Janette Goodman

Cover Girl

ONCE more into the breach, cried Harry of England, and once more into the picture steps JANETTE GOODMAN of Scotland. Shakespeare and Agincourt were responsible for the first situation, the demand of Janette's fans for the second. Elegant, attractive and big-eyed, Janette is a fashion model with a flair for looking particularly attractive in lingerie.

Spick No 88 - March 1961

Mary Graham and Janette Goodman


Playing 'first-pass-the post-bags-a-lollipop' are vivacious brunette MARY GRAHAM and eye-catching blonde JANETTE GOODMAN. Anyway, it's a good substitute for press-ups and not so killing, even if it is hard on the knees of the gee-gee. And some gee-gee.

How'd you turn round in a corner? Janette's the worried one at this stage, but it's Mary who ought to have been.

Well, it was Mary, you see, who had farther to fall. This represents the final sequence of 'hands-knees-and-boompsa-daisy'. but no two girls could go 'boomps' with more photogenic emphasis than Janette and Mary, unless they weighed twice as much. In which case the emphasis would be physical-ouch!

Span No 103 - March 1963

Margaret Blake, Janette Goodman, Jackie Leyton and Diane McCall

Fine n Dandy

WE'RE not quite sure whether it's MARGARET BLAKE, left, who has the fine line in foundation garments or JANETTE GOODMAN, right, who has the dandy line in curves. Maybe it's easier to settle for the application of both to each.

Janette is a blonde Scot from Ayrshire, Margaret a brunette beauty queen from Manchester, and both typify what's brightest about the glamour girls of Britain.

Both have exactly what it takes to catch the eye, which is dangerous if you're out with your girlfriend at the time and your girlfriend is the type who'd bung up that eye.

Come to that, who could catch your eye quicker than these other fine 'n dandy girls? It's JACKIE LEYTON, left, and DIANE McCALL.

Janette Goodman

I'll String Along

It isn’t JANETTE GOODMAN who'd really have to string along—any guy with sense and discrimination would gladly tag. Who wouldn’t want to buy a girl like this a ticket for a dance!

Janette is one of our own favourite Scottish lassies and that Highland accent sounds in our ears like the tinkle of wee bells in the heather. If that gives you the impression we're a wee bitty softie, well so we are when we’re lyrical. We'll string along with Janette on the wings of a descriptive lullaby if we must.

Janette Goodman

Out And About

If that means hiking through the Ayrshire heather with JANETTE GOODMAN, of grousing on the glorious twelfth with Sir Cholley Bentchops, we’ll go along with the ramble. We may not be raving mad about footslogging but we are about Janette.

Janette, girl with the legs you can’t help noticing is just the type to leg it with all the way to John o’ Groats.

Spick Extra - Spring 1961

Janette Goodman

You, Too ?

Yes, indeed, It’s JANETTE GOODMAN, too, who has fallen for the current old-fashioned look, which only goes to show that fashion is something a bright girl can’t afford not to be seen in.

This seems to indicate that yesterday’s long look can be today’s top look, but there you are—what’s new is new even if it’s old.

Janette should know. As a fashion model she has to be up with the leaders, never mind what they’re wearing in a Persian market.

This “how-do-I-look” smile from Janette is kind of rhetorical—for she’s sure she looks good. Let’s face it, she’s in the fashion.

Janette Goodman

This Years Look

In fact, the look this year to catch the eye that belongs to favourite pin-up JANETTE GOODMAN, with just that extra air of glamour we all find so irresistible.

Janet Goodman


If a girl can’t settle down for a quiet read without being bothered by a harvester it could mean sudden death for the insect. JANET GOODMAN is not the sort of girl who won’t fight back.

So round the room they went, the flighty harvester and the pretty girl, and whack whack whack went the girl and zing zing zing went the harvester. And just when Janet thought she’d got it she hadn’t and what a fall there was and what a bump. Oh well, you can’t win all the time.

Janette Goodman

It Can’t Be True

No, the fact is we didn’t think fashion model JANETTE GOODMAN would really go for these old-fashioned longs, no matter how much they’re currently being worn by those in the know. We really thought it couldn’t be true when Janette popped up in them, but as they say in the best technical tomes, the camera simply doesn’t lie.

Janette herself seems uncommonly tickled by them — figuratively, that is (we presume), not literally.

Well, she looks all right. They may be terribly old-fashioned, but Janette exudes no atmosphere of grandmother’s day. Maybe she needs a bustle for that.

Maybe a tall bonnet would also help. Janette doesn’t think so. The longs are back in fashion, she says, but not bustles or bonnets. So there.