Venus Starr

Can it be True?

Can what be true? Well, we were walking through Kidderminster looking for a carelessly. parked umbrella the other day and although we didn't have any luck with the umbrella, we did spot a girl with just about the most glam name we've ever heard. It pings sweetly on any ear - it's VENUS STARR.

Venus appeared out of a rain shower like the Grecian goddess appeared from the sea- except our Venus was conventionally dressed. The Grecian one wore a topless, bottomless swimsuit, but a lot of them used to go about like that in those enchanting days.

Venus is a secretary aged nineteen, was educated at a well-known college, loves modelling for a hobby, is mad about large vintage cars and tapes up to 37"-24"-37". That's as good as any Grecian Venus.

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Estelle McDonald

Crack Shot

It was time to thin out the flocks of rooks which had begun to be a pest as well as a noise around the local countryside, and local lovely ESTELLE McDONALD took her gun along to join the shoot.

She got into a little trouble negotiating the terrain in search of the shoot, because she thought it would be rather fetching to wear a feminine petticoat or two among all the breeches present. They sort of got in the way, but she made it in the end.

She had to discard her petticoats but the blokes in breeches didn't mind, they thought her streamlined undies extremely practical for a shoot. Estelle blushed prettily and then went bang.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Jacqueline Blair

The Question Is

With so many facets to fashion, the question is should a girl go for boots or frills or Long Johns?

Secretary JACQUELINE BLAIR thought it might solve something if she went for all three but found out immediately that Long Johns simply don't go with a mini.

Boots go with a mini and so does a straw hat on a sunny day, and frills go with anything. But Long Johns are for warmth and comfort, not for viewing, So Jackie bought a maxi and everything was as it should be. Except that the maxi hid the boots and frills as well and she had to acquire the cutest straw hat she could find and wait for a sunny day.

Judie Jayson

Frilly Feeling

There's such a minimum amount of lingerie worn by girls these days that lots of manufacturers who are in it for the money are getting worried almost to death. The lot of a pauper is not a happy one in any era.

There's а great yearning among the lingerie-makers for the days when a girl wasn't ready to slip her dress on unless she was wearing at least six petticoats. In Grandpa Bertie's family album there's a sepia-tinted picture of Grandma Emma riding a penny-farthing at Eastbourne, and in the pic Grandma Emma looks a riot of billowing lace. It must have cost Grandpa Bertie a fortune to fit her out, especially when they were at Eastbourne.

Anyway, the frilly feeling is something the girls will want to experience again at some time in the future. Here's JUDIE JAYSON looking abundantly frilly and if she makes some of you come all over nostalgic you must be well past twenty and a Beatles fan.

Whatever happened to that lot?

Span No 207 - November 1971

Janet Ross

On The Fringe

We couldn't say much about the fringe because it's not our province, but there's room at least to tell you that long-legged dancer JANET ROSS sports the cutest figure in the front line.

Janet has danced in all the major European capitals, has listened to the gondoliers of Venice and matadors of Spain, and still likes the undisguised frankness of a London taxi-driver caught in a jam. There's music in us all.

Beautiful Britons No 110 - December 1964

Tina Ryatt

Cute Kitten

New to you and to us lovely TINA RYATT of Flintshire.

Only who is cuter. TINA RYATT herself or Tina's little kitty-kat? There's a little hint of mischief in the eyes of both, don't you think?

Tina, a beauty queen is eighteen with statistics of 36"-23"-36". We don't know kitty-kat's statistics at all, but her framework is undeniably cuddly.

Nevertheless, lovable as kitty-kat is, it's our considered opinion that the cuter of these two kittens is Tina, even if kitty-kat as got long whiskers.

Span No 102 - May 1962

Vintage Stockings Archive

Vintage Stockings Archive

Susan Ashford

Focus On A Friller

It's not all minimum brevity with some girls. All right, so most of them don't wear even half as much as their mothers did and still do, but there are some who still like lots of frills.

One gorgeous friller is SUSAN ASHFORD, Scots girl from Ayrshire.

Since there are always readers asking whatever happened to lingerie and the half-baked idiots who made it obsolete, we feel from time to time that we should illustrate the fact that it's not universally obsolete.

The dodo may be dead beyond all recall, but not frillies.

Well, enjoy yourselves, those of you who suffer from nostalgia, and have some hot toast for tea while you're about it.

Spick No 231 - February 1973

Pamela Conway-Morris

It's a Date

Yes, sir, we're making a very definite date for PAMELA CONWAY-MORRIS to come and see us again. We're wild about this Welsh wench.

Now we're wild in more ways than one.

Because when Pam checked up on her calendar she found she hadn't got one date spare.

Span No 60 - August 1959

Anne Scott and Pamela Johnson

It's True

Girls like ANNE SCOTT and PAMELA JOHNSON really do go for those mod longs, and we’re as surprised as you.

Caroline Campbell

Who’d Prefer an Aspidistra?

Who’d Prefer an Aspidistra?

Well, which would you prefer in the bay window an aspidistra or CAROLINE CAMPBELL?

If anyone should say aspidistra it might make our question worthwhile but who'd seriously credit the answer?

Span No 60 - August 1959

Jennifer Goodman

Welsh Charm

Soft-eyed, lilting-voiced and dark-haired are many Welsh girls, and appealing in her own natural charm is JENNIFER GOODMAN of Swansea. Welsh readers who frequently ask for more features on their own girls should find Jennifer just the right answer. If they don't, they're too hard to please.

Jennifer is a wages clerk, and a darned delightful one at that. whose hobbies are dressmaking, designing, music, modelling and men. Don't ask us in what order just make your own guess.

Jennifer's vitalistics amount to 35"23"36", which means the structure is nicely streamlined and the curves just right. Out and about she is glamorous and eye-catching and she's not far short of this indoors, either!

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Patricia Garland (Susan Douglas)

Elegance and Efficiency

Elegance and Efficiency

Combining these virtues is lovely PATRICIA GARLAND, secretary in the City of London.

Pat has just become interested in modelling and wants eventually to do TV commercials. We can think of no one more elegantly equipped for the job of convincing us we're not using the right shampoo to stop our hair falling out. Or enticing us to wash in a new kind of detergent.

Frankly, we aren't too bothered about never being alone with a certain brand, but what chance is there of being alone with Pat to persuade her we know just which box of chocolates she likes best? Isn't she a honey?

Watch out for TV advertisers being crafty enough to size up Pat as a hundred per cent prospect for selling you on every line that passes over your screens. How could you resist her without keeping your eyes shut-and with Pat in view how could you keep your eyes shut?

Beautiful Britons No 72 - October 1961

Annette French


Just like a musical symphony ANNETTE FRENCH Scottish lass who might also be described as a tuneful dreamboat, because every time we see her, we want to break into beautiful music.

Annette has the perfect shape and the perfect Cupid's bow, and in days when romance rather than gimmicks inspired the muse, poets and musicians would have combined to praise such a dreamboat.

Nowadays, of course such a symphonic shape as Annette's inspires the doubletake and the long whistle, but who writes poetry except our bard?

Spick No 120 - November 1963