Helen Baxter

Helen Baxter - Home Page

Today, I have given Helen Baxter her own page and gathered her pictures into a gallery. This year, Helen would be 83 years old, which certainly puts everything into perspective.

Where has all that time gone? The picture I have used here and on her homepage is probably my favourite; it captures her natural good looks shining through in a candid shot with glasses in hand, which we never see in any of her other pictures.

Let’s appreciate Helen as she was 60 years ago. So, the next time you feel frustrated with an elderly lady fumbling in her purse in front of you, remember, she too may have been a Helen Baxter 60 years ago.

Helen Baxter

Country Girl

Lively and lovely lass who likes the great outdoors - she's quite some tennis player, too is HELEN BAXTER. If we had to fall into a bed of nettles miles from anywhere, then Helen is just the girl we'd like to pull us out.

Helen is a receptionist to a doctor, So she'd know - we hope what to do about nettle rash aside from finding those large leaves reputed to ease the sting.

Helen is twenty-two loves Latin American music and has vitalistics of 39"-23"-38", so that as well as being a lively outdoor girl she is also a very shapely one.

Spick No 118 - September 1963

Helen Baxter

Anyone Looking

It’s a bit of a problem when you want to change your dress in the back of a car, for there’s always the possibility that some knickerbockered bird watcher may be looking or so thought HELEN BAXTER.

And when you have changed, isn’t it just absolutely ridiculous to find your dress caught up in the car door and that tweedy-headed B.W. twittering at you over the hedge

Helen Baxter

Game & Set

Mad about tennis—and pretty hot at it, too—is HELEN BAXTER, lively and lovely Scots lass. Here Helen swings a nifty racquet to keep in trim, and Helen is a girl who looks good when she's in trim, for that adds up to the curvaceous outline of 39"-24"-38". And it doesn't alter whether she's playing a backhand or a forehand.

That dream of a shot sent the ball over the bank, and a climb over the bank is easier in shorts than frills—but you wouldn’t get a better picture. Helen is twenty-two and is all set to beat up her opponents in her local club tournaments.

In the mixed doubles we’d rather be with her than agin her—some guy is going to be lucky. But we’re sorry for those on the wrong side of the net.

Well, Helen is delightfully feminine, but if you stopped one of her overhead smashes between the teeth, your dentist would have one heck of a time putting your molars back in again. Isn’t the girl the bonniest lass?