Dawn Grayson

Album Time

Pause here for all the fans of DAWN GRAYSON who devote their photographic albums to pics of her.

Spick No 174 - May 1968

Janus - ToCo Girl Selection

Janus - Volume 1 No 11 - 1972

A selection of ToCo favourites spotted in an early edition of Janus. Quite a few ToCo models were to be found in these early editions of Janus. I guess ToCo sold the pictures to them.

Lets put some names to faces. I will start things of with a nice easy one.

Dawn Grayson - Picture 6 (Bottom Row)

Dawn Grayson

Finders Is Keepers

If you ever find a girl as lovely as DAWN GRAYSON lost in the world, try to persuade her that finders is keepers, then you can take her home and introduce her to mum and dad. 

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Take Your Pick

Dawn Grayson, Diane Clark, Ann Grainger, Nicola Taylor, Rosanne Stuart and Jackie Taylor.

Readers whose hobby is pin-up albums pasted full of photographs of their favourite models can take their pick of the six girls featured here.


Spick and Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974


Janus - Mixed Selection of Models

Selection of models all taken from Janus Volume 1 No 10 - 1972.

 We can all spot Dawn Grayson in the bath referred to here as Janet, but can you spot and name any others.

Janus Volume 1 No 10 - Janus Publications 1972

Dawn Grayson

Second Time Out

This is only the second time we've seen DAWN GRAYSON, but it makes no difference. We're out cold all right, just as we were when we met her the first time. It's exhilarating when you come to and realise how impressionable you still are.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Dawn Grayson and Penny Winters

Plain and Fancy - Modern Life 1968

Footless and fancy free used to be a popular expression, but with the coming of the new mod fashions, fancy is no longer free it is in strong competition with the plain sheer stocking. On these and on the following pages, MODern Life presents, from London, England. Dawn Grayson and Penny Winters in the battle of the Stockings. Dawn, wearing the plain, sheer stockings, is one of London's top models. Penny, in plaid stockings, is one of England's leading strippers.

The battle is on. Here Penny and Dawn face each other. Dawn leads with long, leggy advance with no holds barred. Penny on the other hand, counters with a foot-on-bench and peeka-boo lead.

Not to be out manoeuvred, Dawn returns with a full body attack with arms high, chest out, stomach in and knees bent. Here Dawn excels in classic body style. On the other hand, Penny relaxes and awaits the opportunity to counter. She extends her long lead and covers up with her fancy gams close to her chest. Then, to confuse her opponent, she drops into a chair, but she keeps her fancy stockings out in front of her. The straight attack may be best, she observes, as she stands fully erect in the centre of the arena. But no matter how you look at it. the battle of the stockings appears to be a draw.

Realizing that the battle may end in a draw, both girls open up. Penny opens up with a straight right to the patterned stocking. Then raising her skirt high she exposes the full extent of her ability. Dawn, taking advantage of her opponent's strategy, crosses her right over to the top of her left plain, sheer stocking.

As the contest draws to a close, both contestants expose their finer points. Dawn with a right to her head and a left to permit her plain, sheer stocking to score. Penny turns to her left and scores with a right to her patterned stocking. The winner? There are none.

Modern Life V1 No 2 - Winter 1968

Dawn Grayson

Sunshine Girl

Girl we'd most like to bake in the sun with must be DAWN GRAYSON because not only is Dawn better to bake with than the average gas inspector, she also lends a sympathetic ear to our complaints about tax inspectors.

Tax inspectors can be quite human. It's just that they're indoctrinated by the pressure of allowances and code numbers and it's difficult for them to understand why you spend more than you earn.

Dawn says her tax inspector is awfully nice.

Dawn's tax inspector says she's awfully nice herself They have a rapport, and this is maintained in the easiest fashion as long as Dawn doesn't use her tax demands for lighting cigars.

She wouldn't dream of it.

We would.

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Dawn Grayson

Cover Girl

Well-known as a girl who adorns many glossy magazine cover is photographic model DAWN GRAYSON.

Beautiful Britons No 122 - January 1966

Dawn Grayson

Do You Collect Orchids?

If you do, then please keep them in a perfect condition until you have a hundred exotic blooms. Then present them to your wife’s mother. This will convince both your wife and her mother that you have gone off your nut, and they will humour you and coddle you for the rest of your days.

If however, you don’t collect orchids and don’t know the joys of having such fragrant beauty for your very own, console yourself by cutting out these pictures of DAWN GRAYSON and pasting them in your album. Your friends will all be delighted to let you show them your album from then on.

Dawn is a Luton girl who loves gardening and landscape-painting.

Spick No 132 - August 1965

Dawn Grayson

Nice Finish

In fact, we don't know how to make a better finish than with DAWN GRAYSON. Dawn is still in the United States, still slaying the cowboys and the oilmen, but she looks as English as ever.

Dawn Grayson

I Was Just Testing The Water

We couldn’t help asking DAWN GRAYSON if she’d got into her foamy bath before she was quite ready for it.

If you must know, said Dawn, I was just testing the water when I slipped and fell in. I was still wearing my undies at the time. It does happen, you know.

Actually, when we were in Persia we used to take a standing shower in full drill uniform, and after stepping out we just stood around and in no time everything dried out fine.

Sounds barmy, said Dawn, and awfully damp. Still, once you're in you’re in and you might as well stay there. You can wash your smalls while you’re still wearing them.

It’s a bit like cooking your breakfast with your hat and coat on, isn’t it?

With the rain coming through the kitchen ceiling. That, said Dawn, sounds even barmier.

Dawn Grayson

You’ve Gone a Little Mad

There’s so much that’s crazy in today’s fashions for the girl who wants to be gear or groovy, that you can’t blame any girl who goes a little mad in trying to keep up with the unconventional. Which is why DAWN GRAYSON is currently sporting a trend-setting garment of the I920’s— well, she says that’s about when she heard they were last worn.

Imagine it, forty years in a museum and they’re still as good as new.