Deborah Stuart, Liz McEwen and Susan Fairfax

How's The Weather?

There were three lovely girls, a lot of damp clouds and only one umbrella. The weather not being heavenly, the girl with the quickest snatch grabbed the brolly. That was DEBORA STEWART, and though the brolly may look a bit mundane you can't say Debbie does. Debbie is the girl we'd most like to explore the Amazon with, as it rains a lot there and Debbie can paddle a canoe and make it all look a gorgeous giggle.

Debbie’s two friends are LIZ MCEWEN and SUSAN FAIRFAX. While Debbie kept the brolly all to herself, Liz and Susan just had to wait for the rain to stop. Girls waiting for the rain to stop can look demurely anxious, especially if they've just emerged from the hairdressers, but Liz and Susan manage to look as if it isn't raining at all. And actually, it isn't.

It's all a lot of hocus-pocus about the weather just to give us a chance to intersperse some flowery chat about the girls. Flowery chat comes easily when it's all about mini-skirted charmers like these.

Span No 156 - August 1967

Jackie Taylor

Mini Girl

This is not to say JACKIE TAYLOR is diminutive and can't see over shop counters, it simply means she's infatuated with the mini look, and so she should be with knees as photogenic as that.

To people who view the mini-line and say "My word, l've not seen anything as original as that since I fell out of a balloon and landed in the middle of a Saudi Arabian harem," we can only comment that nothing is really new. Topless dresses, for instance, were worn for centuries by the Cretan girls as long ago as 2000 B.C. Miniskirts were worn by the warrior maids of Britain at the time of Julius Caesar, and then there were all those Roman dancing girls who specialised in peekaboo outfits that fairly took the eyebrows off the Roman nobility.

One thing you can say for certain about Jackie and the rest of her sex. They're never dull. They're always conjuring up ways and means to make you ride your bike into a hedge of wild roses and even then, you're almost oblivious of the pain.

Mini girls like Jackie make a man feel life is not wholly disenchanting.

Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967

Fiona Stuart

Say Something

Even if it's only goodbye.

We just can't reconcile ourselves to the prospect of having FIONA STUART pass us by without giving us a wave or a smile or a word. You know how it is. You see a girl, an absolute eye-catcher, when you're rushing home from work so that you'll be in time for the twice-weekly serial on Channel 4 and suddenly it's gone.

What's gone?

All that urgency to catch the twice-weekly pay-off.

Suddenly you don't care anymore. You've just seen the most beautiful girl in the world, and you'd give up your fortnight on the Italian Riviera if only she'd speak to you.

She could, like Fiona, be just eighteen, with the kind of smile that makes you feel you've only been standing on one foot for the last two hours. You learn to raise your hat and introduce yourself and tell her what a knockout you are in company.

But she passes you by.

You realise instinctively she doesn't like guys who are knockouts.

You walk quietly away and jump off a bridge.

Love at first sight is the most agonising emotion in the world.

Span No 141 - May 1966

Jane Paul

Jane Paul

Great picture of Jane Paul looking like she has spotted something in the distance that might interrupt the photo session. I'm not sure if this picture was ever published in a magazine, but please let us all know if you have any information contradicting that. Many thanks to Tocofan for contributing this picture.

Margo Hamilton

Black For A Blonde

Long Legged blonde, MARGO HAMILTON, is definitely of the opinion that nothing suits a fair-headed girl better than an ensemble in black, and from the way she looks in this outfit we're not disputing that opinion. If you can think of anything, better drop us a card.

You can't be seen at Ascot without an eye-catching hat, and what's more eye-catching than Margo's lampshade chapeau?

Margo is a dancer among other things, and you can bet that when those long legs of hers are encased in fishnet tights your girlfriend won't be too happy about the attention, you're giving this particular dancer. But, after all, you didn't go to the night spot to turn your back on the cabaret, did you?

Spick No 88 - March 1961

Jean Taylor


A great little sport at games, including tennis and hockey, JEAN TAYLOR of Cardiff can show you more than one prize-winning cup and also a rather lovely smile.

We'll have the smile.

We've got more than enough cups. You can't do anything with cups except hock them, but a lovely smile is like a rainbow after the rain.

Beautiful Britons No 138 - May 1967

Nicola Taylor

How Delightful

We can find no other way of expressing our feelings in respect of NICOLA TAYLOR of Hampshire, who is indeed extremely delightful, no matter whether she's modelling the newest style of mini-skirt or the ultimate in modern lingerie.

Spick No 167 - October 1967

Toni Townsend

The True Quality Of Rural Charm

Yes, very well, sit up and pay attention.

The true quality of rural charm lies in the absence of man-made pot-pourri like office blocks and bags of cement. Horses are all right, they fit in fine. So does grass. It's also pretty authentic if there are trees around and a bit of honeysuckle in the hedge adds a quality very true indeed.

A man in a car is out. So is a petrol lorry.

But TONI TOWNSEND is in. This lovely Hampshire housewife is corkingly rural because her charm is natural and unspoiled. Before she became a housewife Toni worked as an advertising assistant, and there was glass and concrete all round her.

Now she lives in the country and goes with the trees, the hedges, and the honeysuckle. Sort of lovely, like.

Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969

Angela Shaw

Long Girl Short Mini

Well yes, that's the way it goes these days. The girls with the longest legs seem to wear the shortest minis. Mrs. Ethel Bubblestoke is well aware of this and every time secretary ANGELA SHAW trips long-leggedly down the road, Mrs. Bubblestoke drags Mr. Bubblestoke indoors.

Mr. Bubblestoke is a retired gas-meter checker and spends most of his time in the garden so that he doesn't aggravate the missus. Whenever he's in the house it's "Lift your feet, Harvey," or "Mind your boots, you lummox," or "Now look what you've done, clumsy." So, they both like it when she's in the house and he's in the garden, with a nice compromise at meal times.

But seeing how easy on the eye Angela is, and knowing retired men can't keep their minds on hoeing any easier than younger men, poor old Harvey gets dragged indoors and put into the cupboard under the stairs whenever Angela hoves into view. While there he checks the gas meter. It's an automatic reflex action, of course. When the missus lets him out Harvey says, "We've clocked up another therm since yesterday, dear." "Yes, never mind that," says Ethel, "out you go and just mind where you're looking.

Beautiful Britons No 156 - November 1968