Ken Rush Glamour Collection
/Spotty Stockings
Fancy black stockings - not sure what I think about them, to be honest. They were certainly more popular in the 80s and 90s than they are now. What are your thoughts?
Fancy black stockings - not sure what I think about them, to be honest. They were certainly more popular in the 80s and 90s than they are now. What are your thoughts?
An uninhibited office girl gives way more than a glance of her stocking tops while relaxing at home.
End of the night disco slow dancing after a few drinks to boost your confidence, arms and hands like an octopus feeling those suspenders under that skirt as you slow danced the end of the night away. Today’s lads don't know what they are missing.
Over the past month, I’ve been gradually organising the Ken Rush glamour collection, and as some of you may have noticed, I’ve begun listing some of it for sale. As I’ve gone through the thousands of prints and slides, I’ve gained a sense of the photographer’s style and likes.
Most of the collection falls under the category of erotic glamour, with minimal full nudity and only a moderate amount of topless work. While they’re not comparable to Toco or the popular Spick and Span 2000 series of books, I believe many of them would fit comfortably here and add more variety to the thousands of Toco and other posts that already sit in this archive.
To start, I’ve decided to focus on prints, with the majority taken in the 1980s and early 1990s. Most of the models featured were paid through agencies, which gives the pictures a different feel from Toco magazines, where the models were often the girl next door or friends of the girl next door. This is what made Toco magazines so charming and delightful, with no one ever coming close to making that magic again. Agencies became more involved with models, and the focus shifted from having fun with friends to making money.
So, let's take a trip back to the 1980s for a while, with big frizzy hair, Ford Capris, and 4-star petrol. Global warming wasn’t even a thought back then.
During the 1980s, girls generally didn’t wear stockings and suspenders on a daily basis, as tights were more practical. Stockings were reserved for the home and bedroom or that sexy day or evening out, sadly for most of us.
Ken’s pictures feature a mix of bare legs and stockings, but I’ll only be featuring models wearing stockings and will try to keep the settings domestic. What’s particularly delightful about these pictures is that most of them haven’t been seen in 35 plus years (for Ken’s eyes only). Some of the faces may be familiar to a few of you as they might have worked elsewhere during that time.
If you like a post, then please leave a comment or simply click the heart to give me an idea if they are popular or not.
Four more scanned prints of Jane Rennie, all taken from the same sitting. She looks absolutely stunning, showing off her dark stockings and white underwear. I estimate that Jane would be around 80 years old now, and about 19 or 20 when these pictures were taken.
Thick black stockings and fancy suspenders on show from a rather glum-looking mystery model.
Scanned prints of the very sexy Linda, the star of Maple Leaf Studios.
Check out these two scanned prints of the super hot Linda, the star of Maple Leaf Studios! BrazenBooks has reproduction prints and films available. Films have been converted from the original VHS tapes that were sold only by mail order. They are very amateurish and the soundtracks are appalling, but they are definitely worth a watch!
Imagine strolling down Folkestone High Street with a stunning redhead like Linda by your side. Somebody did - heads would be turning for sure.
Four nice pictures of Jane Rennie scanned from original ToCo prints.
Jane was always dressed to impress, with her hair always up and she was partial to a frilly underskirt. She was a real girly girl, in the best way possible. These pictures show her in a white, long cotton dress, but what really caught my eye was the poodle motif on her left breast pocket. Any suggestions on the poodle?
I have called this post amateur hour because I think that’s where these prints originated from an amateur photographer’s collection.
Many decades ago, I also belonged to an amateur photographer’s club and at the time had some really nice equipment. I wish I still had it.
Occasionally, the members of the club would all contribute to hiring a model for a club night or special event, the model was more often than not an amateur herself, earning a few extra quid on the side. Members would then get to direct her and take as many pictures as they wanted, all film of course, in those days, so snapping was not quite as mad as it is nowadays. It was all very above board, and topless was normally as far as it ever went, but it was fun and certainly exciting, even though often a little awkward at times with 20 or so men directing their cameras at some poor girl who was trying to follow our very vague instructions for those that had the courage to ask.
The majority of us just took as many pictures as we could afford. I was fortunate to have my own darkroom at the time, so I did not have to run the gauntlet of the chemist a week later, and at the end of it, there was no uploading to the internet, just hoarding your own prints for your own enjoyment. Great fun.
Who else was a member of a photographic club, and have you still got any of your prints? If I get the time, I will see if I can dig out some of mine.
This is the third and final set of pictures featuring Mrs Jenny Allen. Check out Set 1 for more information and pictures of Jenny.
See more of Jenny in her eBooks from the Spick and Span 2000 Gold collection.
Here are two very different pictures of Gill: one of her looking quite relaxed and dressed up, and the other where she looks just a little scary. No other information other than her name on the back of the photograph.
What else could I possibly add to this?
Span No 141 - May 1966
When a girl steps onto a pair of scales and finds out she's half an ounce over the imperishable odds, it's enough to send her off into a swoon for a week. Antonie Merly means to keep half an ounce under!
Span No 140 - April 1966
This is the second set of pictures featuring Mrs Jenny Allen. Check out Set 1 for more information and pictures of Jenny.
See more of Jenny in her eBooks from the Spick and Span 2000 Gold collection.
Undine, our naughty nymph whom we saw in December, is back on the phone, flashing those black stockings.