Margaret Box
/Who’d Have Thought It?
A few years ago, a shapely young brunette from Catford called in to see us. Her name was Margaret Box and she looked just like she does in the photograph above. Her ambition was to make her mark in the cinema, and that didn’t mean gouging a lump out of the carpet in the middle row of the stalls.
Well, we thought good luck and all that, and reckoned she might or might not make it, we weren’t sure. We knew about the competition and how tough it was.
Well, in a nutshell, who’d have thought it? This year we’ve been receiving wildly-exciting photographs of Italy’s newest star MARGARET LEE, a blonde in the tradition of today’s eye-catching blondes, and the likeness striking a chord in the way it does when we’re a bit with it, we soon found out that Miss Lee was formerly Miss Box. Miss Box was delightful in Catford, but Miss Lee is sensational in Rome.