Melanie Cooper

Fun In The Sun

There's no doubt about it, said Big Garth to Little Garth, when the sun is flaming hot, you feel more like fun than you do when it's flaming freezing. You're so right, spoke up MELANIE COOPER before Little Garth could get word in, the sun just makes you feel terribly gay.

Little Garth then said there was nothing terrible about it, so Big Garth hit him over his bonce with a large fist, and with hardly another sound Little Garth was driven deep into the soft sand dune.

Oh, that was funny, said Melanie, where did Little Garth go to?

Up spoke the almost muffled voice of Little Garth. I say, it isn't half dark down here.

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968

Alexandra Holmes

After Hours – Part 2

Well, you all clicked that like button and, as promised, more from Alex.

What a fantastic ToCo model Alex would have made, with that all knowing half smile she has.

More from Alex in a few days’ time.

Gaby Blaesing

Some Fashion

West Berlin fashion model GABY BLAESING had an assignment in the country outside the city. It was to model trousers and sweaters, trousers, and tops.

Gaby thought one of the tops would look more in fashion if worn up instead of over.

Some fashion.

Mr. Gubbelheimer will hardly think it's quite the thing for a night at the opera. Gaby thought it a giggle. The photographer thought it a goggle and fell over his tripod.

We think it's a little bit saucy.

Pass the iced water, Claude, or pour it over us yourself.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith – Wives and Girlfriends

More pictures of Mrs Smith of Luton. Scanned prints, all taken during the 1980’s

These are great home-produced ToCo fun. Lucky old Mr Smith!

Emma Getgood

Gang Awa

And for those of you who need a translation, the sad meaning of the above is that Scottish sweetie, EMMA GETGOOD, is no longer with us.

Emma departed for Canadian shores a few months ago, leaving us with the feeling that there's something missing that matters.

And if we feel that way it's a cert that they're not exactly in the mood for the highland fling in Scotland. Well, no Scot who values a glamour girl like Emma as much as he values his oats can be expected to play anything but a lament on his bagpipes.

Spick Extra No 12 - Winter 1960

For once, ToCo gave some accurate information.

This is the passenger list when she sailed from Greenock to Montreal in 1960.

What happened to her when she got there is anybody’s guess.

Thanks again to David for this research.

Name: Emma Getgood

Gender: Female

Departure Date: 8 Apr 1960

Port of Departure: Greenock, Scotland

Destination Port: Montreal, Canada

Ship Name: Carinthia

Shipping Line: Cunard Steam Ship Company, Limited

Born 18/9/37

Profession down as salesgirl

Lived at 30 Harreshaw Drive, Kilmarnock before emigrating


Amy – Wives and Girlfriends

Amy had a stint at modelling a few years ago then, like many, gave it up.

I am told she was a popular on leg sites, as she has got very shapely thighs. I don’t recognise her, but maybe some of you will.

She is a wife or a girlfriend of somebody, but these early modelling pictures were sent to me by a friend of hers.

Doesn’t she look great in her old college uniform. Let’s hope there is more to come!

Sandra Morrell

Who Needs A Psychiatrist?

Harry thought anybody who couldn't sort out his own problems but had to take them to a psychiatrist needed to have his head examined. His friend Oliver said that was the same thing, to which Harry replied it was all of half-baked propoganda put about by blokes who had to make a living at it.

And then he met SANDRA MORRELL at a garden party, where there were lots of home-made cakes on view and a lot of home-made wine tasting going on. Harry had tested them all by the time he bumped into Sandra, who was there in her official capacity as the garden party beauty queen or something equally exotic and ravishing.

Harry almost fell down. What a doll, he thought. He took her hand and pressed unsolicited kisses on it. Then he looked into her eyes and murmured, "Come and try my cherry tart, I made it myself." "Pardon me, said Sandra," but I never eat cherry tart with men who've had too much elderberry wine."

Harry was distraught. He went to see a psychiatrist next day to try and find out why elderberry wine made him so unattractive to women.

And after six visits, all at ten guineas a time, the psychiatrist told him it was because too much elderberry wine made him lurch sideways.

Spick No 211 - June 1971

Manja Peruccia

Ballet Is Her Love

If this picture gives you the impression that the first love of Austrian girl MANJA PERUCCIA is modelling underwear in the countryside, kindly jettison the impression. Manja is studying ballet in West Germany, and ballet is her one and only love right now. Ballet is art and arty is Manja.

Manja modelled these pictures for us because we told her she was a real humdinger of a pin-up girl and Manja modestly said she wasn't.

That raised a point that had to be clarified and here is Manja clarifying it in our favour.

Well, do you know any ballet students who can't be called real humdinging pin-ups when they look as good as Manja does?

“Flattery,” murmured Manja during the course of the sitting, “will get you nowhere. What is a humdinger, please?”

“A humdinger in your case is someone who has the abstract or material quality guaranteed to make someone else’s eyes pop.”

“Like pink elephants?” asked Manja.

What can you do with a photogenic ballet student who plays herself down to that extent?

Helen Candlish and Jean Dee


It was the sort of day to make the girls lively, all the sun and fresh air inspiring blonde HELEN CANDLISH and brunette JEAN DEE to practise the egg-and-spoon race for the forthcoming fete. And other races too.

"Gee up?" cried Helen.

"Look, I never was intended to win the Grand National," said Jean, "so just watch it with your spurs, will you?"

Oh well, over the meadows they galloped, like, and in the fields they skipped, and the young farmers stood around and said they were the best thing that had happened to agriculture since Cleopatra.

We don't feel we can argue.

Spick No 246 - May 1974