Marie Graham & Eve Law

I Can't Come Now

"I can't come now," said MARIE GRAHAM, Hampshire secretary, "I'm all tied up."

"It's only the milkman, anyway," said EVE LAW, ditto, "and he's nobody."

It was all in aid of some amateur dramatics, and Eve was dedicated to making it all look brilliantly authentic. This included getting Marie all tied up and then tickling her foot.

"This is hysterical," said Marie.

"That's right," said Eve, "just shriek your head off kind of lifelike."

Marie thought it was all very well to be kind of lifelike, but there's a point when too much reality turns into how to go bonkers on an overdose of giggling heebie-jeebies.

At which point it's time to suggest a break for coffee

Well, we'll leave it at that and bring you more of the girls next month. Don't get too worked up waiting.

Span No 200 - April 1971

Eve Law and Marie Graham

What Fun

The one up the tree is EVE LAW. She's delicious. The other one is MARIE GRAHAM. She's corking. There's no denying that the only thing more photogenic than one fascinating bird is a duo of same.

They're having fun in the countryside on a Saturday afternoon. It's a change from chasing up progress reports for the boss. They're both secretaries and both look absolutely ravishing in their minis, besides being prepared to believe men still like to see a bit of the old suspender look. They're both pop fans and some swingy groupie music in the balmy outdoors makes a Saturday afternoon groovy. We didn't have the space to feature all the eye-catching pics we have of the girls, so look out next month for more of Eve and Marie.

Spick No 204 - November 1970

Three’s a Crowd

Marie Graham, Eve Law and Nicola Taylor

Three always is a nice crowd when it's made up of MARIE GRAHAM, standing, blonde EVE LAW kneeling on the left and NICOLA TAYLOR on the right.

 The girls got together in a young wives' Club P.T. session, designed to keep one's shape shapely, and we snaked along and sneaked our photographer in to make a record of the proceedings.

 It was fun, really, and being really hospitable they gave him tea when he'd snapped his final shot.

Eve Law

A Dolly out of Doors

A genuine modern dolly is EVE LAW of Bournemouth, and a secretary bird into the bargain.

They don't come more swinging than Eve in her mini. She's a dedicated follower of the Pop scene and what she doesn't know about discs you could tell to Aunt Ethel without confusing her.

There's a lot of serious work to get through in her secretarial job but once the day is over its discotheque time and Eve is swinging. Long-legged at five feet seven she's so much a joy to the eye that there isn't a feller in Bournemouth who wants to go off and join the Foreign Legion.