Sylvia Ternes

Say Hello To A Fraulein

As a matter of fact, the first thing Ben Wilkings did say to SYLVIA TERNES when she stepped off the boat train from Dover was hello.

He was carrying a bag for a Dutch aunt of his, who was on her way back to Ormskorms, wherever that is, and as Sylvia came ashore he was so smitten he almost gave up golf for good.

"Hello," he said.

Sylvia, just over from Germany, had been told about the permissive English in terms that nearly made her cancel her visit. She knew (from what she'd been told) that there was only one thing to do. She was carrying her weapon at the ready (just in case) and without hesitation she used it. It was a West German knockberry.

The Dutch aunt looked round as she heard a thud. She saw Ben flat out. "Oh, do get up, she said, "I haven't got all day to catch the boat."

When you're saying hello to a fraulein, you'd expect your Dutch aunt to be on your side if you got conked, wouldn't you?

Span No 212 - April 1972