Melanie Cooper

Fan Club, Please Note

An awfully nice bloke called Mr. Garfield Foley wrote to say that as secretary of the MELANIE COOPER fan club, he'd like to know if there were any irresistible pin-up photographs available of her.

There are. And they're available not only to members of her fan club but to all readers.

Spick No 193 - December 1969

Melanie Cooper

This Is The Life

When she's at work MELANIE COOPER is a telephone operator and if you know a more scintillating hello girl than Melanie, please let the rest of us share the bliss of hearing her golden voice.

Melanie had a day off when these photographs were taken. More than anything else Melanie loves the call of the fresh air. Not surprising in one who is clamped to a switchboard so much. The outdoor environment is the life for her. There she can gambol free and untrammelled through leafy woods.

There she can make the most delightful subject for anyone's camera, and you don't have to like leafy woods yourself. You just have to like Melanie.

How can you fail to?

Melanie Cooper

Fun In The Sun

There's no doubt about it, said Big Garth to Little Garth, when the sun is flaming hot, you feel more like fun than you do when it's flaming freezing. You're so right, spoke up MELANIE COOPER before Little Garth could get word in, the sun just makes you feel terribly gay.

Little Garth then said there was nothing terrible about it, so Big Garth hit him over his bonce with a large fist, and with hardly another sound Little Garth was driven deep into the soft sand dune.

Oh, that was funny, said Melanie, where did Little Garth go to?

Up spoke the almost muffled voice of Little Garth. I say, it isn't half dark down here.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Melanie Cooper

Farmers Girl

It doesn’t mean that MELANIE COOPER is a milkmaid or ploughs the fields or harvests the corn.

It only means that Melanie, who lives in the lush county of Hampshire, is the toast of any farmer who has a discriminating eye for sex appeal and can get his mind off his beetroots.

That’s not difficult for a farmer’s boy when Melanie is around the place, but it’s sometimes difficult for a dedicated farmer. A dedicated farmer is a man who can’t think about anything but tomorrow’s weather. A farmer’s boy hasn’t got those problems. Melanie likes farmers because they’re lean and masculine and look very vital on horses. Farmer’s boys are only for patting on the head.

Melanie Cooper

Take a Letter, Take Lots

We wanted to write some heavy stuff to a recalcitrant agent in New York, and MELANIE COOPER, an extremely charming Hampshire girl, offered her service as a shorthand-typist.

So, we dictated our heavy epistle and then we took a break. It was then we realised what unimaginative eggheads we'd be if we let it go at that. Melanie would go home.

"Take lots more,” we said, and we dictated letters to almost everyone we were on correspondence terms with, and any amount of people got letters concerning subjects they didn't know a thing about.

But it was a rainy afternoon and it was an exhilarating way of seeing it through.