Vicki Munro

Boots and Saddles

It isn't necessary to bring in the horse, but if you did it wouldn't put VICKI MUNRO in a flap. Vicki is not only dressed for a canter up the stairs or over the furniture, it so happens she can ride with the best of them. Riding with the best of them means that if she takes a tumble at a point-to-point, it's just a matter of taking the bump in her stride. It hurts, of course, but it's nice when it leaves off.

Vicki Munro

Where There's Heather

Scotland is the country where you'll find the colourful heather in all its wild beauty, and where there's heather there are kilts and other things entirely Scottish.

George Pumpkin—what a funny name—went up to Scotland for a holiday once. He hardly noticed the heather because the place was full of bonny birds. He’s still up there and his firm keeps writing to him asking him when he's coming back. So does his girl friend. But George is quite happy, thank you.

So would you be if you had girls like VICKI MUNRO to look at every day.

Vicki is nineteen and a fashion model.

But despite all the elegant houha of fashion modelling there's nothing Vicki loves more than outdoor sports like tennis and netball, which she plays with such bang-up enthusiasm that all the other girls keep gasping, "Och, my eye." Which is Scottish for "Oh, corks."

Vicki Munro


Quite enchanted by the modern craze for boots is Scottish lass VICKI MUNRO, trying hers out in the wintry lowlands to make sure they’re weatherproof. Vicki must be weatherproofed herself to look so happy in the cold outdoors! But there you are, Vicki is full of fun and would be an irrepressible tomboy if she weren’t such an undeniably attractive girl. Educated at a well-known public school for girls, Vicki is now a fashion model.