Kim Dale

Crazy Stockings

Should employers have any say in what a secretary should, or should not, wear ?

Definitely not, says delicious little Kim Dale firmly. Apparently, her boss objected to her wearing these stockings to the office.

They gave him a headache!

However, being a kindly man, he invited her back to his flat so that he could study the stockings. It might, he said, help him to get used to them.

All that's happened, murmurs Kim, is that he's more pop-eyed than ever! What about you?

QT No 86 - 1963

Laurette Atkin

You Know What Sailors Are

Sailors are men who go round the world in ships and find out the phone numbers of the curviest girls in every port. As soon as they dock, they get on the nearest blower.

"Hello, is that you, Rosie? This is Bert."

"Oh, how thrilling. Come right round and ring three times. That'll just give me time to load my shotgun."

Well, you know what sailors are. Sometimes it makes the girls real mad.

Of course, not all sailors are like Bert.

LAURETTE ATKIN is a sailor. She sails in Poole Harbour all wrapped up in mustard-coloured oilskins when it's rough. She's got a 12-foot dinghy and she can sail rings round the marker buoys when the tiller gets stuck.

She wasn't out in her dinghy when we took these photographs of her. She was just outside Bournemouth, and she was having a landlubber's holiday or something. Later we went to crew for her. We fell overboard. It was a shockingly wet way to go.

Span No 182 - October 1969


Schoolgirl Complexion

IT'S not Anna's face that's been her fortune-it's her slim, boyish figure. For a long while now, she's been modelling schoolgirl's wear. "I must," she smiles, "be the only 22 year-old schoolgirl in the modelling business". But now she's getting tired of being seen only in gym smocks and navy bloomers. She's thrown aside the hockey stick and emerged as a woman QT style. Our view? Stay behind after class, Anna!

QT No 91 - 1964

Peggy O'Neill

Sure, Is It Meself Now?

It sure is. From the shores of the Emerald Isle itself comes Miss PEGGY O'NEILL to charm the vertebrae off the backs of every black-hearted Englishman, so she will. She's taken up residence in Chelsea to add to the shamrock motif around there and to show 'em what she can breed in the ways of dogs. But she's really up in the air when she's exercising her favourite sport flying.

Bombs away. Look out, Sir George, that's one of theirs.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Jennifer Goodman

Welsh Charm

Soft-eyed, lilting-voiced and dark-haired are many Welsh girls, and appealing in her own natural charm is JENNIFER GOODMAN of Swansea. Welsh readers who frequently ask for more features on their own girls should find Jennifer just the right answer. If they don't, they're too hard to please.

Jennifer is a wages clerk, and a darned delightful one at that. whose hobbies are dressmaking, designing, music, modelling and men. Don't ask us in what order just make your own guess.

Jennifer's vitalistics amount to 35"23"36", which means the structure is nicely streamlined and the curves just right. Out and about she is glamorous and eye-catching and she's not far short of this indoors, either!

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Barbara Bonge - Gisela Schumann - Verena May

Three Girl Mix

These three shots are all of lovely VERENA MAY, a starlet featured in German films, and who has a dark beauty not usually associated with fair Teutons. The hairstyle can change the look but not the girl.

Windswept on a swing is GISELA SCHUMANN, and snug in a chair is BARBARA BONGE.

Span No 84 - August 1961

Elizabeth Gallacher

Kilroy Went Before

It's often like that. It was like it when ELIZABETH GALLACHER went out to look for some springtime primroses.

But that feller Kilroy and all his fellow travellers had been there before Liz and there wasn't a primrose in sight. They'd all been nicked.

It didn't actually make life inconsolably desolate for Liz, but it did put her right off Kilroy.

Kilroy, you remember if you're old enough was the legendary character who became famous during the Second World War. Whenever a pub sold out of beer, or you turned up for a date and found your girlfriend had gone off with someone else, it was a case of "Kilroy was here hard luck, mate."

You probably know all that. You probably want to know about Liz, not the unspeakable Kilroy.

Well, Liz is a Scottish girl and a real dream of a girl.

Absolutely lovely legs and beautiful eyes

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Diana Welsher

Moon Goddess

Moon Goddess…

Would you know a pure goddess of the moon if you saw one?

You wouldn't? Then we suggest you look more closely at the photograph, which, incidentally, is of a lovely girl named Diana Welsher. Our infallible Dictionary of Girl's Names assures us that the name Diana means pure goddess of the moon. This rather seems to prove something, if only that Dictionaries of Girls' Names are a lot of rubbish.

Did Diana think she matched up to the title of "Pure Goddess of the Moon?"

'Depends on what you mean by pure,' she said, giving us a shrewd look. "I mean, I like pure things. Like pure whisky, for instance never any water with it.' But what about the "Goddess of the Moon" bit?

"Maybe that fits, too," she said. "I'm out late most nights with friends .. maybe I see more of the moon than the sun."

Diana has a good life. Parties every night and nothing to do but relax during the day ... Seems her father owns seventeen gold mines, and her mother has just inherited two and a half million pounds from an uncle who had twenty-three oil wells. On top of this, Diana won £25,000 last week on her premium bond. But, she says, she's not going to let the £25,000 change her life. She'll put it away in the bank and carry on exactly as before lazing in the sun, sipping iced Pimm’s, perhaps a taste of caviar for elevens, provided she's awake by then, of course. A glass or two of champagne when she feels in need of mild refreshment.

At this point we had to leave, as her father had just come home with a present for her.

"Oh, not another steam yacht, daddy," we heard her protest.

Well, being a Pure Goddess of the Moon can be rather a strain sometimes.

Mustang No 5 - 1968

Dawn Grayson

Second Time Out

This is only the second time we've seen DAWN GRAYSON, but it makes no difference. We're out cold all right, just as we were when we met her the first time. It's exhilarating when you come to and realise how impressionable you still are.

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Ann Leslie

Bounce is Beautiful

Ah dear, when you're young what is more beautiful than bounce? All that youth and vitality, all that urge to jump around and dance about and look as irrepressible as ANN LESLIE. If you've got a pain in your tibia, it probably makes you wince just to look at Ann cavorting so uninhibitedly, in which case go and put a hot plaster on. And have a nice cup of cocoa.

Span No 182 - October 1969

Anne Montgomery

Cover Girl

This month's very decorative cover girl is model ANNE MONTGOMERY much-travelled girl who wants to travel even more. Every time she goes away, of course, it's a pleasure to welcome her back, but it's a dud world in between.

Beautiful Britons No 106 - August 1964

Linda Deane

Don't Go Away

If there's one thing, we couldn't stand at the moment it's having LINDA DEANE go away.

We're going through a bit of a grotty period just about now, like finding nothing in our little black box and gorgeous girls deciding there are better things in life than us.

If we woke up one morning and read in a newspaper that Linda, our favourite outdoor dolly-bird, had gone off to Greenland it would just about screw us into lacerated finitis. That's some kind of Latin for some kind of depressed fragility and there's no cure except a win on the pools.

Still, cheer up, eh? Linda's doing fine modelling in London and she's not likely to go away yet.

Unless she gets a win on the pools.

Beautiful Britons No 168 - Nov 1969

Fay Stevens

Sun In Her Eyes

Our cover girl this month is one of your favourite pin-ups from Kent, FAY STEVENS, here caught with the sun in her eyes.

A secretary with a bustling, progressive company in the City of London, Fay is all for progress but not for bustling. She likes to go through each day on a note of quiet confidence, as distinct from the more spectacular secretaries who sweep in and out like vibrant motor-mowers.

Fay's favourite sport is tennis, and though we don't know what her rating is as a singles player we're pretty sure she's in constant demand at mixed doubles. Who cares about winning all that much, anyway?

Beautiful Britons No 120 - November 1965

Sally Ann Scott

Cover Girl

Adorning our cover this month is beautiful London model SALLY ANN SCOTT, just right for boosting your morale if you're alone in a tent.

And if your tent is in the middle of the Nevada desert, you're really alone, and the only boost to do you the most good would be Sally Ann herself walking in on you with a jug of ice-cold fruit juice. Or maybe you don't drink?

You'd prefer a good book? As long as Sally Ann brought it in person? You'll be lucky, with all those public libraries available in Las Vegas.

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961