Jenny Piece

Smitten By A Sec

Fred was just holding a horse while Joe went to fetch a saddle when JENNY PIECE of Worcester came through the gate. Fred felt as if he'd been struck by lightning, and if he hadn't been holding onto the horse he'd have fallen down.

Jenny, a secretary, was wearing polished boots, brief mini and a devastatingly floppy hat. She asked Fred if he had a spare horse around.

"Believe me," said Fred hoarsely, "you only need to ask, and you can have the whole string.” "What are you all flushed about?" asked Jenny, looking traumatically bewitching under her hat. "It's not hot, is it?"

"Don't let's talk about me,' said Fred faintly, "let's find you a spare horse and then we can have a long chat about your phone number. Of course, if you're going riding, I'll come with you, I'll just fade away if I don't."

"No, I'm not going riding," said Jenny, "I just happen to have a lump of sugar and if you've got a spare horse that's not doing anything can i feed him.' So, she did, but the place has never been the same for Fred since she left.

Span No 176 - April 1969

Britt Hampshire

Up From The Country

Born in Hampshire, BRITT HAMPSHIRE is well-named. Britt came up from the country last year and has been happily earning a living a as a model in the big merry-go-round of London.

Country girls have lovely complexions. Britt looks like a dairymaid fresh from helping the farmer gather his corn. That doesn't mean her conversation is restricted to agriculture or how to spray fruit trees. She can converse on the most abstract subjects, reducing the listener to a mesmerised admiration of her voice and her blue eyes.

In view of man's infatuated helplessness in the presence of beauty, it's easy to understand why Helen of Troy launched a thousand ships.

Beautiful Britons No 156 - October 1968

Sara Stuart

Eye-Catching Deb

Coming out with the rest of this year's high society girls might have made SARA STUART a little remote from us. But Sara is essentially a friendly girl, enchanted by all that keeps a philosopher down on the ground and a sputnik up in the air. Life is the keynote of Sara's interest in each day as it arrives, she loves the Beatles and is mad about Sir Malcolm Sargent. Also, she's one of the most eye-catching gals in the place.

Span No 134 - October 1965

Mrs Smith

Mrs Smith

Sylvia Ternes

Shorter Than Short

It's no hardship to us to admit that skirts are now shorter than short, it's when a girl like SYLVIA TERNES gets caught out making running repairs in rural West Berlin that a shorter than short garment kind of catches up with one. We don't mind. Sylvia has just the legs for this kind of fashion.

Span No 134 - October 1965

Susan Douglas

Who's gotta horse

Girl who's got a whip but no horse at all is SUSAN DOUGLAS. Could some kind owner lend her a nag and a pair of photogenic jodhpurs? Susan tore her own jodhpurs? at a point-to-point.

Span No 125 - January 1965

Lisa Scott

Lost and Found

Candidly, we're always losing things because we don't remember where we put them. Other people lose things because they're careless.

Canadian girl LISA SCOTT, married to a lovely Englishman her own description is neither forgetful nor careless. Well, not normally she isn't. But the other day she had an argument with a traffic warden, and it took the edge off her tidy mind. She couldn't think where she'd put her shopping list, her money, and her book of stamps.

She looked everywhere. She wasn't half cut up about her temporary mental aberration. Goodness, she thought, at twenty-one, is it a sign of old age? No, darling, just the upset condition traffic wardens get people into.

Anyway, all ended on a rapturous note. She found the missing items in the pocket of her car. Not wanting to lose them again, Lisa decided that the traditional lodging place favoured by so many women before stretch tights put paid to it, was her best bet against further loss. So, she tucked the items into the top of her stocking. How pretty.

Beautiful Britons No 174 - May 1970

Jan Newman

Bronzed Blonde

Speaking about the Mediterranean, here's an enchanting blonde who got beautifully bronzed on the Italian Riviera. Her name is JAN NEWMAN. She's back at her office desk now and looking as if she's only just stepped off a hot beach.

Maria Assin

Come On out

There's not much you can do on a lovely summer day except go to the races, take a punt and a picnic up the river, fly off to Italy, chase nursemaids through the park, pick flowers for a lovely lady or just settle for a siesta in the sun.

Or give a helping hand to MARIA ASSIN as she alights from her car and then offer to show her what you're currently growing in your greenhouse.

Spick No 168 - November 1968

Josephine Peters


Short and sweet is the diminutive which her friends use for JOSEPHINE PETERS, long-legged London model. "Hi, Jo," is what you hear in the discotheques and Jo flashes her big-eyed smile and then, if she doesn't know who's addressing her, she steps on his foot and passes by.

But you can't blame any bloke for wanting to get to know her.

Span No 176 - April 1969

Heather Chaffey

Come Into The Garden

You'll have a long way to go to join HEATHER CHAFFEY in her garden. Heather lives in New South Wales, which is about 12,000 miles from London, but if you're an undivertible fanatic about gardens no amount of mileage could put you off, could it?

Heather, an Australian housewife, doesn't only have a colourful garden she also has a lovely kitchen equipped to ensure her Australian steaks emerge lushly sizzling.

You'd like an Australian steak, wouldn't you? You'll need one after going 12,000 miles. Then you could walk round Heather's garden and listen to the evening kookaburras.

And just as everything was getting harmonious Heather's husband would arrive home and conk you silly for treading on his Australian mimosa. Serve you right.

Spick No 189 - August 1968

Suzy Henshaw


SUZY HENSHAW is from Pontypridd and is rather delicious. She likes climbing and horse-riding, and is corkingly shapely at 39"-23"-36". She makes a lovely bikini belle too.

Beautiful Britons No 166 - September 1969