Over the past month, I’ve been gradually organising the Ken Rush glamour collection, and as some of you may have noticed, I’ve begun listing some of it for sale. As I’ve gone through the thousands of prints and slides, I’ve gained a sense of the photographer’s style and likes.
Most of the collection falls under the category of erotic glamour, with minimal full nudity and only a moderate amount of topless work. While they’re not comparable to Toco or the popular Spick and Span 2000 series of books, I believe many of them would fit comfortably here and add more variety to the thousands of Toco and other posts that already sit in this archive.
To start, I’ve decided to focus on prints, with the majority taken in the 1980s and early 1990s. Most of the models featured were paid through agencies, which gives the pictures a different feel from Toco magazines, where the models were often the girl next door or friends of the girl next door. This is what made Toco magazines so charming and delightful, with no one ever coming close to making that magic again. Agencies became more involved with models, and the focus shifted from having fun with friends to making money.
So, let's take a trip back to the 1980s for a while, with big frizzy hair, Ford Capris, and 4-star petrol. Global warming wasn’t even a thought back then.
During the 1980s, girls generally didn’t wear stockings and suspenders on a daily basis, as tights were more practical. Stockings were reserved for the home and bedroom or that sexy day or evening out, sadly for most of us.
Ken’s pictures feature a mix of bare legs and stockings, but I’ll only be featuring models wearing stockings and will try to keep the settings domestic. What’s particularly delightful about these pictures is that most of them haven’t been seen in 35 plus years (for Ken’s eyes only). Some of the faces may be familiar to a few of you as they might have worked elsewhere during that time.
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