Kim Scott

Dutch Treat

It was a rainy day in Holland when the plane arrived from London Airport. Then all of a sudden it was bright summer. Air stewardess KIM SCOTT had alighted.

What a treat for the Dutch. All the men in the arrival lounge stood on tiptoe to look tall, dark and handsome. One of them invited Kim home to look at his Dutch bulbs, but Kim said she never went anywhere with strange men.

"Who is strange?" he said. "I am not strange," he said. I am most normal and very handsome," he said. "My Dutch bulbs are beautiful," he said.

Kim was ever so polite but ever so firm. She's used to making that kind of impression on men all over the world. She made a most undeniable impression on us. Our photographer asked her out to dine.

"Dutch treat?" said Kim.

"When they're as beautiful as you," said our photographer, "we don't believe in Dutch treats. Let's put it all on expenses."

Cheeky devil.

Kim Scott

Off Duty

Air stewardess KIM SCOTT isn't always flying over the Atlantic or the Continent on her way to places undreamed of by so many of us.

She's often off duty.

Off duty Kim looks just like this, lovely and dishy and relaxed. Naturally, the phone is always ringing. Boyfriends don't mind her relaxing as long as it doesn't interfere with taking her out to an Italian restaurant or a West-end disco.

Kim mostly prefers a restaurant where she can sit down. She's so much on her feet up in the air that an evening at a disco is rather like a busman's holiday.

Kim Scott

A Fair Cop

"Where did you get that hat?"

"It was Boat Race night in Piccadilly," said KIM SCOTT, " and it fell off a dressed-up Cambridge man. How do I look in it?"

"You look like a fair cop, you delicious girl."

"It's only an imitation one," said Kim and did a little giggle. "I don't really think I'd make a good policeman, I just couldn't stand being an arm of the law and telling people to move on.

"All right, we'll stay to tea, and won't move until you insist."

But Kim had a date with someone tall, dark and dishy, because lovely girls like her always do have such dates. She's an air stewardess and the girl we'd most like to get lost in the clouds with.

She lives in Middlesex, not far from London Airport. The fellers say that wherever Kim lives it's spring all the year round.

Kim Scott

Flying Tonight ?

Joe Binglewood is so lucky he ought to be prohibited. He was coming out of the shop eating his fish and chips when he stepped on the foot of a tall picturesque dolly who was in the ravishing category.

Which is to say she was all long legs and curves. Joe was full of chips and it took him six swallows before he could start apologising.

"It's quite all right," said KIM SCOTT, "it's only my foot and I'm sure the numbness will have gone by next week"

Joe had never trodden on the foot of such a lovely bird as Kim, which just shows how lucky he really is. Kim is an air stewardess with the most vibrant personality. It sort of makes you quiver, unless you go in for bicycles and your mother won't let you meet girls. In which case the pleasure of flying tonight with a girl like Kim and having her top up your coffee cup, is something you ought to talk seriously about to your mum.

Kim is our idea of how to fly from London to Pompala in transported fragility. The more you see of her the weaker you get.

Where's Pompala, by the way?

Who cares?

Kim Scott

Flying Swinger

Air stewardess KIM SCOTT is what you call a flying swinger. She's up, up and away week after week from London Airport, and all her passengers consider her the most swinging stewardess they ever clapped their international eyes on.

Kim lives in Middlesex and in between her flights comes down to earth to enjoy the peace and quiet of life.

She says that's what a girl needs to do after flying all over the place, otherwise you can fall apart.

Kim with her long legs is still a devotee of the mini and if you can think of anything which would make her look lovelier when she's out shopping for antiques, keep it to yourself. It's bound to be something she couldn't wear without collecting a crowd.

Kim Scott

Home For A Day

It had been a busy year for KIM SCOTT.

Kim is an airline stewardess and it had been all go from January to December. She seemed to have hardly touched ground. It was lovely for the passengers as few stewardesses can serve coffee as engagingly as Kim, but for Kim it was definitely all go.

But we managed to catch her when she was home for a day.

In her flat in Middlesex, not far from London Airport,

Kim spent the day being all domestic.

It was all go again.

One day Kim is going to retire and put her feet up for a year. Anyone like to spend the time running around for her?