Ken Rush - Print Collection

Print Collection

Over the past month, I’ve been gradually organising the Ken Rush glamour collection, and as some of you may have noticed, I’ve begun listing some of it for sale. As I’ve gone through the thousands of prints and slides, I’ve gained a sense of the photographer’s style and likes.

Most of the collection falls under the category of erotic glamour, with minimal full nudity and only a moderate amount of topless work. While they’re not comparable to Toco or the popular Spick and Span 2000 series of books, I believe many of them would fit comfortably here and add more variety to the thousands of Toco and other posts that already sit in this archive.

To start, I’ve decided to focus on prints, with the majority taken in the 1980s and early 1990s. Most of the models featured were paid through agencies, which gives the pictures a different feel from Toco magazines, where the models were often the girl next door or friends of the girl next door. This is what made Toco magazines so charming and delightful, with no one ever coming close to making that magic again. Agencies became more involved with models, and the focus shifted from having fun with friends to making money. 

So, let's take a trip back to the 1980s for a while, with big frizzy hair, Ford Capris, and 4-star petrol. Global warming wasn’t even a thought back then.

During the 1980s, girls generally didn’t wear stockings and suspenders on a daily basis, as tights were more practical. Stockings were reserved for the home and bedroom or that sexy day or evening out, sadly for most of us.

Ken’s pictures feature a mix of bare legs and stockings, but I’ll only be featuring models wearing stockings and will try to keep the settings domestic. What’s particularly delightful about these pictures is that most of them haven’t been seen in 35 plus years (for Ken’s eyes only). Some of the faces may be familiar to a few of you as they might have worked elsewhere during that time.

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Jane Rennie

Jane Rennie - Scanned Prints Set 2 

Four more scanned prints of Jane Rennie, all taken from the same sitting. She looks absolutely stunning, showing off her dark stockings and white underwear. I estimate that Jane would be around 80 years old now, and about 19 or 20 when these pictures were taken.

Jane Rennie

Jane Rennie - Scanned Prints Set 1

Four nice pictures of Jane Rennie scanned from original ToCo prints. 

Jane was always dressed to impress, with her hair always up and she was partial to a frilly underskirt. She was a real girly girl, in the best way possible. These pictures show her in a white, long cotton dress, but what really caught my eye was the poodle motif on her left breast pocket. Any suggestions on the poodle?


Telephone Temptress

Undine, our naughty nymph whom we saw in December, is back on the phone, flashing those black stockings.

Print Collection - Undine


I think Undine is an unusual name, so I looked it up. Originating in Latin, Undine is a girl's name meaning "little wave" or "of the waves." It derives from the Latin word unda, meaning "wave," and is the name attributed to mythological water spirits. More commonly known as undines, these water nymphs appear across modern-day literature. Well, I certainly think this Undine looks like a little nymph posing for us with a toy gun in her black stockings. 

Scan from a 1970s print.

Fiona Stuart


Extremely pretty is FIONA STUART, who comes from Ayrshire and got her creamy complexion from all that Highland air. Fiona has been so popular with readers that we picture her again for all her fans, and if you know any girl who makes a prettier pin-up pic than she does, then you're so lucky you ought to make a large donation to a deserving charity.
Spick No 262 - September 1975

Janet Neill

Merry Mrs

Now happily married is Scots model JANET NEILL.

Well, life is always what you make it, when you're married there are two of you to make it well worthwhile. It's fun finding out that life is fun. It's hard work being miserable. With Janet it's natural to be gay. Husbands, like life, can be fun too.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Julie Amos

New Model

Dreamy-eyed girl with the long legs is JULIE AMOS, new to the world of modelling.

Julie is a Yorkshire girl, resident at the moment in London.

Working in a London office, Julie earns sufficient as a shorthand-typist to keep herself comfortably fed and attractively clothed, and that's not all.

She also puts away enough each the pay-day to ensure she can cope with the expenses of a summer holiday on the Continent. On any part of the Continent incidentally, this soft eyed, dark haired Yorkshire lass really slays them.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Helen Milligan

Helen Milligan

Great picture of the very lovely Helen Milligan that was not published but taken from a set of pictures that were used twice. The original set was used in Beautiful Britons No. 118 (September 1965) entitled Field Day, with the remainder of the pictures being used in Spick No. 265 (December 1975) with that set entitled Oh You're Looking Good. This picture was not used in either set. The negative had a pen strike through it, which I have removed.

Very typical of Helen with the frilly petticoat that she was seen wearing in many pictures. Many thanks again to Tocofan for providing the negative.

Fiona Stuart

Say Something

Even if it's only goodbye.

We just can't reconcile ourselves to the prospect of having FIONA STUART pass us by without giving us a wave or a smile or a word. You know how it is. You see a girl, an absolute eye-catcher, when you're rushing home from work so that you'll be in time for the twice-weekly serial on Channel 4 and suddenly it's gone.

What's gone?

All that urgency to catch the twice-weekly pay-off.

Suddenly you don't care anymore. You've just seen the most beautiful girl in the world, and you'd give up your fortnight on the Italian Riviera if only she'd speak to you.

She could, like Fiona, be just eighteen, with the kind of smile that makes you feel you've only been standing on one foot for the last two hours. You learn to raise your hat and introduce yourself and tell her what a knockout you are in company.

But she passes you by.

You realise instinctively she doesn't like guys who are knockouts.

You walk quietly away and jump off a bridge.

Love at first sight is the most agonising emotion in the world.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Margo Hamilton

Black For A Blonde

Long Legged blonde, MARGO HAMILTON, is definitely of the opinion that nothing suits a fair-headed girl better than an ensemble in black, and from the way she looks in this outfit we're not disputing that opinion. If you can think of anything, better drop us a card.

You can't be seen at Ascot without an eye-catching hat, and what's more eye-catching than Margo's lampshade chapeau?

Margo is a dancer among other things, and you can bet that when those long legs of hers are encased in fishnet tights your girlfriend won't be too happy about the attention, you're giving this particular dancer. But, after all, you didn't go to the night spot to turn your back on the cabaret, did you?

Spick No 88 - March 1961

Ann Grainger, Jane Rennie and Cherie Scott

Ann Grainger, Jane Rennie and Cherie Scott

Three very popular ToCo lovelies. I'm not sure if this picture was ever used in a magazine without having to search through all my copies. If it wasn't, then it should have been. It has been taken from a contact sheet and is another nice contribution from tocofan.

Anne Scott

Cosy Corner

Very snugly ensconced in a cosy corner of the lounge is ANNE SCOTT, and there's no one who can decorate a cosy corner quite as photogenically as this lovely lady. Wearing her warm longs, Anne subscribes to the view that comfort is all-embracing when the last breezes of fading winter still blow chill.

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964