Joyce Matlock

Music and Housewives

If housewives ever did slop around looking like last night's night out and yesterday's throwaway, they don't look anything but ravishing today.

Like music, housewives have charm.

And they're better than all those free-thinking birds because they can look just as dishy while being a lot more socially responsible. Birds cook baked beans. Housewives cook cordon bleu.

Well, lovely apple pie at least.

Very much a picture of today is housewife JOYCE MATLOCK, who has longer legs than most dollies and a highly desirable aptitude for serving up lovely cooking. Not for all and sundry, however. Just her hubby.

Joyce Matlock

Time To Spare

Housewives don't have much time to spare, especially those who, like JOYCE MATLOCK, hold down an office job as well.

But if you're as efficient as Joyce, there's always time to spare, time to wander around the Worcestershire countryside and take in all the relaxing quiet of undisturbed rurality.

And time, too, to pose for her photographer, who's never too busy himself to miss capturing her image for posterity.

Joyce is twenty-four, loves dancing and thinks we could do away with national crises if we sent all the politicians on package tours.

On some package tours these days it's difficult to get back.