Nicola Taylor and Joanna Young

Fun In The Sun With Nicola and Joanna

This is another great contribution from Tocofan, and again, believed to be unpublished.

Some of you may know that I am not a big fan of Nicola Taylor, and she certainly would not be anywhere near my top 10. However, I do know that within the ToCo fan base, there is a lot of love for Nicola.

Now, having just said all that, I think she looks absolutely fabulous in this picture. It's a moment captured when both girls are distracted by something in the distance, and Nicola looks relaxed and very pretty indeed. I like the way her cardigan has fallen from her shoulder, and the choker that she is wearing certainly adds to her allure.

Joanna Young did three sets with Nicola Taylor but only ever appeared for ToCo 7 times. I personally don’t think this is a great picture of her. If you have a look at some of the sets on her homepage, you will see a fun side to both of them.

On this particular occasion, I certainly would have been very happy to have taken Joanna's place alongside Nicola for some fun in the sun.

Joanna Young

Also A Lovely Cook

Not only is JOANNA YOUNG an attractive housewife and a mother of four little girls, she's also an enthusiastic water-skier.

And that's not all.

She's also a lovely cook.

How do you do it, Joanna?

"Well, you take a bag of flour, a dozen eggs-" No, don't be comical. How do you find the time and the enthusiasm?

"Well, my husband has this big whip, you see-"

No, be serious.

"It just comes naturally. was born a genius." You were born beautiful, that's what. Good on you, darling.

"Don't be so familiar."

Can't help it. You're lovely.

In fact, Joanna isn't just lovely, she looks like the spirit of animated feminity when she's out on her favorite country ramble.

Span No 198 - February 1971

Nicola Taylor and Joanna Young

Peaches and Pairs

Two peaches make an adorable pair. Especially two peaches like NICOLA TAYLOR and JOANNA YOUNG, happy housewives of Bournemouth who still believe in the mini. From left to right, Nicola is the first peach, Joanna the second.

First Peach:  "I don't know what I'm going to do if the midi does take over. It'll cost me a fortune."

Second Peach: "Me too. And the bus conductors are going to be ever so gloomy."

First Peach:  "Especially the one on the No. 42. He hasn't looked at my face for ages."

Second Peach: "Nor mine. When I came down the stairs.”

First Peach:  Yesterday he said he liked me best in the frilly pink ones I was wearing the day before."  "Well, when Mary Pipkin came down the stairs last week he rang the bell six times and fell off the bus."

Second Peach: "Isn't he a giggle?"

First Peach: "You mean goggle, darling."

Second Peach: "Don't look now but here comes the park-keeper wearing his binoculars."