Vintage Stockings Archive

Strip Poker

Another random picture from the internet, and I have no idea of its origins, but I like it. Five girls are playing what I guess is supposed to be strip poker. When looking at pictures, I often try to think about the moment the picture was taken, and this one must have been quite a lot of fun, I am sure. If anybody knows more about it, then it would be good to hear from you directly or via a quick comment.

Nicola Taylor

Tight Squeeze For Nicola

These two pictures were featured in Span No. 243, during the twilight of ToCo’s run. They were probably taken much earlier, as they were certainly in the business of regurgitating pictures at this time that had not been used from earlier sets. 

There is no mumbo jumbo attached to them; they were just being used to advertise the sale of prints and to fill space. 

Nicola is clearly wearing tights with her knickers over the top, which was more common when tights were starting to become more popular.

Span No 243 - November 1974

Jan Warner

P.T. Pet

It's nice to be in Wales now, bach. Nice and invigorating. Well, it is at a certain summer school where the physical training instructor happens to be JAN WARNER, gymslip and all.
But fellers who roll up thinking what a dish don't half get the palsied vertigo-colloquial language for the shakes when she gets them hooted and booted into their first P.T. session of the day, which happens to be well before breakfast.
It's all strictly tutorial with Jan. She's only got one thought as far as the male students are concerned, and that's to lick them all into a decent shape.
What a pet.
We took these pin-up pics of her just to let you see what lovely legs she's got and that she's in utterly enchanting shape herself.

Spick No 262 - September 1975

Joan Glover

Beach Party!

Two more odd and unpublished pictures of Joan Glover. All are very ToCo bizarre again, with Joan dressed in shorts, a bikini top, and, of course, white heels, while balancing on a fallen tree somewhere in the countryside with a beach ball. All it really needs now is a herd of cows in the background. Many thanks again to tocofan for this contribution.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Mystery Model Set

Another set of digital images that came with the transfer of the Vintage Stockings Archive drives. I have no idea of their origins; any extra information is always welcome and helpful. Most of all, enjoy them.

Paula - Private Collection


Three more great pictures of Paula in her spotty dress, which would be more suited to a prom rather than a walk in the countryside. What would you think if you came across them while out walking the dog?

Margaret Wade


We did give you some shots of MARGARET WADE in our January issue, and berserk readers kept ringing up to ask for more. Well, we found some additional shots of Margaret-indoor pics this time-and here they are. Only this time don't sound so hysterical on the phone.

Just to remind you, Margaret is a receptionist and a lover of the countryside, and if you ever see a horse looking particularly handsome because of its rider, and the location is Sussex, then it could be Margaret out for a gallop over the Downs.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Paula - Private Collection


Another three great pictures of our oh-so-sexy and desirable nurse, Paula, messing about in the countryside, with more to come from the same set later this month.

Sara Stuart

Is That Better

Is what better?
The telly, silly. Is the picture better?
The young man said that as far as he was concerned the television was entirely non-existent, since he had never believed that any inanimate man-made object, no matter how many dials and wires it had, could be regarded as real when compared with that which was a gift of nature.
SARA STUART, Ayrshire girl, thought he was trying to give a lecture on social welfare. Beautiful but by no means vain, Sara had no idea just how much better she looked than the television set.
The young man, quite earnestly absorbed in his subject, went on about tramcars and monuments, lucidly dissecting the argument that these things can be looked at with sympathy and admiration, and emphasising his own argument about things that really mattered.
At the end of it all Sara, a secretary with a liking for classical music, said she supposed that what he meant was that he wasn't bothered about the television programme.
"Oh good," said the young man, "you've caught on. How about coming out to dinner with me?'
"I was beginning to think,' said Sara,' that you'd never ask.'

Beautiful Britons No 181 - 1970

Private Collection - Mystery Model

Smoking Girl

I only have these four pictures of this girl with no name from the private collection of negatives. I am going to call her the "smoking girl." I like her; she has a pretty face and a lovely smile, and as so many of them do, she gives us that knowing look that says, "Look what I might have on offer." Enjoy the pictures from a time that was suggestive, teasing, and just fun.

Samantha Brown

What Could Be More Appropriate?

Life is full of intriguing little surprises.

When we found SAMANTHA BROWN she herself was a delicious surprise, because we were actually looking for a surplus beer barrel in a coopers' yard. We wanted to go over Niagara Falls in it and get our name in the North American papers. Anyway, we couldn't find one comfortable enough, so we gave up and bumped into this delicious surprise, who turned out to be a lovely Hampshire girl.

Samantha provided the intriguing little surprise because we found out that as a pin-up girl, with a particular flair for modelling lingerie, she is also a part-time underwear representative. Yes indeed, what could be more appropriate than that?

Samantha is twenty-five, and a happy housewife with what her husband calls a divine talent for gardening.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971