Sally McGregor

Flower Arranging

Sally McGregor or Angela Perkins. Sally only appeared for ToCo four times, with three of those appearances under the name of Angela Perkins. These are great pictures, of which I have a few more that I hope to show over the next few weeks. These two pictures were never published in a magazine but were sold as prints.

Sally McGregor

Siamese Look

Ornamental cat charm is personified in this elongated statue of a Siamese puss.

The lady in the picture is SALLY McGREGOR.

She's a sweet puss herself. It's probably true that most women are purringly feline, and Sally says no one would purr more than she would if she could slip into a mink coat.

What about scratching?

"Certainly," said Sally, "I'll do your back if you'll do mine." Purr, purr.

Beautiful Britons No 227 - October 1974

Sally McGregor (Angela Perkins)

Siamese Look

Ornamental cat charm is personified in this elongated statue of a Siamese puss.

The lady in the picture is SALLY McGREGOR.

She's a sweet puss herself. It’s probably true that most women are purringly feline, and Sally says no one would purr more than she would if she could slip into a mink coat.

What about scratching?

"Certainly,” said Sally, "I'll do your back if you'll do mine." Purr, purr.