Nicola Taylor

For The Enthusiast

A pin-up enthusiast is someone who takes his pin-ups seriously and pastes them all very carefully in a large album. Ordinary men take them out to wine and dine and send them flowers.

For the enthusiast, pin-up pictures of NICOLA TAYLOR are a must, and here is Nicola looking so delightful that any enthusiast would want to paste her in his album.

Julie Lane

Boy Meets Girl

Well, there was this fabulously scintillating bird in the Berkeley-Square discotheque, and there was this shy but handsome six-footer from Palmers Green. The name of the lovely dolly was JULIE LANE, and the name of the handsome hunk was Edwin, and he was so taken with her that despite his embarrassing lack of confidence he had to introduce himself and find out if she was infatuated with him.

Then up came a reasonably-built guy, about five feet seven, and poked Edwin in the eye. Boy, it seemed, had already met girl, and Edwin was so obviously de trop that he went straight home to auntie. Julie, a lovely London model, was quite tickled. A girl likes to feel fellers can get emotional about her.

Cherry Lennox

This Is So Silly

It’s regrettable to turn up at the wrong party and unfortunate if you kiss the wrong girl, but these things do happen and all you need to lightly pass them off is the right amount of aplomb. Aplomb is the ability to laugh lightly as the muscular bloke punches a hole in your head after catching you pinching his heart’s desire in a crowded discotheque. Then there’s that feeling of something quite silly happening to you as when you lean gracefully on the mantelpiece and the whole thing, including the marble clock, crashes into the fireplace.

Or like CHERRY LENNOX, university student, you can be strolling through the rural scene with your mind concentrating hard on your economics paper, and something really silly happens.

“Well, I mean,’’ said Cherry, “I wasn’t even doing anything and then swish, this twiggy thing sprang out and tried to use my skirt as an umbrella and it wasn’t even raining.”

“I didn’t know what to say except ‘oops’. I just felt silly. I mean, supposing it had been on the campus? I don’t know what I’d have done for aplomb, it’s not one of my subjects.”

“I fell over a skipping-rope once, but this is just too silly.”

Penny James

Famer's Girl

Although PENNY JAMES looks exquisite in lingerie and goes beautifully with any kind of charming indoor decor, she’s really a land-lover.

Nothing Penny likes better than being on the farm, with the sun and the wind about her. Penny, in fact, is an open-air girl, she loves sport, is an excellent swimmer and haymaker.

It’s certainly given her a lovely healthy look and a shape that is just right in a polka-dot bikini. She measures 39"-24"-36".

Lynda Farrell, Debora Stewart, Susan Fairfax, Dawn Warwick and Liz McEwen

From You To Us

It’s quite exhilarating this month to introduce an undeniable bevy of pin-up girls, whose photographs are so sweet we haven’t had to take any sugar in our coffee for a week. (It doesn’t half taste funny but somehow we don’t care). The girls are as follows:

LYNDA FARRELL, girl we’d like to row the Atlantic with.

DEBORA STEWART, girl we’d like to explore the Amazon with.

SUSAN FAIRFAX, girl to whom we'd give half our etchings.

DAWN WARWICK and LIZ McEWEN, whom we’ll probably dream about.

Vanda Vane-Dotson

What Happened ?

What happened?

Nothing very much. VANDA VANE-DOTSON only lost her skirt in a bottle with the bramble bushes. Vanda is a country girl and it could happen to anybody in her kind of country where the brambles are an everyday hazard.

Teri Martine

Let's See Now

Her name is TERI MARTINE, she was born in Southend, lives in London, loves the swinging scene, Continental travel, good food and good movies. She’s twenty-one, her vitalistics are 37-24-36 and one day when the call of her own home and garden is too strong to resist she’s going to get married and settle down.

How lovely. Even lovelier for him.

Marrilyn Ward

Kicking Around

This is nothing to do with people who’ve got wanderlust and kick around the world in restless pursuit of they know not what.

This is to do with local kicking around. To kick around it’s wiser to wear boots, then you can kick footballs, brown-paper parcels and bandits who try to snatch your bag in the supermarket.

Our lovely MARILYN WARD has just bought a pair. She bought them for their geary, modern look. She had no thought of using them to boot footballs into the air. Still, When she saw one in the garden she had a go. How did she get on?

“I missed it,” said Marilyn, “and fell flat on my back.”

Susan Ashford

Scholastic Scot

There are bonny Scots, beautiful Scots, cute Scots and every kind of Scot. They’ve been making their mark for a few thousand years now. And if Robert the Bruce left us with quite a headache, SUSAN ASHFORD leaves us somewhat dizzy.

Intelligent, learned and photogenic, Susan is just the girl we’d like to stay behind in evening classes with. We know she could put us right on our mathematics. And she’s good at statistics too, as would any girl be who measures 37"-23"-36".

Do have one of our apples, Miss Ashford.

Janet Goodman


If a girl can’t settle down for a quiet read without being bothered by a harvester it could mean sudden death for the insect. JANET GOODMAN is not the sort of girl who won’t fight back.

So round the room they went, the flighty harvester and the pretty girl, and whack whack whack went the girl and zing zing zing went the harvester. And just when Janet thought she’d got it she hadn’t and what a fall there was and what a bump. Oh well, you can’t win all the time.

Jackie Blair

Game Girl

Very game girl is JACKIE BLAIR. Tennis, hockey, netball—you name it and Jackie’s played it. She looks absolutely delightful on the other side of a tennis net, but don’t get your eye in the way of her backhand volley. She likes mixed hockey better then anything, it gives her a chance to trip up all the six-foot men.

Liz Harvey

Take a Chance

How do you feel just before the croupier spins the roulette wheel and you've got all your fish-and-chip money staked on twenty-oneDo you savage your waistcoat buttons, gnaw your lip, tremble traumatically or whatLook all nonchalant and whistle a sonatal

Be like LIZ HARVEY. Take a chance and take it with a smile. Liz loves a gamble. Loses her shirt regularly but, as she says, it looks better on the croupier, anyway. She took a chance when she went for a film audition. Landed a small part in the Albert Finney classic “Tom Jones." It paid quite lovely lolly. Liz blued it all on mini-dresses and on a horse called Up The Creek.

Laughed her head off when it came out of the starting-gate wrong end first. That's the way to gamble. And, after all, said Liz, the bookies have to eat, don't they ?

Vicki Ashley

Coming Your Way

Coming Your Way, Cobbers

For some time now VICKI ASHLEY has been awaiting her emigration papers. She applied to go to Australia and by now should be on her way.

We thought we'd let you know, cobbers. There must be quite a few Down Under who don't want to miss her. These pictures of Vicki were taken in the autumn and we don't honestly think she'll have changed much by the time she lands in all that sunshine. There may be quite a few others who'll land with her, so just for the record she'll be the brown-eyed one measuring 37-23-36. But don't start checking up with your tape measure or big as you are you'll get socked.

Vicki was a manicurist before she became a model, so if any Aussie wants his nails trimmed and his cuticles looking nice, Vicki's your girl. Only bow from the waist down first as she likes all fellers to be gentlemen. Don't try throwing her over your horse and galloping off to the outback with her. She'll conk you silly with a collapsible hammer she carries.

Herta Michaelides

On Stage

On Stage, Luv

It was ever so friendly when HERTA MICHAELIDES from Cyprus appeared for her first part on the London stage.

She was waiting with nervous trepidation for the curtain to go up, and then this friendly voice called, "On stage, luv." Herta liked that. In Cyprus and Greece, they use a different expression, one which roughly translated means, "Come on, get a Grecian move on."

Herta has spent most of her nineteen years in Cyprus, where she was born of an English mother and a Greek father. Now she is in London, living in Pimlico with her English husband and working in the theatre. She's hoping for utterly dramatic things to happen, although she's willing to wait a while to appear with the great Olivier.

She's nice, is Herta.

Anne Duke

All Ready For Christmas

ANNE DUKE, Welsh beauty queen, and just the one we’d like to see most of in a Miss World contest ?