The simplicity and brevity of feminine fashion today is absolutely remarkable. There's hardly anything to any of it.
And yet it seems only yesterday when those flared, full-skirted dresses and frilly petticoats were so much the rage that nobody ever thought girls would wear anything else at all.
They couldn't have, not without looking overloaded.
No, anything different, we mean.
To give you a look at the trendy frills of yesterday. We had JANE PAUL hire an outfit and wear it with a maxi-coat. How about that, then?
Quite a number of you won't have seen anything like it. Some of you might not even believe it. But it's true. It was only yesterday—or so it seems—when all the girls went about looking like this. They were all frills and stocking-tops.
You prefer the simplicity and brevity of today?
Good on yer, then, and the best of luck.
Spick and Span Extra No 35 - Summer 1970