Margaret Wade


We did give you some shots of MARGARET WADE in our January issue, and berserk readers kept ringing up to ask for more. Well, we found some additional shots of Margaret-indoor pics this time-and here they are. Only this time don't sound so hysterical on the phone.

Just to remind you, Margaret is a receptionist and a lover of the countryside, and if you ever see a horse looking particularly handsome because of its rider, and the location is Sussex, then it could be Margaret out for a gallop over the Downs.

Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971

Margaret Wade

Simply Delicious

Down in the lovely county of Sussex, where the weather is crisply sunny in winter, you can find the most enchanting views.

And if it's your lucky day you might find MARGARET WADE over the brow of the hill.

Margaret is simply delicious and can take the most aesthetic mind off the most aesthetic cloud formations.

She's a Brighton girl and if we could ever go rowing in a boat with her, we wouldn't mind if we became completely deaf to the boatman's roaring cries.

"Come in, Number Forty-One or I'll fire me cannon and sink yer."

But on we go, rowing over the briny waves and talking to Margaret about desert islands. We remain absolutely deaf.

So, the roaring boatman fires his cannon and sinks us, then charges us for a new boat. Is it worth it?

Well, it makes a lovely dream.

Margaret Wade

Country Girl

There is an eternal attraction about the countryside which has such an appeal for town dwellers that many of them want to give up counting traffic lights and buy a country cottage.

Many of them do just that and when they're in the cottage they're ready to let the country atmosphere caress them into a kind of soporific bliss.

Two weeks later they're writing letters to their town friends asking them to send an electric mixer or a set of drums. The quiet, they say, is killing them.

You have to be a lover of peace and quiet to settle down in a country cottage. MARGARET WADE wouldn't live anywhere else. Of course, she has a job that keeps her in close daily contact with hustle and bustle and comings and goings, and that removes any desire on her part to own a set of drums.

Margaret is a hotel receptionist.

She also owns a horse. It's much less technologically complicated than a car. She and a horse spend lovely week-ends riding around in all the peace and quiet.

So, if you buy a country cottage ask for a horse as well.