Susan Douglas

All Set

The point being that model SUSAN DOUGLAS is always elegant, always trim, and ready for whatever is just around the corner. In fashion work, Susan finds it policy to expect the unexpected.

Here she's all set and ready to go. Where? Well, maybe Paris—maybe

If you think they’d appreciate Susan in Paris, let us assure you she’s already appreciated so much here that she’d only go over our recumbent inertia.

Sally Dixon

Keeping The Wolf From The Door

Literally to achieve this a girl’s best bet is to have a gun handy, plus a strategically unassailable position from which to fire both barrels at the right time.

But when it merely means establishing yourself economically so that you’re not on the breadline, you don’t need a gun, only an income.

London student SALLY DIXON makes sure she can sufficiently augment her grant by taking on jobs of diver’s characters in her spare time. She doesn’t mind serving in coffee bars, being a nanny, showing tourists round London, pasting up posters, being a switchboard girl or even working as a photographic model.

It all helps to keep the wolf from the door.

I like to eat,” said Sally, ”I feel all faint if I don’t. My grant is enough to pay for my flat, but a girl needs food as well as sleep.”

Jennifer Jay

What a Lovely Cook

Not so long-ago JENNIFER JAY was a lovely bank clerk.

Now she's a lovely housewife. And what a lovely cook too. On baking days, the whole place is sort of warmly aromatic. but if you call to sell anything don't go into the kitchen or you'll get conked. Jennifer likes to keep her kitchen to herself and people who put their noses into the hot oven on baking days aren't welcome.

She's quite a dish herself with her measurements of 36-25-37.

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive

I have spent some time looking through this archive over the last couple of weeks, and I have started to make my selections. A great many of the pictures are, unfortunately, not suitable for this site, but there are still plenty that are! The sources and quality are hugely varied, as you may imagine. I am making my selections from pictures that I like, and ones that just catch my eye.

Today’s picture is one of those. I like it just for its absolute amateurism; the originals - and there are a few from this set - look like Polaroids that have not fared well with time, and so I have spent some time improving the quality.

It’s just a great picture. They have gone for a ride in the Mini van to take some naughty pictures; I like the train that is racing by in the background.

Julie Scott and Sara Scott

Look This Way

Amateur photographer JULIE SCOTT (she’s the cute brunette) gets ready to shoot amateur sitter SARA SCOTT (she’s the honey-blonde). It’s just for the fun of it.

Well, it’s a change for Julie to see into the view-finder instead of the-lens, and Sara is just right as a subject for black-and-white analysis.

Any girls who prefer being the subject to being the operator only need to look as gorgeous as Sara or as glamorous as Julie.

Anita Dale

House Hunting

In Southampton, Hants, lives ANITA DALE.

She likes working in stylish coffee bars where the environment is atmospheric of the vitality of the young.

It keeps her bubbling.

She went house hunting the other day.

It's the kind of pursuit girls and boys find themselves engaged in when they're going to be married. You need a roof over your head to start with, as it's all going to work against you if you wake up after the honeymoon and find you're out in the rain.

Anita hunting for a suitable house made such an elevating picture that we followed her round with a camera. Hope you like the results.

Spick and Span Extra No 35 - Summer 1970

Anne Furnaess

Student Model

Don’t be misled we're not inferring that ANNE FURNAESS is studying the glamorous art of modelling. Anne’s all set for a scholastic career. It just happens that she’s a spare-time model and a full-time student hence the heading.

Studying can be a hard grind. It helps to have a record player and a bowl of fruit to hand to lighten the burden of equations and logarithms.

Modelling, on the other hand, is pure fun.

All you need is a sense of humour, a sweet smile a series of nicely- distributed curves and a flair. Result, model student having fun and looking good.

Span Extra Spring 1959

Velvet - The Viking Company 

Velvet No 1

Sandra McPherson

Ribbons In Her Hair

Scottish lovely who's received lots of fan mail is SANDRA McPHERSON, hear about to find out if the hair ribbons someone sent her make her look cuter.

Sandra, a perfectionist, wasn’t too sure about the effect by itself.

By way of contrast, what about swish black nylons to offset the beautiful white ribbons?

Unprejudiced opinions are asked for, but no rude ones, please. Sandra may not be sure about the effect herself, but, man, we love it.

Spick Extra Spring 1961

Jean Stewart

Look Which Way?

This way. Oh, okay, said JEAN STEWART, Scottish shorthand-typist from Glasgow.

Any way will do, really. Fact is, you look bonny from any angle. Don’t mind us saying so, do you?

Not at all, said Jean, only I bet you say that to all the girls.

Only to the bonny ones. You’re ever so bonny. Look this way, mmm?

Cheeky lot said Jean.

Spick & Span Extra No 33 - Winter 1969