Rosanne Stuart

We’re Quite Sure

In fact, we’re absolutely positive that ROSANNE STUART is just the girl we’d most like to get lost in the woods with. Well, she used to be a really keen girl guide and knows all the best ways of tracking through the bracken.

No, it’s all right, we don’t want to get out.

We like being lost.

Julie Scott

Lingerie Look

The lingerie look is one that certainly suits JULIE SCOTT. As for colour, you can take your choice of black or white. Julie herself prefers to put the accent on sophistication in black.

But, being delightful to know as well as lovely to look at, Julie compromises in black with a touch of white.

Personally, we think the colour is immaterial— it’s the design that counts. Julie’s original design is blueprinted at 36"-24"-36".

Jane Paul

Bon Voyage

If we haven’t put you in the picture before apropos the purpose currently in the mind of JANE PAUL, auburn-haired lass from Scotland, then let’s tell you now that Jane is set on making a two-year tour of the world. She’s a secretary and wants to work her way from capital to capital of all the most exciting countries that so far, she’s only seen in travel brochures.

Naturally, we wish her bon voyage but not without some regret, for two years is a long time and we’re among the many people who’ll miss having her around. You can’t just raise your hat in farewell to a lass as curvy as Jane and think no more about her.

Francesca Young

Now We Know

What didn’t we know before? Before what? Eh? Wake up, the milkman’s here. What milkman? My word.

My word nothing, that’s no milkman, that’s FRANCESCA YOUNG, currently catalogued as the cutest, curviest kitten the photographic glamour world has turned its lens on.

Oh, good, so now we know.

Diane King

Called To The Bar

There are various ways of being called to the bar. If you’re a prospective barrister, dead keen to do all you can to facilitate the functioning of the law, all you need do is pass an exam that would fill the ordinary citizen with a sickening sense of his ineptitude in such matters.

The way most of us like is in the nature of an invitation.

“Come on, Bert, over here—where you been? I’ve had six since I arrived and I can’t do me belt up.”

When DIANE KING received her call to the bar it was at a cocktail party, where the sumptuous decor included a corner bar and a high stool for a long-legged lady.

“That’s for me,” said Diane.

“And very nice you look too,” said the mini-skirt enthusiast.

“No, not the stool,” said Diane, ‘‘the bottle of red Cinzano. With soda water, please.”

Ann Williams

Pop Singer

Petite ANN WILLIAMS it only 5' 3” but every inch is brimming full of talent for Ann is a pop singer all set to make herself easy on the ear of every disc fan. Ann knew what she wanted to be when she was only two, for at that age she was singing to customers in shops, where her mother sat her on the counter while she searched for pink hair ribbon— or should we say pink ribbon for fair hair?

Elizabeth Gallacher

Scots Girl 

Not less than super is the way her fans think of ELIZABETH GALLACHER, Scots girl with the looks to take your mind off railway engines and give you wistful dreams.

Anne Mattingley

Mind The Steps

It’s ANNE MATTINGLEY who’s having trouble with the steps during her week-end choring.

Anne, a bachelor girl, can get tangled with a pair of steps as prettily as any other brunette. If you don’t believe it, send us photographs to illustrate exactly why you don’t.

Maggie McCully

Stripe Me Pink

Well that’s what Maggie McCully said when she fell half way down the stairs. It's not so much a matter of stripes as of legs, really, but as Maggie's sweater is just as eye-catching as her legs, who cares to define the difference?

Just to confirm how cute is the sweater, here are a couple of shots of Maggie’s stripes in close-up. These indicate that if Maggie has anything in common with a zebra, it’s nothing that makes us prefer the latter.

Stripes apart, these pictures tell you exactly why Maggie wins every leg competition she enters—and you can say that again and mean it.

Anytime you spot a picture on the stairs which is as good as any picture of Maggie on the stairs, we’d like to know about it. We’d hate to miss any picture as good as Maggie makes.

Jean Stewart

What’s On?

Well, it’s nothing that isn’t on for girls everywhere, it’s a date with a boyfriend. One's only problem if the boyfriend comes into the spectacular class is to ensure making a spectacular impact.

Girl getting ready to dazzle her date is JEAN STEWART, and whether her date comes into the spectacular class or not, we know from sheer diabolical experience that when a pretty girl really tries to slay a guy, the guy can expect that when they do meet in the foyer he’s going to be the one to fall flat on his face.

This is nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the reverse. Every time any guy falls flat on his face apropos above it’s a happy indication that he’s susceptible in the very nicest kind of way.

It might hurt but you can live with that kind of hurt.

Diane Clarke

Bargain Buy

A secretary has to dress well, you know. In the old days, they used to make do with hairpins, hatpins, cuffed blouses and stiff skirts. Not just on one day, but every day. The boss was never distracted from his work but he often got slightly depressed.

It’s different today. Secretary DIANE CLARKE, going along with the modem tradition that secretaries should look elegant and glamorous, spends most of her money on clothes and when there’s a bargain buy in the offing at one of her favourite stores, she’s right there to sort out something breathtakingly exciting.

Little muted cries of delight, muffled gasps of exaltation. “Oh, that’s a dream, and that’s an enchantment and if I don’t look simply scintillating in the coffee-cream I’ll never look anything in anything.”

Yes, but don’t stand about, darling, get home early tomorrow before they shut.

“What, when they’re sold out? Wouldn’t dream of it. Look, you go and get me a flask of hot coffee and some smoked salmon sandwiches and I’ll stay here and be first in the queue for tomorrow morning.”

Girls are mad, aren’t they?

Adrienne Houston

You Look Delightful

What I can’t understand (said elegant beautician ADRIENNE HOUSTON to her friend, Maggie) is that every time I go out to look my best for SPICK, I seem to get as involved as a cross-country runner and how my nylons and frillies survive it all is a miracle.

Miss Houston, worry not, you look delightful.

Pinky Sands

Perky Pinky

This is another fairy story.

No matter how much television plays seek to befuddle you into believing there’s no such thing as a happy ending and that life for everybody is a lot of old boots, the fact is nice things do happen to people.

Princes and fairy queens and old harpies on broomsticks don’t play such impressive parts as they used to, but nevertheless, take the story off PINKY SANDS.

There she was, sitting home most nights and wondering what to do about life. Nothing fantastic ever seemed to happen and she couldn’t find a great deal of glamour in her typewriter, especially when it came to changing the ribbon.

Then a man who was photographing the bridesmaids at a wedding saw her looking long-legged and lovely among the guests and said, taking his eye off the bridesmaids so that they came out with their heads cut off, “You look like you ought to be a model, go and apply to an agency.”

So Pinky did just that and the agency said what a willowy wonder she was, and now Pinky rents a cosy little flat in town and is long-leggedly engaged in the glamour world of modelling. No wonder she’s perky.

Anne Duke

Going Off Bingo

Percy Blake and his wife Dolores were fanatical about bingo, they never missed a session at the village hall. And, bingo, they regularly came up for a couple of quid here and a couple of quid there.

Then a lovely and absolutely delightful girl came to live nearby, the sort any man just can't ignore. Percy went all agog the first time he saw her, and from then on, he was hardly ever out of a kind of trance-like goggle-ment.

You couldn’t blame him. The girl was ANNE DUKE, a Welsh beauty queen, with vitalistics of 36'-23'-36", and Dolores had never looked anything like that.

So, Percy went off bingo. He sat on his front doorstep waiting for Anne to walk by. Dolores didn’t go off bingo. She still went. And she continued to coin the bingo lolly and Percy continued to goggle. It was always a real pleasure to see Anne walk by. He didn’t ever try to date her. Well, what good is it when she’s twenty and he‘s eighty-four?

Lisa Linette

Cute Canuck

Girls all over the world are cute simply because they’re born that way, and you naturally allow for a few unholy errors or terrors. High in the rankings appertaining to those who are the cutest come the Canadian girls. Living as they do in that great, wild, untamed, pine scented, maple endowed land of forests and lakes, they’ve got something you can’t get in the atmosphere of the Mersey Tunnel, say.

There's LISA LINETTE, for instance.

Lisa is a dancer from Vancouver and besides being cuter is also much more fascinating than any of those engagingly playful bears that pop out at you from trees all over Canada. No, the Canadian bears are darlings, really, and breathtakingly huggable, but show us any grizzly who looks as cute as Lisa when doing up its garter, and we still wouldn’t believe you.

Lisa will be over in Europe in 1965, where she’ll dance her way round the old-fashioned capitals, and if you want to know what sort of shape to look for Lisa comes very curvily in a size of 36"-22"-36". Oh, and if you want to make any kind of a hit with her, remember that her hobbies are golf, ice-skating and music.