Lisa Linnette

Canadian Scene

All those majestic maples and all those gorgeous outdoor gals you can't wonder we all want to emigrate from the U.K. Look at LISA LINNETTE from Vancouver, for instance. Hold on, Bert, don't go without your hat - in fact, don't go at all-Lisa's paying a visit to Europe this year.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Lisa Linnette

Legging it Downriver

It could be the story of the girl who lost her canoe, but it isn’t, its LISA LINNETTE of Vancouver who just likes a walk along the bank of the river and the occasional rock gives her a chance to rest her feet. It also gives us a chance to sneak up with our camera and show you what lovely legs Lisa has got.

Since Lisa is a dancer she’s bound to have lovely legs, and these allied to her cutely curving chassis of 36-22-36 make this eye-catching Canadian girl look just the kind we’d most like to be lost in the Rockies with.

Well, in that eventuality, it would be nice to know we could ask her to dance.