Vanda Vane-Dotson
/Are you looking at me?
Two interesting pictures of Vanda, in which she appears to have pulled her underskirt up to her neck and over her arms to conceal her obviously braless top.
From an original print.
Two interesting pictures of Vanda, in which she appears to have pulled her underskirt up to her neck and over her arms to conceal her obviously braless top.
From an original print.
Many thanks again to TocoFan for his comments on the Delta Pictures post. The girl featured in the Parisiennes book is we think Maria Montez, who had a couple of ToCo appearances in Spick No. 237 and Beautiful Britons No. 217. The other girl featured with Maria in the scan that TocoFan sent in is Helena McGuire, who was seen just once in Spick and Span Extra No. 50. These sets and pictures tie in nicely with TocoFan’s comments, as all those pictures appeared in magazines published in late 1973 and early 1974.
The gallery shows the scanned images sent in by TocoFan, along with pictures from The Parisiennes book and the photos used in the ToCo book sets featuring Helena and Maria. Judge for yourselves.
I do find it hard to believe that nobody has any more information on these Delta books, which are quite nice. Surely, someone must have collected them and know a little more about them or the publisher. Contact me privately if you don’t want to leave a comment. It is just nice to keep all this information up to date.
Check Maria's and Helena’s tags below to see the original ToCo sets.
To me, Linda always looks like she’s up for a bit of fun, and these two pictures are no exception. She has that naughty 'come and get it' glint in her eyes. Linda was a popular model during the 1970s, appearing in all kinds of magazines in addition to her appearances for ToCo.
From an original print.
You have got to love a buttoned-up skirt, especially when worn by Marie Graham. Scan from an original print.
Here are two more great pictures of Jane Paul messing about in the hall. What a welcome home that would be!
From an original print.
Who remembers these? Most of us, I would imagine.
Remember the days when you sent away for a catalogue or free leaflet from a small advert in Exchange and Mart? It was a long time before the internet, when we used postal orders and prepaid envelopes. You would have to wait and check the post until it arrived. What a treat when it eventually did! Viewing the scantily clad models, and if you were lucky enough, you ordered underwear and clothing that you and your partner could enjoy. Of course, the whole process took a couple of weeks—certainly no next-day or Prime delivery. But that anticipation seemed to heighten the whole experience.
Well, now these catalogues from the 1970s, 80s, and 90s are highly collectible. Over the years, I have acquired hundreds of them, often finding a few in a box as part of a book collection. They were considered throwaway items, and like many, I just chucked them in a box and forgot about them until now.
As a bit of a change and light relief from other duties, I have started to list them on eBay, and I am finding they are very popular with collectors. Why not have a look just to rekindle those happy memories of a world of see-through nylon, crotchless panties, peep-hole bras, baby dolls, and sexy dresses?
In the early 80s, I had neighbours who must have been in their early twenties, and she used to hang just such underwear on the washing line, which always brightened my day. Little pleasures keep us going.
Comments are welcome, but please keep it clean and fun.
Great smile, great knickers, and check out the nipple covers (or pasties, as they seem to be referred to nowadays). Scanned from an original print.
Fay always appeared so serious, seen before in this location both dressed and undressed, in tan and black stockings. It was said that her husband took many of Fay’s pictures. She was certainly popular with ToCo, making 34 appearances over the years.
From an original print.
I love pictures like this: cars, girls, fully fashioned stockings, and just check out those silver mules. I have this as an original late '50s/early '60s print. Can anyone identify the model?
Cherie looks incredibly sexy doing who knows what in the kitchen, but honestly, who cares? Just enjoy the pictures.
From an original print.
From an original print.
What a surprise it would be to find Annette French in your airing cupboard! Annette's expression is fantastic; surely she must be in the top ten of most ToCo fans.
From an original print.
There will be a slight change to the blog next month; I will not be posting regurgitated ToCo sets. I’m not saying I won’t be posting them anymore, but I have so much other stuff that I think is worth showing that may not have been seen before.
I have hundreds of prints that need sorting in preparation for sale, and it would be nice to let some of these see the light of day. Many will still be very familiar to us all, so you won't be disappointed.
I am attempting to put up at least one post per week on the Brazen site. These posts are generally eBook previews that feature a small gallery of pictures, but they are well worth a look if you are into the more exotic side of things.
I am still looking for some help. If all this interests you and you have some spare time that you would like to donate, please get in touch. If you live in Spalding or nearby and fancy sorting negatives, prints, and scanning, then please contact me via one of the sites.
As always, let me know your thoughts.
Vintage Fetish
"Pardon me, duck," said the London docker who was on a day trip to Boulogne, "'but what's French for Lulu?"
The exquisite young French thing hesitated on the pavement. She wasn't sure of the question, and she wasn't sure of herself. The London docker was brown, muscular and vibratory.
"Lulu?" she said.
"That's her," said he, "I met her at a charity ball in Shoreditch. Full name of LULU BETTS. Said she was French and came from Barcelona."'
"Ah, zat Barcelona, it in Spain," said the shy French piece.
"Well, I'm blowed, I've been blinded by science," said the docker.
The fact is, Lulu Betts is very much a pure Anglo-Saxon. She has a flat in London, and she didn't say she was French and came from Barcelona, she said she found it a wrench to leave Barcelona, where she'd been on holiday. The docker happened to be a bit hard of hearing that night, but he made out all right with the French doll, you'll be pleased to know.
Span No 236 - April 1974
Two more pictures of Sally McGregor kneeling in front of the fireplace, admiring the long-necked Siamese cat ornament. I think most of us here would be happy to have Sally stroke our Siamese cat ornament. Great pictures.