Mary Graham and Janette Goodman


Playing 'first-pass-the post-bags-a-lollipop' are vivacious brunette MARY GRAHAM and eye-catching blonde JANETTE GOODMAN. Anyway, it's a good substitute for press-ups and not so killing, even if it is hard on the knees of the gee-gee. And some gee-gee.

How'd you turn round in a corner? Janette's the worried one at this stage, but it's Mary who ought to have been.

Well, it was Mary, you see, who had farther to fall. This represents the final sequence of 'hands-knees-and-boompsa-daisy'. but no two girls could go 'boomps' with more photogenic emphasis than Janette and Mary, unless they weighed twice as much. In which case the emphasis would be physical-ouch!

Span No 103 - March 1963

Mary Graham

Flower Girl

For a perfect combination, a vase of flowers and a pretty girl MARY GRAHAM takes some walloping.

Mary is a long-legged Scot, black of hair and brown of eye.

And that’s another combination—all adding up to as pretty a picture as you'll find outside of any art gallery.

Mary Graham

Medals For Mary

It’s a pleasure to record that lovely MARY GRAHAM has recently won a national beauty contest, and we’re only sorry we weren’t present to pin on the medals ourselves. But you can’t have everything, can you? It’s enough to know that we know Mary —that in itself is a privilege, for she is inexpressibly charming.

Mary Graham

Daddy Long- legs

You must have heard of “Daddy Long- legs” turned into a very successful play and musical, but if you haven't heard of the feminine equivalent in the shape of MARY GRAHAM, then this is where we bring you up-to-date.

Mary not only has long legs; she also has lovely legs. Plus, a flashing smile and a cute walk which makes bus conductors—and others—whistle.

Mary, naturally, is proud of her long legs — what girl wouldn’t be? but will not commit herself about bus conductors. All she will say is that any bus conductor who likes her leggy walk enough to whistle is the kind of man who should certainly be a conductor in preference to a driver.

Drivers, says Mary—and others—are there to keep their eyes on the road, while conductors are only there to keep their eyes on their passengers. If they whistle after me when their bus passes (says Mary) who am I to decry their taste and discrimination?

Mary Graham

Mary, Mary 

Repeatedly the recipient of readers’ eulogies is bonny MARY GRAHAM, lovely young lady from Ayrshire. One of our most popular Scottish models, Mary comes up looking better every time she appears, and if this is because she probably has the shapeliest legs North of the Border we wouldn’t be surprised.

Along with the attractiveness of Mary’s pretty legs goes Mary’s sunny smile.

These pictures of Mary should either prove the point for doubting judges or confirm it for those in no doubt at all.

We hope to see more and more of Mary in 1963, in which case these should be the first of 1963 's many.

Mary Graham

Merry Mary

Girl with the bright smile is MARY GRAHAM, introduced to us by our Scottish photographer as one more bonny beauty from North of the Border. If ever we decide to emigrate we know for sure which direction we'll take. We shan't go as far as Greenland, for the Eskimo girls are too wrapped up in their igloos.

Just North of Edinburgh will be far enough. Not the least of the good things which originate in Scotland is the cute appeal of Scottish girls, and we’re all for appeal as cute as merry Mary’s.