Janet Cooke

Hi, Cheeky

Looking just a little bit cheeky is Hampshire girl JANET COOKE. Janet works in Bournemouth but is hoping to become a photographic model. She has a very trim and fashionable figure measuring 35-22-34, chestnut-gold hair and blue eyes.

Photographers, please note.

Spick and Span Extra No 55 - Summer 1975

Pamela Gastall

Old Fashioned? Good Grief

It's hard to believe it, but all those lovely nylons girls used to wear with such grace and elegance are positively old-fashioned now.


They don't wear anything except these stretch tights these days. It's the mini skirts what done it, like. And getting onto buses. The girls just weren't going to flash their stocking-tops and suspenders for the benefit of all those four-eyed bus conductors.

So, what happened?

They took to stretch tights and the four-eyed bus conductors were left all mortified and chagrinated.

What's chagrinated?

It means Fred likes a bit of the old stocking-tops and suspenders and he doesn't half swear if he is done out of it.

But when you look at PAMELA GASTALL, an aspiring Brighton model of sweet seventeen, and realise that in those exquisite nylons she's supposed to be old fashioned, you can hardly believe it, can you? What a perishing diabolical do-ray-me diddle wallop.

What's that mean?


Span No 182 - October 1969

Karin Gerder

Staying Awhile

From Stockholm came KARIN GERDER on a trip to London, and as she was so obviously one of those Swedish goddesses who can put you off the humdrum for life, even the cab drivers raised their caps to her.

London cab drivers are helpful guys, they also know a Swedish goddess when they see one, and if it hadn't been for the fact that they nearly all have a wife and kids to keep they would have willingly driven her around the metropolis for free,

Karin moved into an apartment in Hampstead and decided to stay awhile. Already she's found all the work she wants as a model and is spending what spare time she can in painting London scenes.

She's not just a haughty goddess, she's got talents, you know.

How exhilarating.

Beautiful Britons No 207 - February 1973

Tania Webb

Mini Fans

No doubt about it, when the mini fashions arrived we were afraid they wouldn't last. Every man who didn't think getting to the moon was the most important thing in life was afraid they wouldn't last.

Paris got quite sniffy about the mini and said it wouldn't last. The Daughters of the American Revolution said it wouldn't even get off the ground, little realising what a phrase they were coining in this context.

But as soon as girls like TANIA WEBB showed just how absolutely irresistible a mini was, it not only got off the ground but went higher and higher.

Span No 176 - April 1969

Frolics - Car Washing

Frolics - Car Washing

Frolics - Car Washing with Linda Deane - 1969

Gadoline Publications - Just a few samples from this 54 page book. Frolics

Pamela Conway-Morris

It's a Date

Yes, sir, we're making a very definite date for PAMELA CONWAY-MORRIS to come and see us again. We're wild about this Welsh wench.

Now we're wild in more ways than one.

Because when Pam checked up on her calendar she found she hadn't got one date spare.

Span No 60 - August 1959

Linda Farmer

Hi, Lovely

That is lovely, isn't it, that smile from behind the badminton net in the back garden?

Has anyone thought what would happen to all those well-kept back gardens if everyone decided to drop out and live in the woods?

We don't want LINDA FARMER to drop out.

There are some household names we wouldn't worry about, but we'd like to keep Linda where she is. Which is where the rest of us are, in the thick of life's turmoil and still coping.

And, as Linda says, there's always a fortnight or so every year when you can go off to France or Spain or Austria or Holland and enjoy watching them coping in these countries. It's always illuminating.

Beautiful Britons No 227 - October 1974

Jackie Dawson


LONDON girl with curves all her own is JACKIE DAWSON, for whom bus drivers pull up without any more fuss than a violent squeal of brakes.

Jackie has statistics of 39"-24"-38" and is currently one of the most curvaceous models we know.

Span No 92 - April 1962

Christine Kelly

Christine Kelly - Mystery

Christine Kelly – Can anyone out there provide any more information on this lovely looking lady.

Lucille Esterhazy

From Paris To London

"Ah, mon ami," said the French bird to the London taxi driver.

"Darling, I'm all yours," said the cabbie, thus giving the lie to the suggestion that his fraternity are inclined to be a bit boorish.

“I am to go to Bayswater,” she said.

“Jump in, doll,” said the cabbie.

“First,” said LUCILLE ESTERHAZY, who had come over from Paris to live in London, "here is my big bag and my small bag, also my portmanteau please to put them in the taxi for me.' The cabbie nearly did his coconut at this, but Lucille with her green eyes and her French mini took him out of his turmoil with the sweetest smile, and off they went to Bayswater with the taxi piled like a pantechnicon. And when he was unloading his cab, he ventured a chivalrous proposition.

“Like me to show you the town one night, Fifi?”

“How gallant,” said Lucille, “but I am not Fifi, I am incognito.”

“Incog who?”

“It means I remain not at home to strange men,” said Lucille.

“I'm not strange, I'm Harry,” said the enthusiastic cabbie.

‘So? Ah, we have met only to part,” said Lucille. “Au revoir, Arry.” “So long, doll,” said Harry, who knew when to remain inscrutable. Still, she did wave him goodbye.

Lucille works as a receptionist in London and is having a lovely time, thank you.

Span No 200 - April 1971


She’s a Witch

Girl with a wizard figure who is building quite a reputation in London’s Chelsea as a witch is dark and delectable Gina.

One thing's for sure: she has a strange power over men. They tell their wives "I'm just popping out for a spell" and rush straight to Gina. But (whisper it) she failed the QT Editor's test. He wanted her to magic up more girls with her measurements. Well, maybe she didn't wand competition!

QT No 91 - 1964

Caroline Campbell

Who’d Prefer an Aspidistra?

Who’d Prefer an Aspidistra?

Well, which would you prefer in the bay window an aspidistra or CAROLINE CAMPBELL?

If anyone should say aspidistra it might make our question worthwhile but who'd seriously credit the answer?

Span No 60 - August 1959