Ivy Winstanley

When the Dancing Stopped

It happened—more or less—the day IVY WINSTANLEY gave up her career as a talented ballet dancer to marry a man she met when she was at Brighton. Perhaps it’s a bit old-fashioned but it’s nice to know some career girls prefer domesticity to fleeting fame.

Ivy does some part-time modelling to help out with the family budget but on the whole lives the life of a happy Brighton housewife, and that’s one in the eye for the cynics and the playwrights who say there’s no such thing.

Molly Cunningham

Molly’s A Dolly

Fascinatingly shapely daughter of an Army officer MOLLY CUNNINGHAM really is the most delicious dolly.

Measuring 37-25-38, we defy you to come up with any dolly possessing extra inches without the whole thing being a bit much.

Molly's favourite holiday isle is Ibiza, and she's off to spend the summer season there any moment now. She'll work in a boutique each day, and wine and dine with the young people of Ibiza in the evenings. Don't ask us if she'll be free during siesta time. Ask her yourself but watch out you don't get a fat ear for your sauce.

Suzanne Glover

Berkshire Bird

Berkshire is a county noted for its woods and hills and meadows, and you can have the dreamiest picnic there.

You can take your notebook and your binoculars and register all the different birds you spot. You don't need to be a dedicated naturist, you just need to have an ordinary human appreciation of that which delights the eye.

If you happen to spot SUZANNE GLOVER in her own bowery Berkshire retreat, it's going to be the most fortuitous day of your life, because you'll never see any other bird you'll appreciate more.

Suzanne is twenty, a natural blonde with blue eyes and vitalistics of 37-24-36. She can make a picnic look like an open-air banquet, the cheese sandwiches turn into caviar savouries and the cold tea into champagne.

Jackie Murray

Bikinis and Frills

Naturally wanting to look her best in a warm kitchen, JACKIE MURRAY went for this arty bikini decor which, given the frilly finish of her red and white garters, shows how to make a kitchen look really corking, never mind who let the rock-cakes burn.

Cynthia Mayo

There Was Once

A delightfully charming west country girl called Monica Penelope Furbanke, but actually she wasn’t half as delightful as CYNTHIA MAYO, who is not only a disc fan but is top of our pops.

Christine Dovey

Bristol Fashion

Bristol fashion means tip-top and shipshape, which is easily interpreted by a sailor but might need clarifying for the benefit of landlubbers.

For the benefit of landlubbers, then, it means spanking.

First-class Shining bright. The tops.

Bristol girl CHRISTINE DOVEY is all of that.

She's a shorthand- typist, has fashion-conscious statistics of 36-23-35. with ambitions to work on the catwalk.

She loves pop and discotheques and fast cars.

There are lots of tip-top, shipshape girls like Christine in Bristol, which is why the fellers there always look so pleased with things.

Kim Foster

Just The Spot

So, said KIM FOSTER when her bubble car gave out adjacent to a secluded glade, because it could have happened halfway round Piccadilly Circus.

If a beautiful girl like Kim has to take an enforced rest, Piccadilly Circus is just not the place. But this is.

Kim’s a showgirl, and in the showgirl tradition has the longest and shapeliest legs, as well as beautiful blue eyes.

As soon as Kim settled down to get her knees brown, however, the glade suddenly wasn’t so secluded any more. An ice-cream man came up and tried to sell her a lolly, and a guy driving a furniture van stopped to ask her the time.

The seniors and prefects from the nearby college came out early from college and wouldn’t go home to tea. A young man on a bicycle offered her a meat sandwich and an old man on a horse offered her a lift. It’s fun being young and beautiful.

Susan Douglas

Where Are The Elements

It doesn't matter all that much where they are, if they aren’t with us now they will be any moment. They've got a habit of not leaving us alone for too long, and since SUSAN DOUGLAS is well aware of this, she’s gotten herself self well equipped to cope with them.

Apropos the wind and the rain, of course. Susan is just the girl we wouldn’t mind being cast adrift with in a boat to the fair isles of sunshine and coconuts and nobody else.

Joyce Matlock

Time To Spare

Housewives don't have much time to spare, especially those who, like JOYCE MATLOCK, hold down an office job as well.

But if you're as efficient as Joyce, there's always time to spare, time to wander around the Worcestershire countryside and take in all the relaxing quiet of undisturbed rurality.

And time, too, to pose for her photographer, who's never too busy himself to miss capturing her image for posterity.

Joyce is twenty-four, loves dancing and thinks we could do away with national crises if we sent all the politicians on package tours.

On some package tours these days it's difficult to get back.

Marie Auge

Rest Assured

You probably think as you take a shuftie at MARIE AUGE that she doesn't really look as corking as this. You probably think she’s been specially dolled-up to give the cameraman lovely hallucinations.

You may rest assured that Marie really is as luscious as she looks, and she has by no means been specially dolled-up in order to project a sex appeal she doesn’t normally possess.

On the contrary. She is a real Parisian whizzbang of a girl, who raises hoarse cries of “Mother, I want to leave home,” from all kinds of maternally-afflicted bachelors whenever she passes by.

Marie is studying Oriental languages in Paris and helping to pay for her studies by modelling and doing other well-paid jobs in her spare time. Other well-paid jobs include writing letters home to China for Chinese exiles who can hardly write at all.

An incidental fact is that men irreconcilably smitten by Marie feel as if they’ve galloped into a brick wall. It really does hurt as much as that.

Marilyn Ward

See the Manageress

If you like shopping with your girlfriend, particularly when she’s after a bargain in a boutique, you can get very good service in the boutique run by MARILYN WARD.

Ask for the manageress and Marilyn will appear. You’ll be so captivated that five minutes later your girlfriend will slosh you and say, “In case you’ve forgotten, Romeo, you’re with me.”

Toni Searle

The Difference is a Fine One

It's a very fine difference, indeed, between one fashion and another. In floating skirt and frills, TONI SEARLE deliciously illustrates how fine is yesterday's fashion.

Looking extremely summery, Toni matched the colourful environment of the countryside near her home in Kent. If Kent is the garden of England, Toni is one of its more enchanting blooms.

Weekdays she's a typist. Weekends she's a dream.

Leslie Peters and Jane Rennie


If you're over forty, you'll no doubt have acquired experience, sophistication and an ability to recognise a door-to-door salesman who's offering you a bargain and one who's having you on.

Even so, you'll not be the girl you were at twenty. You may look more beautiful—having captured that undeniably curvaceous look which no true woman likes to be without, but some of the spring will have gone. And you're gladder each day to get your corset off each night, if we may coin the phrase.

Therefore, vigorous physical jerks are not for you. They're much more for young housewives like LESLIE PETERS and JANE RENNIE, pictured here in a vibrating skipping routine that went slightly haywire.

Jane is the one who fell flat on her back. Leslie is the one still on her feet. They're both extremely modern housewives with such an extremely modern urge to keep slim, trim and vital that falling about all over the place all seems a repercussive part of their dynamic physical jerks.

June Palmer

This is Glamour

No model has hit the glamour headlines with greater impact than lovely JUNE PALMER, one of our consistent top pops. June is the perfect answer to the fallacy that gentlemen prefer blondes.

June, a London girl, is a full-time model and loves every minute she spends in front of a camera. She is, in fact, a perfect pin-up in every way.

Britt Hampshire

She Forgot Her Gloves

It was like the man next door who left his house to catch his train to work. He looked absolutely dapper, as he always did, in his single-breasted, narrow-lapelled charcoal grey suit, complete with buttonhole. But he was still wearing his carpet slippers and when he reached the station the only thing the friendly porter could do was to lend him a pair of railway boots.

The day was a ridiculous one for him, he spent it noisily clumping round the office, making the typists quiver and inciting the boss to send out orders demanding the removal of some road-breaking machine that had been smuggled into the building.

Well, it didn’t get as ridiculous as that for BRITT HAMPSHIRE. She only forgot her gloves. She had everything else needed to make a girl look well-dressed and glamorous and gloves hardly mattered. It was just that a finishing touch, like neat gloves or cute hat, completes a girl’s look to her own satisfaction.

Sometimes when a girl feels gloves are a must, such as on the occasion of being a guest at a well-dressed wedding, and she finds she’s either forgotten them or misplaced them, the event is absolutely ruined for her.

She feels quite undressed.