Laurette Atkin

You Know What Sailors Are

Sailors are men who go round the world in ships and find out the phone numbers of the curviest girls in every port. As soon as they dock, they get on the nearest blower.

"Hello, is that you, Rosie? This is Bert."

"Oh, how thrilling. Come right round and ring three times. That'll just give me time to load my shotgun."

Well, you know what sailors are. Sometimes it makes the girls real mad.

Of course, not all sailors are like Bert.

LAURETTE ATKIN is a sailor. She sails in Poole Harbour all wrapped up in mustard-coloured oilskins when it's rough. She's got a 12-foot dinghy and she can sail rings round the marker buoys when the tiller gets stuck.

She wasn't out in her dinghy when we took these photographs of her. She was just outside Bournemouth, and she was having a landlubber's holiday or something. Later we went to crew for her. We fell overboard. It was a shockingly wet way to go.

Span No 182 - October 1969