Paula - Private Collection

Paula - Our Favourite Nurse

Two more pictures of our favourite nurse, Paula. In the first picture, she looks straight at the camera, seemingly implying, "Do you like what you see? Would you like a little more?" Fantastic tease from Paula. Nurses in black stockings and suspenders surely must have been good for your health.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive - Mystery Model

Two more pictures from this print set that I have, but we still don't have a name for her. More to come later in the month.

Julie Marsden

Julie Marsden - Model Home Page

Julie Marsden is one of those tantalising models who are drop-dead gorgeous but made few appearances in Toco’s magazine. She had everything – a pretty face, lustrous hair, legs that go all the way up to the ladies’ lingerie department and that cheeky zing in her poses and body language that says, “so I’m sitting in the boot of a car and flashing my stocking tops and suspenders at you. Do you have a problem with this? ‘Cos I don’t”. So why only four appearances and a few orphaned photos hanging about? And why did she make three appearances in her first year (from her debut in BB112 in March 1965, Spick 139 in June of that same year and BB12 later in November) and then nothing for an entire decade until Span 250 in June 1975? I expect pictures that ToCo had in their files that were taken in the 60s.

Gloria Gene


Yorkshire bird GLORIA GENE is well in trim for what makes a feller turn his head, even if he's out with his wife.

Yup, Gloria is well in trim with vitalistics of 37-24-36, and those kind of inches mean curves that will stop the seaward traffic on any beach. Well, who wants to mess about with all that water when one can lie around and look at Gloria?

We couldn't get her on a beach because of the weather, but we did get her out of her Leeds office to shoot a couple of shots of her in the tea-room. How about that, then?

Span No 243 - November 1974

Julia Seymour

Dainty Wear

Having a quiet time at home, JULIA SEYMOUR was intrigued by the little parcel that dropped into her lap.

She opened it up. It contained items of dainty wear, which pleased her no end. How nice of someone to think of me, she thought. They all seemed exquisitely hers in size and appeal and she was just about to make them her very own when her sister came in and said some people have got a nerve, helping themselves to gift parcels which didn't belong to them.

"Oh, well, the thought of ownership was nice while it lasted," said Julia philosophically.

And there's always Christmas in the offing.

Spick No 262 - September 1975

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive - Amateur Prints

While rooting through some folders on the computer, I discovered some scans I did some years ago of some small prints I had. Looking at them again, they all look quite amateur.
I know nothing more about them but will post the better ones here from time to time. 

Nice little set of pictures of a lady messing about in the countryside, lifting her skirt and showing us her bottom and stockings. All good fun, I am sure that led to even more fun later.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive - Mystery Model

Once again, while rummaging in a box, I found another nice little set of ten pictures. They kind of look familiar, but a name doesn’t come to mind. It would be good to give her a name if we can. I will post the others in due course.

Maureen - Private Collection

Sexy Maureen

Maureen giving us all an eyeful and a flash of her very sexy black stockings, all done with that naughty smile.

Helen Baxter

Helen Baxter - Home Page

Today, I have given Helen Baxter her own page and gathered her pictures into a gallery. This year, Helen would be 83 years old, which certainly puts everything into perspective.

Where has all that time gone? The picture I have used here and on her homepage is probably my favourite; it captures her natural good looks shining through in a candid shot with glasses in hand, which we never see in any of her other pictures.

Let’s appreciate Helen as she was 60 years ago. So, the next time you feel frustrated with an elderly lady fumbling in her purse in front of you, remember, she too may have been a Helen Baxter 60 years ago.

Sylvia Jauqes

Lovely To Look At

We realise we're stating the obvious.

West Berlin secretary SYLVIA JAUQES is really lovely to look at and anyone who thinks otherwise has had too many late nights and can't see proper.

Unlike Paris, where they were slow to admit London fashions had clicked into gear, West Germany took up the mini-skirt vogue with alacrity and delight, and Sylvia is among the thousands of West Berlin office girls who swing along with the London girls.

They're gradually getting round to it in Paris. It's a little bit of prideful teeth-gnashing, really, but they'll be all right when they've got over it. Unless the General decides to pronounce against it.

It won't affect Sylvia. She'll go on looking lovely in or out of her mini-skirts.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Paula - Private Collection

Our Favourite Nurse

How about a couple more snapshots of Paula in her nurse's uniform as a delightful mid-month treat?

Jane Matthews

Girls and Dolls

It's not only little girls with pigtails who like dolls. Big girls with fashionable hairdo’s also like 'em. Take, for example, pretty JANE MATTHEWS.

Jane really loves dolls and has a collection that would fill any nursery. Big ones, small ones, cuddly ones. English ones, Dutch ones, French ones.

The fact is, Jane loved dolls even when she was only so high and has never grown out of them. And they come in all shapes and sizes.

We'd say that Jane is quite a doll herself. When she gets married her husband will find that in addition to Jane he's got a houseful of others.

We don't think any of them will have quite the same measurements as Jane herself, but they all look mighty cute.

Before we forget, Jane's measurements are worth recording. She tapes up to 37"-24"-36". Inches like those add up to quite some doll in her own right! And she lives at Barnet, within a long stone's throw of the London she loves.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Julie Marsden

Layered Nylons?

This intriguing picture features Julie Marsden, who appeared in just four magazines for Toco. However, this particular image seems to deviate from her usual sets. A closer look reveals an unconventional choice of undergarments, with what appears to be flesh-coloured tights underneath black stockings, and possibly no knickers or alternatively she is wearing see-through knickers with the waist band of her suspender belt under her knickers. The fashion of wearing knickers over tights was more prevalent in the late 1960s and 70s, a stark contrast to today's style of wearing knickers under tights. The concept of layered nylons seems to have a historical precedent, as seen in the case of Diane Clarke in Spick 178, who also sported stockings over tights. Special thanks to Tocofan for sharing this unique photograph. Please keep them coming!