Spick and Span 2000
/Saffron - Spick and Span 2000
See a lot more of Saffron and many others in full colour. Check out the exclusive Spick and Span 2000 range of booklets, only available from Vintage Fetish.
See a lot more of Saffron and many others in full colour. Check out the exclusive Spick and Span 2000 range of booklets, only available from Vintage Fetish.
Mystery Model - Scan From Original Print
We were just quoting old Clancy about once seen, never forgotten, and coincidentally enough who should follow on but an absolute whizzbang of a femme fatale, as they say.
She's a Yorkshire girl. She's JENNIE LEA HARRIS, and while other girls were wondering why the fellers were passing them up on the beaches, Jennie in her bikini was creating the kind of impact that makes young men forget to go home to lunch.
Impact in this case is directly concerned with Jennie's vitalistics, which add up inch by inch to 39-23-36. And you can't really ask for more than that without being a little bit greedy. Other girls have to make do with much less. Actually, other girls may think Twiggy is dynamic but if you're a man who favours impact and you were stranded on a desert island with the girl of your choice, would you settle for a Twiggy type or one like Jennie?
On a desert island you'd soon get fed up with looking at coconuts and you'd need a much more intriguing shape to keep your optics from going stale. We'd like to have Jennie around.
Around? Good word, that.
Beautiful Britons No 169 - December 1969
Debbie Lane - Scan From Original Print
Alice, Where Art Thou?
I'm cleaning up the little home, mother (says ALICE RICHMOND). And sure, enough there she was with a sweeper in her hand and going great guns over the floor in her bikini outfit.
Well, the bikini kept Alice cool all the way through but she slipped up when she gave that floor such a polish, which indicates how much better it is to do your chores wisely but not too well.
Beautiful Britons No 102 - April 1964
Scanned from negative - 1960’s
We mean this literally.
There's nothing like the modern air hostess to bring comfort and glamour to air travel, and one of the most glamorous of them is WENDY GOFF. Activating our cover this month with dynamic colour.
Wendy, a former Miss England, is just the girl we'd most like to get lost in the clouds with.
Span No 156 - August 1967
Nancy Lewis - Scan From Original Print
Isn't like Nixon
Because for a start
She's got a soft heart.
And in old London Town in her student gown
All of us feel.
She's got more appeal.
Spick No 190 - September 1969
For those who swear that there is no pin-up quite as elegant or quite as attractive as SUSAN DOUGLAS, here is Susan brought to you in the zingiest of modern lingerie, and we just hope you like the zingiest of modern lingerie.
We were assured it's what all the girls are wearing in the musical "Charlie Girl."
We were assured it's what makes a girl with it. It turns her from just a beautiful dream into a real kooky.
Span No 140 - April 1966
This is a scan from an original 8 x 10 print, and it may be available to buy.
The fact is perfection is hard to come by. But if you're looking for a girl who is perfectly feminine you can accept SUSAN WHIDDON as the prototype of your dreams.
Susan is sort of creamy and curvy and soft and lovely, which is the way a girl is intended to be, never mind all those emancipated and muscular Russian females who dig up roads and lay whacking great gas pipes.
Down in Plymouth, where Drake stands on the Hoe, looking out to sea, and where the weather is soft and balmy, Susan is busy being beautiful. Well, she models, and you have to be beautiful for that or you don't get past the door.
Of course, if you prefer a liberated feminist whose ambition is to emasculate you while she digs the allotment over, you're very welcome.
Spick No 272 - July 1976
Scanned from negative 1960’s
From nine until five thirty each day blonde SUSAN DAY is a salesgirl in an exclusive fashion establishment, but while that kind of environment might turn many an assistant into a hothouse type, Susan only feels an increasing desire for fresh air.
If ever you lose a needle in a haystack Susan is just the girl to help you look for it. Other girls will complain of cold feet or go on about how a rural atmosphere disrupts their metabolism, but not Susan. Out of doors she's a whirl, indoors she designs new fashions.
By the way, all that fresh air has given her vitalistics of 37"-24"-37".
Beautiful Britons No 135 - February 1967
This is a scan from an original 8 x 10 print, and it may be available to buy. If that interests you then please contact me and I will be happy to provide you with more information.