Marion Holmes

Back Again

Always welcome is glamour girl MARION HOLMES, secretary to a production manager and established favourite with all readers.

From 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, Marion is hard-working and efficient--she does it for the lolly, of course--and the rest of the time she's creatively glamorous.

What's creatively glamorous, Dad?

That means, my boy, that when she enters a crowded room all the susceptible males create pure chaos in their endeavours to get closer to her glamour.

Where are you going, Dad?

I'm a susceptible male myself, Junior, but don't tell your mother.

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Sylvia Ternes

Shorter Than Short

It's no hardship to us to admit that skirts are now shorter than short, it's when a girl like SYLVIA TERNES gets caught out making running repairs in rural West Berlin that a shorter than short garment kind of catches up with one. We don't mind. Sylvia has just the legs for this kind of fashion.

Span No 134 - October 1965

Jane Berry

Best Of The Berry’s

WELL, this is the season for berries. Gooseberries, blueberries and so on. But the best of them is JANE BERRY or so we think for Jane has that extra something over a mere berry plucked from a bush. Jane, for instance has, a perfect shape, and gooseberries are inclined to be all shapes and sizes.

Jane is nineteen, is a trained theatrical and ballet dancer and was born in Cornwall.

She is also a water-skier and a great showjumper, and when such versatility is added to sweet beauty, what more can you want?

Span No 84 - August 1961

Susan Douglas

Who's gotta horse

Girl who's got a whip but no horse at all is SUSAN DOUGLAS. Could some kind owner lend her a nag and a pair of photogenic jodhpurs? Susan tore her own jodhpurs? at a point-to-point.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Lisa Scott

Lost and Found

Candidly, we're always losing things because we don't remember where we put them. Other people lose things because they're careless.

Canadian girl LISA SCOTT, married to a lovely Englishman her own description is neither forgetful nor careless. Well, not normally she isn't. But the other day she had an argument with a traffic warden, and it took the edge off her tidy mind. She couldn't think where she'd put her shopping list, her money, and her book of stamps.

She looked everywhere. She wasn't half cut up about her temporary mental aberration. Goodness, she thought, at twenty-one, is it a sign of old age? No, darling, just the upset condition traffic wardens get people into.

Anyway, all ended on a rapturous note. She found the missing items in the pocket of her car. Not wanting to lose them again, Lisa decided that the traditional lodging place favoured by so many women before stretch tights put paid to it, was her best bet against further loss. So, she tucked the items into the top of her stocking. How pretty.

Beautiful Britons No 174 - May 1970

Vintage Stockings Archive – Update

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive has been live for nearly 5 months now, and visitor numbers are reasonable. I have recently re-vamped its look and it is working well.

Some of the original galleries have been uploaded, and more will be added on a regular basis. There will be a post every day which, at the very least, will be a picture or whatever else might take my fancy. I have lots of interesting plans and items that would not fit well here, but which I would like to see aired if possible.

Please like the posts you enjoy - make comments and get involved. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts or suggestions.

Vintage Stockings Archive must stand on its own two feet; its only income will come from advertising, which will hopefully pay its costs.

Please from time to time click on those ads, to ensure that this is a viable venture for us all to enjoy for the foreseeable future.

Vintage Stockings Archive – Save it as a favourite.

Vintage Fetish

Carol Smart

Come to a Gymslip

No one really likes having to grow up, and certainly no one wants to grow old, feeling the encroachment of age, stiffening joints and dulled senses, fading beauty. Someone who certainly doesn't need to worry about that is Carol Smart, a girl who just loves feeling young at heart. Her schoolgirl uniform may not fit very well anymore, but it's a first-class way of showing her still-young charms and much more. Lying in the grass on long summer afternoons without anything to worry about in the world, perhaps she reminisces and remembers her schooldays, young and innocent, discovering her way through life Carol likes funfairs, cream buns, country walks and candy floss, visits to the zoo except in London Zoo you're not allowed to feed the animals anymore. Isn't that unfair?"

It doesn't matter if people don't approve, she likes to feel young, and act young, doesn't see why she should have to go through the mannerisms of being mature, when half the time it's all a pretence people use when they're trying to look sophisticated and impress people. Why indeed? For our part, we're more than happy for Carol to laze around in her schoolgirl clothes as long as she likes. Provided she doesn't mind us looking on and sometimes giving a faint, wistful, reminiscent sigh.

Mustang No 4 - 1967

Jan Newman

Bronzed Blonde

Speaking about the Mediterranean, here's an enchanting blonde who got beautifully bronzed on the Italian Riviera. Her name is JAN NEWMAN. She's back at her office desk now and looking as if she's only just stepped off a hot beach.