Eve Law and Marie Graham

What Fun

The one up the tree is EVE LAW. She's delicious. The other one is MARIE GRAHAM. She's corking. There's no denying that the only thing more photogenic than one fascinating bird is a duo of same.

They're having fun in the countryside on a Saturday afternoon. It's a change from chasing up progress reports for the boss. They're both secretaries and both look absolutely ravishing in their minis, besides being prepared to believe men still like to see a bit of the old suspender look. They're both pop fans and some swingy groupie music in the balmy outdoors makes a Saturday afternoon groovy. We didn't have the space to feature all the eye-catching pics we have of the girls, so look out next month for more of Eve and Marie.

Spick No 204 - November 1970

Kay de Lisle

Something To Smile About

Life is just right at the moment for housewife KAY DE LISLE. There was a slight setback a little while ago when six men came to build a swimming pool in her back garden because she and hubby had only ordered a small indoor aquarium for a pair of goldfish, and the swimming pool have put the house itself in the deep end.

Kay soon sorted that one out. Six men with digging gear and two concrete mixers were no match for one housewife and a pair of goldfish.

Currently Kay's joy is a new boat which she and hubby skim around in at weekends. She lives on the South Coast and boats are lovely for messing about in. She wore a lovely white and blue mini dress on their first excursion, with a sailor hat. Off Poole she fell in. She was on the starboard side and never could tell left from her right. Since then, she wears a bikini and a life jacket.

This is Kay in her mini. Fancy falling overboard in that. How lovely.

Span No 218 - October 1972

Sylvia Ternes

Say Hello To A Fraulein

As a matter of fact, the first thing Ben Wilkings did say to SYLVIA TERNES when she stepped off the boat train from Dover was hello.

He was carrying a bag for a Dutch aunt of his, who was on her way back to Ormskorms, wherever that is, and as Sylvia came ashore he was so smitten he almost gave up golf for good.

"Hello," he said.

Sylvia, just over from Germany, had been told about the permissive English in terms that nearly made her cancel her visit. She knew (from what she'd been told) that there was only one thing to do. She was carrying her weapon at the ready (just in case) and without hesitation she used it. It was a West German knockberry.

The Dutch aunt looked round as she heard a thud. She saw Ben flat out. "Oh, do get up, she said, "I haven't got all day to catch the boat."

When you're saying hello to a fraulein, you'd expect your Dutch aunt to be on your side if you got conked, wouldn't you?

Span No 212 - April 1972

Susan Benson

Stopover For Susan

Coming very smartly from the airport is SUSAN BENSON, an air hostess with an American airline.

She has an apartment in London. On her stopovers in London, she likes to put her aching feet up. That's the natural inclination of any air hostess who's regularly on her feet all the way from New York to London.

Susan likes a good book, conversational men, and the theatre.

Beautiful Britons No 205 - December 1972

Melanie Davies

You Too

Yes, you too can be the life and soul of the party if you'd only look a bit more like MELANIE DAVIES and a lot less like Millie Smiff whose stockings are always sagging. Then, when you floated pixielike through the woodlands, dishy young men would dash up and play you romantic sonnets on their fiddles, all the while breathing ever so heavy. Ah, Melanie. Ah, beauty. Ah, fiddles.

Span No 182 - October 1969


Frolics - Maids

Frolics - Maids - Gadoline Publications 1969

eBook Link

Margo Stevens

Put Your Skates On

Looking very cute in her skating skirt, MARGO STEVENS could obviously get around the rink a lot faster if she put her skates on too, but since she's not yet on the rink she isn't all that bothered. She just wants to be sure that the skirt fits before she tries out a figure eight.

Anyway, skates might cut up the carpet, and we don't consider them anymore essential to the current background than Margo does herself. And who's skate-conscious when Margo's legs are so photogenic?

Spick No 102 May 1962

Gina Marzell

Who Wants To Go To The Moon?

The moon man sat in solitude,

Full of thought and care,

When at his door there came a knock,

"Hello," he called, "who's there?"


"It's only me," a young man said,

 And came into the room,

 "Please, sir," he said with modest air,

 "I want to reach the moon."


"Oh, don't be daft," the moon man said,

 "You're far to late and slow,

 A bloke called Armstrong got there first,

 Many moons ago."


Well, at that the young man was shockingly disappointed and to console him the moon man gave him a lovely picture of GINA MARZELL, an Italian model girl living in London, and when the young man realised there was true beauty all around him, he said, "Lummy, who wants to go to the moon?"

Beautiful Britons No 168 - November 1969

Marie Graham

Go-Go Gal

Of course, anyone who goes out fishing in the North Sea when there's an awful lot of winter about, is usually the most dedicated type who won't be happy until he's sure he's got fish on your table for Friday lunch. Do you ever stop to think what you owe the dedicated North Sea trawlerman?

He doesn't have a warm office and a lovely secretary like MARIE GRAHAM. Marie is a secretary from Bournemouth and is the sweetest thing, don't you think?

She's curvily sylph-like at 36"-23"-36" and although she likes her job, there's something she likes better. Go-Go dancing. Marie has so much vitality that she can go-go for four hours on end. After just an hour strong young men crumple and get cold water thrown over them, but Marie keeps go-going.

It's girls like Marie who make people over thirty feel like being pensioned off.

And it's Marie's lovely legs that keep her go-going.

Honestly, anyone who has the kind of job that precludes comfort, coffee, and biscuits at eleven and a deliciously beautiful secretary like Marie ought to chuck it all up and start again in some palatial office suite.

Think what you're missing, man.

Span No 191 - July 1970

Veronique Vendel

Glamour Girl

They do say it takes a Parisian girl to radiate real glamour, and in this case up pops the girl with the cute-eyed look, VERONIQUE VENDEL, currently a wow on the stages of Paris. Veronique spells glamour with a capital G, and we'll go along with that.

There are various ways of wearing a sweater and Veronique knows them all. It's something you're born with, isn't it?

Anytime you aren't doing anything, pop over to Paris to see Veronique in her current show. If you don't have time to visit Versailles, don't worry.

Span No 84 - August 1961

Carol Wootton

Student With a Mission

They don't all throw things, you know. There are a large number of students getting down to their work. Like CAROL WOOTTON.

Carol is eighteen and her current mission as a student is to obtain a B.Sc. Honours Degree, which is quite a mission for one who could go through life just looking elegantly beautiful.

However, those gentle good looks hide an acute intelligence that can knock you sideways if you decide to start an intellectual argument with her. Stick to football or cricket, otherwise you'll be out of your depth.

Carol is an enchanting example of a girl who is not just a pretty face. Aren't you pleased?

Span No 191 - July 1970

Nicola Taylor and Marie Graham

Past and Present

In the past the not-long-ago past-undies were frilly and worn with stockings and suspenders.

For the present it's brevity and tights. NICOLA TAYLOR and MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire, find the present look extremely comfortable, but how it compares with the past look, illustrated overleaf and elsewhere, is a matter of individual opinion.

"More like ruddy sacrilege,"' said Fred.


"Them tights," said Fred, horrible."

Oh, you're old-fashioned.

"'You want to watch it.' said Fred, "or you'll get ate up by lions, and I hope all them tights get ate up too."

Don't take too much notice of Fred.

Beautiful Britons No 227 - October 1974