Ruth Cavendish

Glad You're Back

Nobody gave a hoot when old Job Kuttenblower threw his spade into the turnips and went off to work in a bicycle shop in Nowton-under-Pond. He never had been the kind of feller to fill you with rapture, so when he went off and never came back, well, it didn't bother anybody except the man who grew turnips. He had to find someone else to dig them and there aren't many people who want to spend all that time with turnips.

Naturally, there's an important difference between a feller like Job and a girl like RUTH CAVENDISH. If we lived next door to Ruth, we'd break our heart every time she went off to spend a week-end with her old college chums, There are some girls one likes to keep in focus all the time. Keeping Ruth in focus gives us vibratory excruciations and you can't get pills for that sort of twittering oscillation, not even on the National Health. On the other hand, who wants to be cured?

It's sometime since we've seen Ruth. Glad you're back, beautiful, even if we are all over quivers.

Beautiful Britons No 138 - May 1967

Helen Milligan and Ruth Cavendish

Fashionable Sports

Out for the pleasure of knocking a ball about, HELEN MILLIGAN is a fashion model and RUTH CAVENDISH is training to become one, so you could say these two sporting lovelies wield a very fashionable forehand.

Both girls are Scots and the reason why they're equipped with racquets but not with tennis outfits is because the summer hasn't arrived in Scotland yet. The grass is still wet and boots still the answer.

But even a boot can fill up with water if you sink it far enough into a watery ditch, and all you can do then if you're a wet-footed Ruth is to get Helen to pull it off for you.

Time out for just sitting and doing nothing except, of course, looking long-legged and cute. There's no doubt that two bonny Scots make an even better picture than one.

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Top Five

Brian's Top Five: A Blast from the ToCo Archives

In a sea of silence, Brian stands tall as the only one to answer my burning question, "Who would be in your ToCo model top five?" And boy, does he have impeccable taste!

So, let's dive deep into the treasure trove of the ToCo archives and unveil Brian's coveted top five girls. Get ready to embark on a sensational journey through the timeless beauties handpicked by our resident connoisseur. It's time to rediscover the magic and allure of these unforgettable ToCo classics!

Brian's Top Five
1. Anne Duke
2. Annette French
3. Jane Rennie
4. Anne Scott
5. Ruth Cavendish

Ruth Cavendish

Caught On The Cover

You were bound to have noticed your favourite figure catching your eye on this month's cover. It's the girl you're always wanting to see more of RUTH CAVENDISH and if you don't think she's even lovelier than ever, it must be because you're going steady with a beautiful blonde, you traitor.

Span No 140 - April 1966

Ruth Cavendish

In The Money

We're delighted to bring you more pics of RUTH CAVENDISH in this issue. Ruth has so many fans that if you laid them head to feet all the way from here northwards, they'd reach as far as Edinburgh High School, and they wouldn't half get in the way of the traffic.

Ruth is in the money.

She's cashier in a Glasgow store. She handles so much that it's a wonder it doesn't go to her head.

She says it would if it were all hers.

Ruth is really rather delicious, as well as delightfully curvy. She likes disco dancing and holidays on the French Riviera.

Beautiful Britons No 188 - July 1971

Ruth Cavendish

Found In The Mail

It was just one more large envelope among a multitude of other envelopes in the mail but imagine our undiluted joy when out of it fell a photograph of our bonny Scot, RUTH CAVENDISH.

Ruth is simply delicious.

Pin-ups from North of the Border all have that well-known bonny look, none more so than Miss Cavendish.

White teeth, laughing eyes and curves.

You don't find them like that every day in the mail. We'd have told our postman about her but he's a non-starter in any conversation that doesn't revolve around his tender feet.

Beautiful Britons No 174 - May 1970

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Can You See Ferdinand

Up in this part of the Scottish Highlands there's a farm that wanders over countless acres, and if you're anywhere near watch out for Ferdinand.

RUTH CAVENDISH in the ankle boots and ANNE SCOTT in the high boots were near enough on this occasion to feel just a mite nervous. So much so that they hitched up their skirts to be all ready to vamoose if Ferdinand did appear.

And sure, enough a pair of inimical horns hove into view eventually and our two lovelies did not stand upon their going but went.

'"Hold on,' panted Ruth after a mile or so, "that's not Ferdinand, that's


"Oh, how sweet," said Anne.

Bessie, of course, is Ferdinand's lovable mate.

Span No 200 - April 1971

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Anyone Seen a Horse

RUTH CAVENDISH and ANNE SCOTT have nothing against cars except the fact that they're full of things like distributors, plugs, tappets, cylinders and knocks. When they broke down on their way to Edinburgh, that was it no more cars. The girls sat down and waited for a spare gee-gee to happen along.

Not only do Ruth and Anne not believe in leaving a broken-down car to thumb lifts in vehicles even more likely to break down, they are by nature much more addicted to the faithfulness of horses than to the mechanics of motoring.

And horses know, you know. These two do, anyway. Robert and Wallace. Just the hint of a pretty girl stranded by a blown gasket and there they are, the noble nags, to take the weight off their sweet feet. And the fact is, friends, Wallace has an eye for a pretty knee and no error.

Ruth Cavendish

Still In Great Shape

A few years ago, we met the most beautiful cashier we'd ever seen. All the other cashiers we'd met before her wore moustaches or blue suits, and looked at us over the tops of their glasses.

Many readers will remember her RUTH CAVENDISH of Glasgow, one of the more memorable of many memorable Scots.

How enchanted those readers will be to see that Ruth is still in great shape. She's a bonnier pin-up than ever. That's what comes of refusing to look like Twiggy. Ruth reckons that once a girl's grown curves, she's meant to keep them. Men get awfully grumpy if she gets as flat as a board.

Ruth has a smile as enchanting as her shape. Statistics plus vivacity make the most photogenic combination you could wish for. Remember, girls, that once you reduce yourselves to the shape of bean poles you go all glum and gloomy.

You don't really want to go around looking like that, do you?

Be like Ruth. Stay in great shape.

Spick and Span Extra No 35 - Summer 1970

Ruth Cavendish

Ruth Cavendish and Mugdock Tower

Ruth Cavendish modelled for an outdoor set, with pictures appearing in Beautiful Britons No 101 (March 1964) and Spick and Span Extra No 11 (Summer 1964).

The tower, or castle as ToCo describe it, has always been a bit of a mystery until now.

Thanks so much to David for taking the time to research this and bring it to our attention.

Mugdock Tower is in Mugdock Country Park, which is north of Bearsden.

This picture of the tower was taken in about 1976, so a few years after Ruth had had her fun there, but there is no mistaking her positioning against the tower, with the same tree in the background. It is of course very probable that this quiet country park was used for a great many other ToCo outdoor sets.

It has been suggested that a blue plaque would be warranted on this tower.

Tower grid ref (55° 57' 49" N 4° 18' 58" W)

This is the ToCo blurb that accompanied the set in Spick and Span Extra No 11

Glamour With a Smile

Never without a smile is RUTH CAVENDISH, who makes as attractive a picture against the old castle walls as any suit of armour, with or without visor.

Ruth Cavendish

Live Ones Are So Frisky

Pin-up favourite RUTH CAVENDISH prefers a wooden horse.

She tried to ride a live one not long ago, down on a cattle farm. It was dead frisky. Ruth got all jerked about and finally fell off backwards.


She wouldn't have been as upset as she was if it hadn't given a horse laugh. She hasn't spoken to it since. She has settled for a quiet ride on Pinto, which is a rocking-horse she grew up with.

Pinto has nice manners.

Beautiful Britons No 203 - October 1972

Ruth Cavendish

Still Swinging

There's no pin-up girl quite like RUTH CAVENDISH.

Well, that's what all her fans say. And her fans are so fanatical you're chancing your life if you argue with them. You get slung off Tower Bridge or dropped from Nelson's hat. Nelson's hat is so far from the ground in Trafalgar Square that from the time you get dropped to the time you hit the flagstones the pigeons have flown round in six circuits.

Ruth is having a lovely life. She's a cashier and the most infectiously delicious brunette you ever clapped your peepers on. She's as Scottish as Flora MacDonald and as curvy as Clara Bow.

Clara Bow? Who's she?

Sorry, we forgot you didn’t go in for pre-war birds, only for modern swingers like Ruth.

Ruth Cavendish

What’s So Funny?

There's something tickling RUTH CAVENDISH, but we're not sure if it's a feather or because the photographer is being bitten by a frisky pup. Perhaps it doesn't matter when the effect on Ruth is to make her as gay as this, for the look of this lovely lady is what we're most concerned with.

Ruth is eighteen and won the title of “Miss Arbroath” when she was only fourteen.