Melanie Davies

One Of The Serious Kind

A lot of you read all sorts of things about students and what they get up to and why they kick around, but you don't read so much about students who just get on with it.

One of the serious kind when it comes to applying herself to her studies is MELANIE DAVIES of Southampton. She’s really getting down to it at her university, but because it’s only the upset kind who get their names in the papers, we thought we’d do something about giving Melanie a mention.

Of course, in the first place she’s a very good looking student, and in the second place she makes the cutest pin-up girl. She’s lovely and symmetrical. 36"-24'-36'.

And she’s eighteen years old and that’s a vital age in anyone's life.

Isobel Miller

Can Can ?

North of the Border the terpsichorean accent is more on eightsome reels than Can-Cans, but never let it be said that a true Scot can’t adapt herself to the mood of the moment. When the mood took on a French bias, we asked ISOBEL MILLER if she could Can-Can for us, she said ‘Oui, oui,” in Gaelic and then told us to stand back and measure the high kicks.

But how can you measure a kick that practically goes out of sight ?

You can’t. Anymore than Isobel can stop her suspender-clips slipping off her stocking-tops.

This is no high kick—it’s not any part of a Can- Can. All it does for Isobel is keep her suspenders in place!

Oh, well, it’s one way of getting the right angle on Isobel’s nice round knees. Other interesting assets are in inches - 35"-22"-35"

Helen Candlish


Well, that’s the way it goes when pretty HELEN CANDLISH decides to do a spot of sun-bathing in a recalcitrant deckchair.

The sun’s right, and so is Helen. The only thing giving any real trouble is the chair. Helen may look as if she's sorted it out satisfactorily, but appearances are always deceptive.

There we are and all we can say to Helen is how simple she was to allow herself to be let down this away. Think of any recalcitrant deckchair and you’re on the track of one darned bump after another.

Ah, well, aplomb restored and there are no ladders and no tears. No one can take a bump and come up with this kind of smile like Helen can.

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Anne Scott


Well, what else can we say?

We light on a view like this in the Scottish Highlands and what else is there except wow?

This is ANNE SCOTT, television personality and just about the shapeliest model North of the Border. They may have taken the old Flying Scot out of service, but they’ll never make Anne obsolete while she still has enough puff.

Puff? Well, all right, glamour.

You're stuck for conversation as you bump into her. You’re speechless.

You feel like a gormless goggler. All you can say is Bom-diddy-bom-bom.

That’s what we said in the first place.

Carole-Anne Blake

I'll Catch You Up

They were panting along down the grassy track, their spiked shoes picking up every leaf until their soles were absolutely clogged with the stuff.

It was one of those exhausting cross-country events which only fanatics go in for, and Prideaux senior was leading the field, with Biffkins panting behind him.

Suddenly Prideaux senior gave up. He stopped dead. Biffkins panted by him, breasting the upward slope that led out of the wood into a field full of chewing cows.

"It’s all right, Biffkins,” said Prideaux, “I’ll catch you up.”

Crafty devil. He didn’t say a word to Biffkins that he’d seen a gorgeous blonde perilously near some barbed wire, and poor old Biffkins just panted on and never knew what he’d missed.

What had he missed?

A corker. CAROLE-ANNE BLAKE is a London model with lovely shape and a winsome twinkle. Prideaux senior introduced himself and said, “Just thought I’d tell you about the barbed wire.”

“Oh thanks,” said Carole-Anne, “but I know about it.”

Still, she thought, he was an awfully decent young feller to point it out to her and they had a long chat about wildflowers, and Prideaux said he collected stamps as well.

Good old Prideaux senior.

Joy Carlton

Just Right - But For What ?

You can either take them or leave them. JOY CARLTON took them but she still isn’t sure of the most suitable occasion on which to wear her new longs. Just for a cold day, perhaps!

Denise Fleming


Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.

Karen Burch

Dizzy Mini

Down at Joe's there's a gorgeous thermostatic blonde who drives them all dizzy.

Thermostatic in this context means this gorgeous blonde remains in control and makes sure you don't boil over, mate.


Occupation? Secretary at Joe's, the turf accountant's shop.

Hobby? Collecting money—what else?

Ambition? To marry a millionaire.

Age? Twenty-three.

Inches? 36-24-36.

Verdict? Declared the best bet Joe ever took on as a secretary, because she's not only competent, she's decorative and adorable.

In her horizontally striped mini, you can see why Karen drives them all dizzy.

Spick and Span Extra No 35 - Summer 1970