Pamela Beeston

Guitar Girl

Pretty teenager from Co. Durham, PAMELA BEESTON not only looks good with a guitar but sounds terrific. Does this mean she can play it ? What else? And, anyway, isn’t she cute enough to be given the benefit of the doubt in the case of any uncertainty?

if it’s a question of rhythm, it’s there. Well the guitar has a curve and so has Pamela, and if that isn't rhythm, what is?

Pamela is one of our natural beautiful Britons—the charm is there, the shape is there and we also like the hair-do. Someone is bound to ask if she can also cook and the answer to that is in the affirmative.

Actually, nobody told us Pamela was good in a kitchen. We guessed she was because she looks good anywhere, and any pretty girl who can handle a guitar can, you bet, also handle a frying-pan. Any other comments?

Beautiful Britons No 70 - August 1961

Denise Fleming


Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.

Audrey Stewart

Fashion Conscious

Glamour girl AUDREY STEWART is training to enter the ranks of the top-line fashion models, and talent plus training equals what!

If you assume (how can you not?) that two beans and three tomatoes make a funny kind of sauce, you must equally assume that talent plus training make a fashion model like Audrey.

And a fashion model like Audrey must be the tops, and that’s all this little lady asks for.

Scantys - Viking Publishing Company

Scantys No 3

Julie Scott and Sara Scott

Look This Way

Amateur photographer JULIE SCOTT (she’s the cute brunette) gets ready to shoot amateur sitter SARA SCOTT (she’s the honey-blonde). It’s just for the fun of it.

Well, it’s a change for Julie to see into the view-finder instead of the-lens, and Sara is just right as a subject for black-and-white analysis.

Any girls who prefer being the subject to being the operator only need to look as gorgeous as Sara or as glamorous as Julie.

Francesca Young

Armchair Frills

Looking pretty frilly in her armchair is FRANCESCA YOUNG, a wow of a pin-up girl from Worcestershire. What’s more feminine than frills on Francesca?

You may prefer feathers on a falcon or plumes on an ostrich, but neither would look as cute as Franny in an armchair—or would they!

Anyway, bring us any ostrich with vitalistics of 37"-23"-37" and you may get us re-considering the matter. Meanwhile we’ll stick with Francesca, who’s never so dumb as to bury her head in the sand.

Spick and Span Extra No 5 - Winter 1962

Janette Goodman

Out And About

If that means hiking through the Ayrshire heather with JANETTE GOODMAN, of grousing on the glorious twelfth with Sir Cholley Bentchops, we’ll go along with the ramble. We may not be raving mad about footslogging but we are about Janette.

Janette, girl with the legs you can’t help noticing is just the type to leg it with all the way to John o’ Groats.

Spick Extra - Spring 1961

Laura Mason

Miss Legs

Title-winner in any legs contest you care to organise for the benefit of girls mad keen to demonstrate their eyecatching pins is, of course, LAURA MASON, one of your currently favourite glamour girls.

Laura lives in Tooting, where, naturally, the fresh guys don’t whistle but toot. Tooting is full of toots when Laura’s in view.

Laura has big brown eyes and a gay personality, and in this series, she glamorously demonstrates just how perfect are her legs. Add this one asset to all the others and you’ve got quite a girl!

Spick Extra - Spring 1961

Jenifer and Gaynor Goodman

A Sister To Assist Her

Cute, winsome and Welsh are sisters JENNIFER GOODMAN and GAYNOR GOODMAN. Jennifer is the beautiful brunette, Gaynor the attractive blonde, and this was the day when Jennifer heard suspicious noises in her room—where Gaynor was surreptitiously borrowing some of her sister’s black lingerie. Gaynor, hearing Jennifer haring up the stairs, hadn’t time to put the garment back and adopted the old and tried course of looking sweetly innocent. This is a look which comes easily to both blondes and brunettes. And also to redheads, for that matter.

"Pardon me,” said Jennifer, pulling hard, "but these are mine.”

"Yes, I know,” said Gaynor, “but do let me borrow them, Sis.” “Not likely,” said Jennifer, “so kindly let go.”

So Gaynor did. Suddenly like. That did it. Over they both went.

“At least,” said Jennifer, “you might have asked me first.”

“But if 1 had," said Gaynor, “you’d have said no.” “At least,” said Jennifer, “I wouldn’t have felt as ruffled as I do now.”

Both girls have common likes music, modelling and men but Jennifer just won’t share her black lingerie!

Manja Peruccia

Austrian Vista

Actually, only the girl is Austrian the background is West Germany, where M A N J A P E R U C C I A is studying to become a ballerina. Manja has great hopes and high ambitions. She also has the essential talent and a natural gaiety which she eloquently portrays in every lively pose.

Next to her love of dancing Manja has a vivacious aptitude for enjoying life itself its fun being photographed.

Christine Barnett

Literary Lady

Girl with a good book is pin-up favourite CHRISTINE BARNETT.

This should go some way towards proving that Christine has an eye for the written word.

It should also help to convince the sceptics that pin-up girls really do know a book when they see one.

And the fact that Christine fell off the chair while reading this one wasn’t because she wasn't used to books it was just that the book happened to be a darned heavy one.

Ben's Books

Strip Lingerie No 13

Pamela Day

Just Right

Just right indeed is pretty PAMELA DAY, a perfect representative of the attractive modern miss of today. Figure just right, smile just right and fashion flair just right. It’s a sure indication that every modern girl has a film star’s potential, but fortunately for ninety-nine percent of us ordinary men most of them just settle for a happy home.

Making the most of her frills, Pamela makes a perfect picture on the step- ladder, and we’ll settle for Pamela being just that.

There’s a smile for you. How can you resist it? All right, you can’t and we know you can’t.

Elaine Vickers

Happy Housewife

ELAINE VICKERS is a charming example of a Beautiful Briton turned beautiful and happy a housewife!

Elaine comes from Dartford in Kent, and before her marriage she worked in an engineering office there.

But although the engineers themselves were very nice, engineering is no career for a pretty girl.

A pretty girl is like a melody. A pretty girl in a frilly slip is an absolute symphony, and there's no place for that in an engineering works not without disorganising the engineers and their output.

When Elaine's not busy with the chores, she likes to play some tennis. If her husband plays as well then somewhere along the line of their progress towards wedlock someone must have called a love game and we don't think it could have been the umpire.

Britt Hampshire

Pin Up

Long time in the business is pin-up. It can be phrased differently from time to time, but pin-up is the original and the best. It's a picture of a lovely girl looking utterly glam, and is for pinning-up where you can see it to its best advantage. One lovely girl who makes a classical pin-up is BRITT HAMPSHIRE.