Lisa Scott

Lisa Scott - Model Home Page

Lisa Scott came from Canada and met and married a Middlesex Englishman she bumped into at the Tower of London. ToCo couldn’t resist telling us she lost her head.

She became a British subject, settled in North London and worked as a secretary who really wanted to get into modelling (how many times have we read that?). But she did indeed manage to make an entry and appeared in some TV commercials and did some fashion and photographic modelling.

When Lisa wasn’t strutting her stuff on the catwalk, she loved flaunting it whilst skin diving and water-skiing in Cornwall. That, and her passion for volleyball, must be how she stayed so trim after becoming a mum. 

Lisa Scott

Cold Day - Warm Girl

Lisa Scott is, without a doubt, an absolute smasher and she always holds a spot in my top 5 ToCo girls. This great shot, which I believe has not been seen before, is from a set that was published in Spick No 185 in April 1969. A big shoutout and thanks to Tocofan for sharing this rare gem. I'm curious, who would make it into your top 5 ToCo girls?

Lisa Scott

Speaking Of The Common Market

The economic, technological, and political franchise which makes the fundamental concept of the Common Market the first milestone in the march of nations towards the ultimate in international interdependence - Well, go on.

I've lost the place. Where was I?

Approaching the ultimate. I didn't understand a word of it. Don't you ever think of anything except economics, politics, and technology?

Would it surprise you to know I only think of economics, politics, and technology to take my mind off the whimsical factors of life?

What's upsetting you?

My susceptibility when confronted by the whimsical. Girls are whimsical. They're also, shatteringly traumatic. They make me feel as if l've been run over by a milk float. Take LISA SCOTT, for instance. I bumped into her when I was skin-diving. She's a sensation in a snorkel. I felt as if I'd been trodden into the bottom of the ocean by the daughter of Jupiter. Beautiful. I think I understand. Who wants to join the Common Market when we've got independent assets like Lisa?

That's what I was trying to say. Who wants economics, politics, and technology?

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Lisa Scott

Cold Day - Warm Girl

So, you like the warm sands and hot sun of the Caribbean? All right, off you go and roll about all day, and if you're not tough enough to weather the winter of Northern Europe go and put your red nose in a hot coconut. LISA SCOTT, who comes from Canada, can cope with a nip in the air. It makes her glow all over and she can't wait for the lake in the park to freeze, when you'll hear her gaily calling, "Come on, Luke, get your skates on, it's a lovely day.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Lisa Scott

Lost and Found

Candidly, we're always losing things because we don't remember where we put them. Other people lose things because they're careless.

Canadian girl LISA SCOTT, married to a lovely Englishman her own description is neither forgetful nor careless. Well, not normally she isn't. But the other day she had an argument with a traffic warden, and it took the edge off her tidy mind. She couldn't think where she'd put her shopping list, her money, and her book of stamps.

She looked everywhere. She wasn't half cut up about her temporary mental aberration. Goodness, she thought, at twenty-one, is it a sign of old age? No, darling, just the upset condition traffic wardens get people into.

Anyway, all ended on a rapturous note. She found the missing items in the pocket of her car. Not wanting to lose them again, Lisa decided that the traditional lodging place favoured by so many women before stretch tights put paid to it, was her best bet against further loss. So, she tucked the items into the top of her stocking. How pretty.

Beautiful Britons No 174 - May 1970

Lisa Scott

Vintage Year

Year of origin 1945.

That was the year when we all stopped throwing hot lead and sizzling iron at each other and the sexy but militant girls in the Army, Navy and Air Force went happily back to civvy street to forget their militancy and rehabilitate their wriggles.

It was also the year when lovely LISA SCOTT was born. It was a vintage year for babies both beautiful and cuddly. When Charley Grapevine was born the top fell off a mountain somewhere and in the Falkland Islands it rained for six months solid. Charley’s year was non-vintage.

Latterly a secretary, Lisa’s current ambition is to be a successful model, and she’s got a yen for eating candy or washing whiter than white in TV commercials. Well, if we have to have all those soap flakes, let’s have them wrapped around Lisa.

Washing-machines and soap powders are purely utilitarian.

But washing-machines and soap powders and Lisa are delightful. “Mum, come and turn the telly off—dad's temperature’s gone up again.”