Helena Borland


Writer of short stories is HELENA BORLAND, Dutch girl who lives in London. Helena turns her stories out in five different languages, which is a sure sign that your time at a university can pay off if you keep your sweet nose religiously to the academic grindstone. Here Helena, who also occasionally models, shows how cute she can look tackling the start of a new story.

Maureen Stocks

Tops Vs. Tights

Entering the current contest in which old-fashioned stockings are trying to make comeback and tights are fighting a rear-guard action is MAUREEN STOCKS.

Well, when it comes to illustrating what an impact a really decent stocking top can make in the contest, you can't miss with Maureen as the model.

On the other hand, Maureen isn't always around your way. Never mind, ask your girlfriend to participate. If she's a confirmed tights wearer, talk to her in a roaring voice.

Lorna Morrell


It wasn't half blowy the day LORNA MORRELL went in for a session of rock-climbing. Wouldn't it have been better if she'd put on climbing boots and ski pants? Well, I'm not an expert," said Lorna, "I only do it for fun." The wind turned the fun into a pretty picture and all Lorna could say as each gust sent her skirt in a different direction was, "Oh, blow." She wasn't exactly intimidated, only windswept.

After she'd climbed ten feet, Lorna thought she wouldn't bother to scale the peak in case she got carried away by the whole thing. Being a Yorkshire girl, Lorna likes to come out on top of any situation, but when it's all becoming slightly ridiculous, she accepts that that's the time to pack up and go home to tea. She likes hot toast for tea.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive


Janus - Mixed Selection

Janus Volume 1 No 12

More familiar faces, but can you name them?

Linda Broom

Gift From Gran

Reading that the modern girls were Twisting in long underwear. LINDA BROOM'S grandmother presented Linda with some all to herself much to Linda's astonishment. Trying them out Linda had trouble making her way through the bushes and after that it was back to modern lingerie.

But how do they really look asks Linda? Can it be true that these were all the rage with grandmamma? Well, so they say. After all, the Victorian’s thought pantaloons were absolutely ducky.

Linda, by the way, is nineteen, measures 37"-24"-37" and is a receptionist. She lists her hobbies as Twisting, swimming, and walking. And she wants to be famous. Well, she's halfway there for Linda is quite a looker.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Lisa Scott

Cold Day - Warm Girl

So, you like the warm sands and hot sun of the Caribbean? All right, off you go and roll about all day, and if you're not tough enough to weather the winter of Northern Europe go and put your red nose in a hot coconut. LISA SCOTT, who comes from Canada, can cope with a nip in the air. It makes her glow all over and she can't wait for the lake in the park to freeze, when you'll hear her gaily calling, "Come on, Luke, get your skates on, it's a lovely day.

Spick No 185 - April 1969

Susan Douglas

Your Choice - One of My Favourite Models to End a Difficult Year.

If we laid end-to-end all the letters, we've received telling us that SUSAN DOUGLAS is your choice in the pin-up roll, they'd reach from as far back here to as far forward as there. Out-of-doors Susan makes just the picture to complement the fascination of Nature.

There is a certain something about the trees, the birds and the sky, and there is definitely a certain something about Susan.

That certain something about Susan is her ability to look enchanting what-ever her environment, and as the film star said to her publicity man, you can say that again.

Span No 110 - October 1963

Greta Berry

Bright Light On A Dark Night

It was lovely and warm in the country that night, and if only there had been a moon instead of an inky sky, GRETA BERRY would have been lit up in the most romantic way.

"However," said Perce, the camera man from the big city, "as there isn't a moon I'll use my flash.”

"Oh, don't mind me," said Greta, who couldn't get the zip of her coat done up, "just go ahead, naturally."

"Willingly," said Perce, and there was a click and a flash, and then Greta was a bright light on a dark night.

By day she's an office girl, and if we're concentrating lately on bringing you different features on her it's only to keep you happy.

Beautiful Britons No 188 - July 1971

Tracy Reeves

Student of Philology

The girl in the picture is Tracy Reeves. We took her to a furniture exhibition and told her she could pose on whatever took her fancy. She chose this luxurious soft settee because she liked the feel of it. "Can put my feet on it?" she asked.

We asked why she wanted to, and she explained it was all a matter of texture. Her suede boots had the same fuzzy feel as the settee cushions.

So, they went well together. They go well with Tracy, too.

Tracy is a student of philology - which means the study of words. So, she told us what her name meant. Tracy is a shortening of Teresa, she said.

Teresa comes from the Greek and means "Harvester". Reeves, her second name, means a number of things. Among others, it's the name of a bird, a kind of sandpiper, found in America. "This doesn't seem to make much sense to us"', we protested. "No, but it's something to say when you run out of conversation", she answered.

"Can't you pose anywhere but on that settee?" we said. "People will get bored if you're in the same place all the time". Reluctantly she agreed

Kneeling on a table? ? ? Well, with a girl as nice as Tracy, with us it doesn't really matter how she poses. She'd look good anywhere.

Relax No 12 - Gold Star Publications 1967

Moni Carr

Gym Girl

Mad about physical jerks is MONI CARR. Gym sessions keep Moni's tall, shapely figure streamlined to just the right proportions, and she can vault the horse just as easily as you can fall over a kerb, except that Moni will land gracefully on her feet and you'll land flat on your face.

Moni's talent in a gym includes a devastating overhead smash with a badminton racket, and if you want to get hit in the eye by a fast-moving shuttlecock just stand nicely in the way and keep your optics fastened on Moni's shapely knees. That way you won't see it coming.

Alternatively, if you want to slip a disc emulate Moni in this exercise.

Spick No 102 - May 1962

Laurie Sands

Surburban Fantasia

Suburban fantasia are all those fairy stories featuring what a dull old lot we are. If you believe them and you live in suburbia yourself, you probably feel like going out and shooting yourself on the front lawn.

Take no notice. The people who write those stories think you're only living if you dwell under a railway arch and leave all your litter about.

Well, look at LAURA SANDS.

She's a suburbanite but does she strike you as a dull old lot? She's a housewife, she's a happy mum and she's our idea of what a womanly woman should look like.

Curves are always more exciting than straight lines.

Beautiful Britons No 205 - December 1972

Jennifer Taylor

The Way You Are

Now this is as it should be. This is a girl being herself, gorgeously feminine. This is a girl dissociating herself from all that other jazz.

It's our latest pin-up favourite, JENNIFER TAYLOR, who is absolutely certain that to be heavyweight boxing champion of the world is only for gorillas and suchlike. Jennifer is our idea of curvy perfection, and the girl we'd love to climb trees with. It's the easiest thing in the world to get all caught up in a tree and not be able to get down again until the fire brigade arrives. How absolutely thrilling.

Jennifer has begun to enter beauty competitions and you could be looking at a future Miss United Kingdom. On the other hand, if we had our way, we'd carry her off to a desert island and teach her how to make Christmas pudding out of coconuts.

You're crackers," said Jennifer.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive