were perceived and looked upon 50 years ago.
I would like to thank Brian for taking the time to scan this and pass it on to me.
When there was lots of sun about, brunette NICOLA TAYLOR and blonde MARILYN WARD came out to the beach to be kissed by it. Lucky old sun.
If you like shopping with your girlfriend, particularly when she’s after a bargain in a boutique, you can get very good service in the boutique run by MARILYN WARD.
Ask for the manageress and Marilyn will appear. You’ll be so captivated that five minutes later your girlfriend will slosh you and say, “In case you’ve forgotten, Romeo, you’re with me.”
Boutiques are still in. Boutiques are where the teenagers congregate on Saturdays, filling the place with exuberant cries of “Oh Danny, just cast your optics at this crepe two-piece—isn’t it just the sharpest thing for dancing the hornpipe?” They don’t all talk like that, but it’s ear-binding to hear those that do.
MARILYN WARD hears it all the time. She runs a boutique in Bournemouth and if you want to see how she looks in a couple of the most delightful outfits available here’s your chance.
We can’t describe them, we don’t have the designer’s highly involved details, but since seeing’s believing don't ask for descriptions.
When a zip runs it really runs, and when is a mini not a mini?
When it’s worn as a shirt. We don’t know if you prefer Marilyn or the dresses, we like them like crazy all together.