Joanna Young

Also A Lovely Cook

Not only is JOANNA YOUNG an attractive housewife and a mother of four little girls, she's also an enthusiastic water-skier.

And that's not all.

She's also a lovely cook.

How do you do it, Joanna?

"Well, you take a bag of flour, a dozen eggs-" No, don't be comical. How do you find the time and the enthusiasm?

"Well, my husband has this big whip, you see-"

No, be serious.

"It just comes naturally. was born a genius." You were born beautiful, that's what. Good on you, darling.

"Don't be so familiar."

Can't help it. You're lovely.

In fact, Joanna isn't just lovely, she looks like the spirit of animated feminity when she's out on her favorite country ramble.

Span No 198 - February 1971