Jan Newman

Quite Moment

You too can suffer from aching feet when overcrowded buses force you to walk home from the office.

JAN NEWMAN felt just that way the other day. So, when she got home, she put her feet up and had a quiet moment with a book. It was utter bliss. It would have been even more so if she could have got her shoes off, but for the first five minutes she couldn't. It's those hot Bournemouth pavements.

''Honestly,' said Jan, "you might not believe it, but my toes were giving off smoke.' Never mind, Jan, your shoes look very pretty.

Span No 167 - July 1968

Louise Grayson

River View

You can't beat the peace and quiet of a river view. Berkshire housewife LOUISE GRAYSON lives close to the Thames and whenever she wants to get away from it all she wanders off to find a secluded spot. And there she makes the view look even better than before.

Spick No 179 - October 1968

Andrea Kaye


Not for Dorset girl ANDREA KAYE is the dubious value of wanting fame and fortune.

Happiness to Andrea is in the simple things. Her one ambition is to get married to a really nice guy, to become a wife and mother and to let everyone else worry about finding a goldmine.

Andrea enjoys walking, dancing and good books.

She’s vivacious, healthy and deliciously uninhibited. Anyone who needs a psychiatrist is bonkers, she thinks.

She could be right.

Pamela Johnston

Westward Bound

Off to North America to become a secretary to a tycoon is PAMELA JOHNSTON of Glasgow.

Lucky old tycoon.

Beautiful Britons No 122 - January 1966

Dawn Grayson

Sunshine Girl

Girl we'd most like to bake in the sun with must be DAWN GRAYSON because not only is Dawn better to bake with than the average gas inspector, she also lends a sympathetic ear to our complaints about tax inspectors.

Tax inspectors can be quite human. It's just that they're indoctrinated by the pressure of allowances and code numbers and it's difficult for them to understand why you spend more than you earn.

Dawn says her tax inspector is awfully nice.

Dawn's tax inspector says she's awfully nice herself They have a rapport, and this is maintained in the easiest fashion as long as Dawn doesn't use her tax demands for lighting cigars.

She wouldn't dream of it.

We would.

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Judy Rodger

Judy Now

Blonde and attractive JUDY RODGER - whom long time no see - is so busy as a TV model it’s a long time no see for many others besides us.

We were tickled to catch up with Judy, therefore, on a day out in the park, and managed to grab some cute pictures when she was looking and some even cuter ones when she wasn’t.

Too caught up with TV to have any spare time for modelling, Judy did us quite a favour by letting us photograph her in the park, and not only are we pleased to have met up with her again but so now, we imagine, are quite a few of her many fans.

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Kelly Rand

Student Princess

Ah, your Highness, to whom do I have the honour of looking at ?

To whom do you have the honour of what at, you uneducated villain?

What do you mean, you scurvy knave of ungrammatical idiocy?

say, you're in a bit of a royal tantrum today, aren't you. O Queen of all the Mountains? I was only asking, like.

 You've got a sauce. Coming up to me as if you had blue blood instead of something like whitewash. Get ye hence or come dawn and ye shall dangle from my yardarm.

 Now now, O Magnificence, you're not in your purple barge, you know.

No, come on, stop all this royal fiddle-faddling and tell me who that utterly delightful dolly is sitting on the fence in your royal park.

 Oh, smitten, are you? You've got a hope, you miserable peasant. That, O Per rival of small account, is a student princess. That is to say, you imitation dogsbody, she is a college student in Coventry, England, who is a princess among all students, and unless you keep your big, horrible eyes off her I'll have you scuppered.

 Oh, really? How exquisite. What's her name?

Her name, O Insignificance, is KELLY RAND. Well, give her my card, will you? Tell her fit crowns.

Spick No 176 - July 1968

Helen Baxter

Country Girl

Lively and lovely lass who likes the great outdoors - she's quite some tennis player, too is HELEN BAXTER. If we had to fall into a bed of nettles miles from anywhere, then Helen is just the girl we'd like to pull us out.

Helen is a receptionist to a doctor, So she'd know - we hope what to do about nettle rash aside from finding those large leaves reputed to ease the sting.

Helen is twenty-two loves Latin American music and has vitalistics of 39"-23"-38", so that as well as being a lively outdoor girl she is also a very shapely one.

Spick No 118 - September 1963

Lynn Joyce

Which Way Round

THE fact is, LYNN JOYCE looks glamorous any way round, but the effect in profile has a particular enchantment for any of us who share the common bond of appreciation. And those outside of this probably only need new glasses.

And once you get new glasses you can’t miss the fact that Lynn is an all-rounder.

Lynn is a Weymouth girl, 19 years old, with vitalistics of 37"-24"-36". She works as a lab assistant, has hobbies which include dancing, dressmaking and modelling. Ambition? To have a holiday in Russia!

Toni Townsend

Is This Arcadia ?

Arcadia, of course, is the place where all is joy and bliss, where everyone is beautiful, and the music is acceptable in the ears of all. They don’t have a Jimmy Young programme, mind you, but after you've been there a couple of hours you find you don't miss it a bit.

We thought we’d landed in Arcadia when our balloon came down in an uncharted area west of Poole in Dorset. Ensconced in a woodland glade and bedecked in filmy drapery was (we thought) the Queen of Arcadia herself. However, after she’d put her flute down, we found she was a Bournemouth housewife. Her name was TONI TOWNSEND but as far as we were concerned, she was better in our viewfinder than any Queen of Arcadia and her vitalistics of 37 - 23 - 37 proved it.

Dawn Grayson

Cover Girl

Well-known as a girl who adorns many glossy magazine cover is photographic model DAWN GRAYSON.

Beautiful Britons No 122 - January 1966

Joan Paul

Good For A Giggle

We know many a girl finds a pair of Long Johns just right for helping her to stave off the goosepimples in the depths of winter, but when you come to look at them, fellers you can’t deny they’re good for a giggle.

In fact, if the comical gentry running the shows at the Pier Theatre during the summer season want to make sure the house splits itself in half from time to time, they’ll always think up a sketch in which the heroine wears Long Johns and is, moreover, seen to be wearing them.

We can’t laugh at JOAN PAUL, though, she’d be ever so upset, and we’ve always been good friends up to now.

Her white Long Johns aren’t her only pair, you know.

Can’t help giggling, can you, really?

Helena McGuire

A Bird Afloat

When it comes to making the most of the Thames tributary just around the corner from where she lives, HELENA McGUIRE has just the right connection. In the shape of a lovely feller who owns a motor launch.

Mini-clad Helena looks enchanting on anything that floats, whether it's a launch, a punt or a barge. Her idea of bliss is that which comes from boats and waterways, plus a lovely feller who knows what to do if anything goes wrong.

There was one guy who proved a bit of a disaster, though. When the engine conked out one day he shouted, "Women and children first!" And threw her overboard. It wasn't the most exhilarating experience of her life, and Helena crossed him off her list of desirable boat owners.

Ann Williams

Ann Williams

You can have white elephants, old bus tickets, a blown tile off Admiralty House and even a feather off an Ascot hat. But you can only have your own face, you can’t have someone else's. If your eyes are bloodshot, you’re stuck with them, it’s no good wishing you had beautifully clear blue orbs like ANN WILLIAMS has. Ann is Ann and you are you, and Ann is a cute, pretty picture on all counts and you’re not.

If you’re prepared to face facts, there’s always a chance for you. Speaking of chances, when Ann can get her skirt unhooked and rush off to an audition it’s possible one more vocal star will hit the pop charts. Ann has been singing since she was two and is already making a name for herself. Look out for this lovely little lady. We’re certain you’ll hear more of her.

And what you’ll hear will sound as nice on your ear as Ann herself is easy on your eye. Her statistics are 35"-22"-36" and as you can see, she has legs shapely enough to win the title of Miss Trim- Limbs.