Cherie Scott

Pride Of The Scotts

Well, many a Scots girl has graced our pages and brought many a smile and many a sigh to appreciative males everywhere, including (just for the record) Albania.

Pride of all the Scots is CHERIE SCOTT, music graduate, and a girl who at the tender age of 22 can fence, skate, swim and throw you from here to eternity at judo.

So wouldn't you be proud of her if she belonged to you? All right, Luke, don't go all coy. You can always go to music classes and look for one just like Cherie.

Luke could be unlucky. There probably aren't any others just like Cherie.

They don't grow like chestnuts, you know. Just one every so often. Auburn, vivacious, cheeky, and with those classically symmetrical statistics of 36-24-36.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Ann Grainger, Jane Rennie and Cherie Scott

Ann Grainger, Jane Rennie and Cherie Scott

Three very popular ToCo lovelies. I'm not sure if this picture was ever used in a magazine without having to search through all my copies. If it wasn't, then it should have been. It has been taken from a contact sheet and is another nice contribution from tocofan.

Cheri Scott

Why Men Leave Home

Some market researcher asked CHERI SCOTT the question. It was all to do with something neurotic.

"Well," said Cheri, an outspoken Scot, "it's my opinion that men leave home to go to work, to attend a football match, to chase the milkman, to go for a pint or to post a letter. After that they either get back home on time or they get back late, and if they get back late, they get thumped, and if you keep standing in my way and make me late you'll get thumped too."

That's what they call very succinct.

Spick and Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Jane Rennie – Cherie Scott – Ann Grainger

Friends Frolicking in the Countryside

Friends Frolicking in the Countryside. These pictures are from sets that appeared in Spick No’s 116 & 117 (July and August 1963) and which were regurgitated for our enjoyment again in Spick & Span Extra No 55, Summer 1975.

These, of course, have been colourised; the jury is out as far as I am concerned, but definitely worth a showing. Many thanks for this contribution.

Jane Rennie - Cherie Scott - Ann Grainger

Jane Rennie and Cherie Scott


Gamesmanship, as all you sporty fiends know, is the art of making sure the other feller keeps to the rules while you elasticate them. If you still lose it’s something to do with the fact that you’re a dead loss at games anyway, and it would be advisable to go round the world on a pogo-stick and not get mixed up with sport of any kind.

This is the way gamesmanship was applied when JANE RENNIE, brunette, met CHERIE SCOTT, blonde, in a local version of talkative Hide-and-Seek.

“Oh look, I can’t see.”

“Ah, ma Cherie, you’re not supposed to. You find out where I am by concentrating on the direction of my voice. How do you like my striped shorts?”

“Oh, they’re sweet. I think you’re over there by the dish-washer. What do you think of my Carnaby-street hoopla trousers?”

“Divine. Missed me. Were they terribly expensive?”

“I’ll have to forego seventeen lunches. Look, I wish you wouldn’t keep dodging in and out of the pantry. Am I warm yet?”

“You’ll catch me soon.”

“Oh, excuse me, I seem to be suddenly handicapped.”

“I’m afraid, Cherie dear, that your Carnaby-street hooplas are more of a handicap than a decoration.”

“Did you—?”

“No, honestly, Cherie, they just fell down.”

Cherie Scott

Sugar and Spice

You’ve all heard about what little girls are made of. Big girls are rather nicely put together too. Scottish secretary CHERIE SCOTT is all grown-up and absolutely delicious. Like all the most endearing representatives of her fascinating sex, she loves finding out in the kitchen. Her recipes are guaranteed, when the end product emerges, to make a man all sweetness and light.

 Sugar and spice in Cherie’s kitchen are a must. Sugar for the tastiest cookies, spice for the most mouth-watering savouries. How people can worry about what’s next on the telly when life can be made wonderful by having a good cook around, is beyond us. And when the cook is as bewitching as Cherie, you can even forget about the bomb.