Nicola Taylor

Latest On The Loveliest

Men walk around in dizzy circles when they see NICOLA TAYLOR in her yellow bikini on Bournemouth beach. This isn't just because there is so much more of glamorous Nicola than there is of the bikini, it's also because Nicola is simply and undeniably magnetic.

Her fans consider that as a pin-up she is indubitably the loveliest.

So, here are the latest pics of the loveliest.

Nicola on the phone is a knockout. Which means, of course, that the feller on the other end of the line is next door to unconscious and would be completely kaput if he could see her as well as hear her.

Nicola likes surfing, sports cars and keeping the furniture highly polished. She has a flair for making everything around the house look as if it's just left the showroom.

Mary Collins

Your Kind Of Daily

There's a lot to be said for one of those splendidly reliable dailies who pops into char around the flat for you and make it nice for you to come home to.

This kind of daily - motherly, warmhearted and a miraculous disposer of fag-ends, beer cans and old socks - is an asset no bachelor of any standing should be without.

Generally speaking, however, the kind of daily you all secretly yearn for outside the utilitarian world of domestic help, is someone like MARY COLLINS.

That's Mary in the centre of the trio. She's just been declared the winner of the competition run by the Daily Girl Club in West Berlin. The Daily Dollies of this club equate with Bunnies.

The competition was to find the most attractive Miss Bosom. And Mary, an eighteen-year-old London lovely, was declared that much in front of all other contestants. How nice to come home to.

Vicky Durrant

V For Vicky

A bunch of eggheads gathered for an intellectual protest march in the center of London. It was something to do with demanding free French literature. Well, everyone else seemed to be wanting something for nothing, and the eggheads weren't too intellectual to miss the bandwagon.

Then VICKY DURRANT walked by in her boots and her mini.

The eggheads dumped their banners into the arms of the bystanders and found a new cause. Vicky for Prime Minister. They had new banners made, emblazoned with 'V for Vicky'.

Vicky emigrated to the Isle of Wight for a fortnight. She didn't want to be Prime Minister. Who does?

Well, there's You Know Who.

Sylvia Wood

Long John Sylvia

Long John Silver had a wooden leg and was a bit of a sea-going old villain. SYLVIA WOOD has got her own original and lovely legs and she's never been to sea, except on channel ferries.

She likes to wear her Long Johns in the winter, when she's on the terraces cheering her favourite soccer team. They keep her snugly warm. Well, what was good enough for grandma is good enough for Sylvia.

Mystery Model (Maureen Pike)

Mystery Model

Can anyone please help identify this lovely looking girl? She looks familiar to me, but I just can’t place her. Your help would be appreciated.


Thanks for your help with this. Her name is Maureen Pike (Worth) with this picture being taken from a set used in Spick 259 but not published.

Many thanks to those that contacted me.

Anne Baker

Receptionist at Work

ANNE BAKER is a receptionist and here she is at work in her garden. Well, she was at work but she’s taking a rest at the moment. You can’t keep at it all the time without getting backache.

Barbara Boon

A Real Boon

Nobby, the favourite nag of novices at the riding school, gave a whinny of relief when BARBARA BOON took him out for a long canter around Cheshire. After all the learners with their awkward seats and fancy jodhpurs, Barbara comes as a real boon to Nobby.

She's an excellent rider with an excellent seat that's equestrian parlance, you understand and no one knows how a horse appreciates an excellent seat better than the horse.

Engaged in office work from Mondays to Fridays, Barbara spends as much time at the riding school as possible when the weekends come around. That's what gives her that honeyed, healthy look.

Pauline Street

Life is a Lovely Day

A day is lovely—or can be lovely—on account of many factors. It’s all over ecstatic vibrations if you’ve won first divvy on the pools, and it’s not far short of that if you’re on holiday in Alassio and have just met an adorable Italian girl who can’t resist your muscles. And when the day is as lovely as that life is lovely too. We had all the traditionally dreamy feelings associated with the perfect day when we were on the Welsh coast and met office girl PAULINE STREET sunning herself during her lunch hour. We went right off food, but it didn’t alter the day’s perfection.

Fish and chips aren’t everything. It’s girls who make life a lovely day. Especially when they’re as photogenic as Pauline.

Pauline’s principal interest is amateur dramatics and if her histrionic talents are only half as good as her looks each seat must be worth double the price.

And, as is intriguingly obvious, Pauline has beautiful legs and looks dazzling in fishnet tights when the pantomime season comes around. If they put her in as the cat in “Dick Whittington,” all covered in fur and whiskers, it’ll be absolutely suicidal casting. We won’t go.

Kim Scott

Off Duty

Air stewardess KIM SCOTT isn't always flying over the Atlantic or the Continent on her way to places undreamed of by so many of us.

She's often off duty.

Off duty Kim looks just like this, lovely and dishy and relaxed. Naturally, the phone is always ringing. Boyfriends don't mind her relaxing as long as it doesn't interfere with taking her out to an Italian restaurant or a West-end disco.

Kim mostly prefers a restaurant where she can sit down. She's so much on her feet up in the air that an evening at a disco is rather like a busman's holiday.

Caroline Ford

There's Always a Good Day

Some days it's all go for CAROLINE FORD. She's a busy secretary for an energetic boss. She often has to work like a beaver on Saturdays as well.

But there's always a good day. Sunday. Then Caroline can relax. Her idea of how to unwind is to play tennis all day or go sailing. We'd get all beat up at tennis or soaked stupid at yachting, but not Caroline.

She is rejuvenated, she says.

That sounds like something that would put us in hospital.

Nina Swallow

Crossing the Line

There wasn't much danger of being hit by an express as NINA SWALLOW crossed the line down in the woods. It was only an old track once used to trundle wagons to and from the old quarry and Nina was just kicking around in her new boots.

Nina lives in Ealing, West London, and one of her outdoor recreations is walking. She likes old byways and country lanes and has a glamorous job as a house model to a firm of coat manufacturers.

All the products, look gorgeous on Nina, whose vitalistics are 37-24-36, and she keeps her shape in good, unvarying trim by her long walks.

Updates to some personal details on Nina’s home page.

Sylvia Grant

It May Be Old Fashioned But

Sylvia is twenty-one, shapes up very delightfully at 36-23-36 likes the better television programmes, a good book, holidays in Spain and thinks it's nice for women that there are men around.

There can't be many men who don't think it's even nicer to have Sylvia around, as what's more exhilarating on a cold day than helping Sylvia to make hot toast by her fireside? Lashings of butter and the sound of happy munching.

Not that Sylvia doesn’t like the modern age, she can enjoy the turbulent vibrations of a discotheque as much as anybody. But she still thinks a home is a nice place to come back to.

The fact is, some people think it’s square to be home loving. Domesticity went out of fashion when the discotheques came in, but SYLVIA GRANT still likes all the comforts of her home.

There's nothing like relaxing in front of the fire to Sylvia or the simple joys of making a fluffy omelette.

Odette Nutter

Order Of The Yorkshire Boot

Looking every inch, a potential centre-forward for Leeds is ODETTE NUTTER, who lives near Kippax in Yorkshire.

But it could be she's just given the order of the boot to some geezer she caught bending. Poor old devil.

Odette is a golden blonde with lovely legs and a nice line in suede boots, and if Yorkshire blokes keep their eyes open often enough, they might spot her one day.

Well, Odette doesn't keep herself shut away, you know.