Anne Scott

Cosy Corner

Very snugly ensconced in a cosy corner of the lounge is ANNE SCOTT, and there's no one who can decorate a cosy corner quite as photogenically as this lovely lady. Wearing her warm longs, Anne subscribes to the view that comfort is all-embracing when the last breezes of fading winter still blow chill.

Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964

Top Five

Brian's Top Five: A Blast from the ToCo Archives

In a sea of silence, Brian stands tall as the only one to answer my burning question, "Who would be in your ToCo model top five?" And boy, does he have impeccable taste!

So, let's dive deep into the treasure trove of the ToCo archives and unveil Brian's coveted top five girls. Get ready to embark on a sensational journey through the timeless beauties handpicked by our resident connoisseur. It's time to rediscover the magic and allure of these unforgettable ToCo classics!

Brian's Top Five
1. Anne Duke
2. Annette French
3. Jane Rennie
4. Anne Scott
5. Ruth Cavendish

Anne Scott and Pamela Johnson

It's True

Girls like ANNE SCOTT and PAMELA JOHNSON really do go for those mod longs, and we’re as surprised as you.

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Can You See Ferdinand

Up in this part of the Scottish Highlands there's a farm that wanders over countless acres, and if you're anywhere near watch out for Ferdinand.

RUTH CAVENDISH in the ankle boots and ANNE SCOTT in the high boots were near enough on this occasion to feel just a mite nervous. So much so that they hitched up their skirts to be all ready to vamoose if Ferdinand did appear.

And sure, enough a pair of inimical horns hove into view eventually and our two lovelies did not stand upon their going but went.

'"Hold on,' panted Ruth after a mile or so, "that's not Ferdinand, that's


"Oh, how sweet," said Anne.

Bessie, of course, is Ferdinand's lovable mate.

Span No 200 - April 1971

Ruth Cavendish and Anne Scott

Anyone Seen a Horse

RUTH CAVENDISH and ANNE SCOTT have nothing against cars except the fact that they're full of things like distributors, plugs, tappets, cylinders and knocks. When they broke down on their way to Edinburgh, that was it no more cars. The girls sat down and waited for a spare gee-gee to happen along.

Not only do Ruth and Anne not believe in leaving a broken-down car to thumb lifts in vehicles even more likely to break down, they are by nature much more addicted to the faithfulness of horses than to the mechanics of motoring.

And horses know, you know. These two do, anyway. Robert and Wallace. Just the hint of a pretty girl stranded by a blown gasket and there they are, the noble nags, to take the weight off their sweet feet. And the fact is, friends, Wallace has an eye for a pretty knee and no error.

Anne Scott


Well, what else can we say?

We light on a view like this in the Scottish Highlands and what else is there except wow?

This is ANNE SCOTT, television personality and just about the shapeliest model North of the Border. They may have taken the old Flying Scot out of service, but they’ll never make Anne obsolete while she still has enough puff.

Puff? Well, all right, glamour.

You're stuck for conversation as you bump into her. You’re speechless.

You feel like a gormless goggler. All you can say is Bom-diddy-bom-bom.

That’s what we said in the first place.

Anne Scott

An Established Fact

The fight’s over. All kinds of people took part,including those who insisted Long John’s had no place in modern fashions and should never have been left over from the 20’s but used for car dusters.

Then there were the others, who said no girl is complete in her fashion equipment unless Long Johns were an essential part of if, and we thought by crickey, what about the look, though?

Then, of course, there were the girls themselves, and ANNE SCOTT was one of them. And these girls and Anne went along with the re-adoption of Long Johns, because, they said, what with mini-skirts and all, we need something to keep us warm.

On that alone, it seems, Long Johns became an established fact.

Anne Scott

Cooling Off

"I don’t usually appear out-of-doors like an absent-minded professor," said ANNE SCOTT.

"What brand of absent-mindedness did you have in mind?"

"Oh, you know." A bit of a giggle here. “The ones who leave for work minus their trousers. I didn’t leave home minus my dress, I assure you. It’s the weather."

"What weather?"

"All this gorgeous hot stuff. I didn’t think there was any left."

"Oh, come now, Miss Scott, weather has always been a matter of the four seasons."

"Do you have to talk like some diddly-fiddly old dodderer from the Ministry? I’m only trying very simply to explain why I look like this."

"No explanation necessary. Miss Scott. It’s all a very natural development process singularly special to lovely young ladies, and there’s no one it pleases more than an old dodderer from the Ministry."

“There’s no need to make all that much of it. It just happened to get a lot hotter than I expected, so I thought I’d do some cooling off."

"Pardon us while we go jump in the lake. It’s the only way to get our temperature down.”

Helen Milligan, Anne Scott, Dawn Grayson, Julie Lane and Jane McKay

Cold Weather Girls

Long Johns are a must for girls who feel the cold weather, such as HELEN MILLIGAN, ANNE SCOTT, DAWN GRAYSON, JULIE LANE, and JANE McKAY.

Anne Scott

Giving a Shine to Winter

If we had to pick any girl to give a shine to winter we wouldn't go far wrong in choosing ANNE SCOTT of Ayrshire.

That well-known smile can do more for chilly goosepimples than a run round the gasworks, especially when it's on show on a crisp and wintry day. Anne has long been one of our own exclusive glamour girls and still her fans write to beg for more.

They like Anne's aptitude for putting over a frilly look just as much as her smile. It’s something they miss out on in these days of jeans.

Anne Scott

Outdoor Hazards

There's nothing wrong with the great outdoors that you can't cure by staying indoors. Cor, what a draught.

But sometimes circumstances force you out and keep you there. Like when TV personality ANNE SCOTT took an outdoor modelling assignment and couldn't ethically back out. And when she found she was modelling lingerie in a temperature that called for a fur coat, she knew what outdoor hazards really were.

Talk about how to look glamorous with shivers rocketing up and down your spine. What a petrifying carry-on.

"I think I'd rather be a non-combatant mercenary,” said Anne.

"What's a non-combatant mercenary?” asked Fred.

"Well,” said Anne, "you get a fabulous wage but you don't have to do any fighting. You sit in the lady officers' mess drinking hot soup and looking terribly cute in a pretty uniform.”

"Mini-skirted?” asked Fred.

"Naturally," said Anne.

"Okay," said Fred, "I'll join the same lot and sit in the lady officers' mess with you.”

"But bring your own soup," said Anne.

Anne Scott

That's A Good Girl

Some girls would either sit around polishing their nails or even disappear behind the door when the family car required cleaning.

Other girls are good girls and don't mind helping at all. as long as dad doesn't ask them just as they're getting dressed for a garden party. ANNE SCOTT is happy to keep the car looking pristine, then she can always put in a request to borrow it without shuffling her feet around.

Polishing can be warm work, and if that means discarding an item or two it all goes to show what a lovely girl she is as well as a good one.

Anne Scott

Yesterday’s Look

It seems from what the fashion pundits say that the era of exquisite feminine lingerie has gone with all the other dated items of yesterday. It's just going to be stretch tights forever from now on, so they say. Even bras are going out. The fashion pundits are always far more interested in selling themselves than in making us happy.

We're not like that. We want to make you happy this month by bringing to your dreamy eyes the look that graced the fashions of yesterday, and ANNE SCOTT in the lingerie that used to make all the advertisements on the underground look so alluring is quite irresistible, don't you think?

If you prefer stretch tights and a body stocking, you're so modern that there's nothing we can do for you.

Anne is a deliciously photogenic Scot from Glasgow.

She looks happy.

Are you happy too now?