Diana Reed


Yes, okay, we know DIANA REED is shaped in the conventional but entrancing way of all glamorous girls. We know her statistics of 37-24-36 are delightful but not unusual. What is unusual is Diana’s chief outdoor interest. It isn’t muscular beach men, it’s landscape gardening.

It's what?

Yes, we know what you mean.

Annette French

Hello Again

One girl who comes and goes as her job takes her here, there and elsewhere is ANNETTE FRENCH.

Annette was one of the first of the many recent Scottish models who’ve been featured in our magazines and it’s no effort at all to photograph her again and again and again.

It’s different with elephants. When you’ve seen one elephant you’ve seen them all. And let’s face it, when you’ve photographed any elephant you’ve got an image there’s no need to multiply. A photograph of any elephant is as educative and as illuminating as a hundred photographs of a hundred elephants.

A hundred photographs of Annette represent a hundred different aspects of photogenic allure.

Girls are different in a way that elephants are not different.

It’s very pleasing to realise that.

Sally Randall

Clearing up after Corky

Computer operator SALLY RANDALL has got lovely long hair and eye-catching statistics of 37-23-35.

She’s good at judo, expert at crossword puzzles and she scintillates on the dance floor. And when there’s a long-haired dog called Corky around she also has to be good at sweeping up the hairs he sheds over the carpet.

She’s more than good at this as you can see, she’s gorgeous.

Moira Orfei

Cara Moira

That, as all of you who’ve been to Italy know, means Moira, me lovely, you’re dear to me tender eyes, so you are. If you’ve been to Italy enough or stayed over when you should have returned home, you may indeed have clapped your dazzled optics on lustrous MOIRA ORFEI, one of the bewitching beauties currently captivating the Italian film scene. Moira is so good on the eyes it hurts. Which is another way of saying, “Stop me, Bertie, what fragrant delectability—it made me mince pies feel like hot velvet.”

Joanne Martin

Looking a Treat

There might be a tendency these days for many women to favour trouser suits around the house, and if there is then there's a definite tendency among many men to think rude things about trouser suit designers.

Trousers for women shouldn't go beyond peekaboo pants worn by those Eastern beauties who adorn sultans' palaces.

Thank goodness housewife JOANNE MARTIN still believes women look their most feminine in exquisite lingerie. Joanne herself looks a treat in black underwear. How lovely to come home to hot soup, treacle pudding and Joanne.

"Not, I hope, in that order," said Joanne.

No, of course not.

Angeline Dunmore


Could be we’re offering ANGELINE DUNMORE congratulations on looking so lovely, but in actual fact we’re proffering felicitations because we’ve just heard that since the last time we saw her Angeline's become the proud parent of a brand-new daughter. And if baby looks anything like her mama then she's all set to sweep the board at the local baby shows.

We asked Angelina's husband how he felt about having: two beautiful girls in the family instead of one, and he said his main feeling was that already he was outnumbered.

We asked Angeline how she felt, and she said, apropos her hubby’s comment, that it wasn’t before time.

And hubby said he’d go along with that as it was obviously wiser to!

Jacqueline Blair

Cover Girl

Vital statistics of a cover girl are 35"-23"-36", and the particular quality of a cover girl is just the natural one of projecting herself so decoratively that the eye cannot resist her. It all adds up to being as endearing to the optics as shorthand-typist JACQUELINE BLAIR. Steady as we go, we’ve come a long way without having actually fallen overboard once.

Mary Graham

Daddy Long- legs

You must have heard of “Daddy Long- legs” turned into a very successful play and musical, but if you haven't heard of the feminine equivalent in the shape of MARY GRAHAM, then this is where we bring you up-to-date.

Mary not only has long legs; she also has lovely legs. Plus, a flashing smile and a cute walk which makes bus conductors—and others—whistle.

Mary, naturally, is proud of her long legs — what girl wouldn’t be? but will not commit herself about bus conductors. All she will say is that any bus conductor who likes her leggy walk enough to whistle is the kind of man who should certainly be a conductor in preference to a driver.

Drivers, says Mary—and others—are there to keep their eyes on the road, while conductors are only there to keep their eyes on their passengers. If they whistle after me when their bus passes (says Mary) who am I to decry their taste and discrimination?

Penny-Club West Berlin

Some Men Have All The Luck

It happened in the Penny-Club in West Berlin. The Penny-Club is where the night life is full of froth and fun.

The guy who had all the luck was the feller who compered the leg competition, inviting girls from the audience to participate and try for a breath-taking prize.

In case you’re not quite with us, he’s the one with the measuring tape.

“I think this is a gag and I’m not sure what I’m going to tell my boyfriend. No, he’s not the one with the wide shoulders, he’s the one who’s home in bed with shingles. His nerves are all to pieces and so are mine. Ooh, you’re tickling. "

“Oh, look, I don't really want a prize, I only went in for it because Gerda talked so fast to me. It’s the last time I’m going to let her talk to me at all. She’s all right, she’s sitting over there laughing her head off. Oh, but I haven’t really won, have I! Well, I never. Now then sailors shout show a leg I shan’t have such a complex.”

Soulange Ferrier

French Style

Very much the delicious Parisian is SOULANGE FERRIER.

Soulange spends her summers working as a chambermaid in a hotel at St. Tropez.

That's French style if you like. Nothing a motherly middle-aged chambermaid who wheezes a bit. Not on your French nelly, dearest. No, it has to be a girl who could also double for a sexy French film actress in one of those permissive Gallic epics which make you roll about in the aisles.

What a lovely Soulange.

How exquisite to have the bedclothes turned down by her at night. Ah well, it's nice to think about.

Rosanne Stuart

What’s the alternative if you don’t like apples?

The old maxim that an apple a day keeps the doctor away is based on common sense and has no connection with those stories that old wives tell each other.

But what happens if you want to keep fit, healthy and vital and you don't like apples?

Quite simple. If you're already fit, healthy and vital you take regular rambles out-of-doors. You combine the intake of fresh air with the pursuit of exercise, disdaining the temptation to walk around obstacles and leaping light-footedly over them instead. Rather in the way that ROSANNE STUART does—and who do you know who looks fitter, healthier and more vital than Miss Stuart?

Rosanne, secretary to a Scottish industrial tycoon, also looks so lovely amid all that outdoor boscage that we asked her not so much what made her fit as what made her so beautiful.

“I keep on eating apples," said Rosanne.

Michelle Dolan

What a Sparkler

An absolute dolly of a girl is MICHELLE DOLAN, who lives in Bradford, Yorkshire. Goes around with sparks in her eyes, lighting up like the Aurora Borealis at ail the funny things of life.

She's nineteen, measures 37-21-34 and works as a window-dresser. That's kind of Creative. She also likes to do a spot of modelling in her spare time. That's kind of artistic. Well, it is to us. We asked her what her favourite hobby was.

“Boyfriends” said Michelle.

Margaret Wade

Country Girl

There is an eternal attraction about the countryside which has such an appeal for town dwellers that many of them want to give up counting traffic lights and buy a country cottage.

Many of them do just that and when they're in the cottage they're ready to let the country atmosphere caress them into a kind of soporific bliss.

Two weeks later they're writing letters to their town friends asking them to send an electric mixer or a set of drums. The quiet, they say, is killing them.

You have to be a lover of peace and quiet to settle down in a country cottage. MARGARET WADE wouldn't live anywhere else. Of course, she has a job that keeps her in close daily contact with hustle and bustle and comings and goings, and that removes any desire on her part to own a set of drums.

Margaret is a hotel receptionist.

She also owns a horse. It's much less technologically complicated than a car. She and a horse spend lovely week-ends riding around in all the peace and quiet.

So, if you buy a country cottage ask for a horse as well.

Sandy Wallace

New Englander

Model from America is SANDY WALLACE.

Born in New England, she has a pad in Miami and commutes regularly from there to London.

Incredible, this casual flipping across the Atlantic when not so long ago it was an adventure for some girls to row from one side of the Hyde Park Serpentine to the other. And if any of them got splashed on the way they'd turn back.

Now Sandy high-flies from Miami to London about once a month without even thinking about it, if you discount the cost. Notice her American legs? Good for a lot of walking, you'd think, but down on the ground Sandy drives a car. Seems an awful waste of lovely legs, what?

Lisa Casala

Watch What Birdie ?

There was lush dolly LISA CASALA on one side of the camera and Willy Boodle on the other. And Lisa was telling him to watch the birdie.

Willy did. What a peach, he thought. Big brown eyes and all. He went quite faint and when his passport photograph was developed it looked like a dose-up of a fragile hop-picker who'd been at the malt.

Lisa lives in Dorset. She likes the occasional camerawork.

On either side of the lens she's a beaut.

Willy didn't think his passport photograph would pass. So, he made six more appointments.

"One should be enough if only you don't go all quivery," said Lisa.

"I hope you don't think I've got malaria," said Willy, "I just suffer from susceptibility."

"Fascinating," said Lisa as she ushered him out.