Sadie Milligan

Happy Birthday - Sadie Milligan

I was reminded over the weekend that Easter Sunday, 31st March, marked Sadie Milligan's 86th birthday. I can confirm that she is well and thriving in Australia. It was 60 years ago that she left Ardrossan for a new life down under.

Let's hope it was all that she had hoped for and more. Let's enjoy a few pictures of the very lovely Sadie Milligan, who was about 19 to 20 years old when most of these pictures were taken.

Jennifer Taylor

Girl On The Go

I can't imagine a more enticing way to kick off the month than with a collection of captivating pictures featuring the incredibly alluring Jennifer Taylor.

There's nothing quite like the healthy virility of girls who run a mile round the farm before breakfast each morning. Into the farmhouse kitchen they leap at the end of it, all glowing and flushed and ready to eat a horse.

"So that's what happened to poor old Dobbin," said JENNIFER TAYLOR, our newest girl on the go. (She's a Go- Go girl, actually, and you can't be more on the go than that).

"Just don't think about it," we said, "then it won't hurt.'

We didn't want anything to put Jennifer off looking beautiful. She had just finished a lovely run round the Gloucester farm herself and was all glowing and rosy in her eye-catching undies.

"I'm starving," she said. So would anyone be after all that exercise and being so young and vital and all.

"All right, Go and enjoy your breakfast, then."

What, at one o'clock in the afternoon?" said Jennifer, ever so entrancingly shapely at 39-25-36. "You've gone cuckoo or something." We've gone cuckoo for sure. So will you when you see all these lovely shots of Jennifer around the farm.

Beautiful Britons No 181 - December 1970

Paula - Private Collection

All in a Day's Work for Paula.

Paula tantalises us with a peek beneath her nurse's uniform. Blood pressure tablets at the ready! Undoubtedly, Paula is a stunning young woman, who I am confident is currently or was a fantastic nurse. Looking forward to an exciting day out with Paula on Easter Sunday.

Julie Amos

New Model

Dreamy-eyed girl with the long legs is JULIE AMOS, new to the world of modelling.

Julie is a Yorkshire girl, resident at the moment in London.

Working in a London office, Julie earns sufficient as a shorthand-typist to keep herself comfortably fed and attractively clothed, and that's not all.

She also puts away enough each the pay-day to ensure she can cope with the expenses of a summer holiday on the Continent. On any part of the Continent incidentally, this soft eyed, dark haired Yorkshire lass really slays them.

Spick Extra No 14 - Summer 1961

Jackie West


Is anyone fully cognisant of exactly how we're all going to be rich and prosperous when we finally get into the Common Market? The politicians are certain it's going to lift us out of our slough of economic despond, and if you can think of any reason to doubt politicians keep it to yourself. Meantime we wonder if we'd get in any sooner if we sent JACKIE WEST to see mon general. Mon general is the gentleman impervious to all the Anglo-Saxons he's met up to now. Could he really say "Non, non," to Jackie?

Span No 163 - March 1968

Heidi Sepan

Welcome Visitor

Over here from West Germany is HEIDI SEPAN.

She's getting on famously, she's bought herself some genuine London mini-skirts, but her seamed nylons are German. London dollies rarely wear seams now, either in tights or stockings, but Heidi has a yen for them.

Like everything else which is different, a seamed stocking makes the fellers look, especially when topped by a brief mini-skirt. All the girls thought seams had gone out for ever, but once they saw Heidi walking in her mini and her seams in the King's Road, Chelsea, they began to wonder if they weren't missing out an old fashion that was a new craze.

Our welcome visitor from West Germany knows a wrinkle or two when it comes to catching the eye in a mini-skirt and a slinky pair of nylons. She's dishy.

Span No 178 - June 1969

Maureen - Private Collection

Maureen - Giving Us a Flash

Great picture of Maureen crossing her legs. It’s just a pity her feet have been cropped out of the original picture. But she certainly looks rather stunning with her hair up and that black choker. She has that kind of knowing look on her face, aware that she is flashing her stocking tops at us.

Heather Chaffey

Glamorous Aussie

All I can say, said Bertie Shoemaker as soon as he clapped eyes on the pictures of HEATHER CHAFFEY of Australia, is that if I've got to go twelve thousand miles to see her in person, I'll go even if I have to walk it.

Can't blame the feller. Heather of New South Wales is a living doll, and if there are others like her Down Under, we'll go with Bertie and see if we can't actually get there before he does.

Heather is a happy housewife with a lovely home and a sunny garden, and just about our idea of the best reason why we suddenly want to emigrate. We don't want to work in the outback or dig for nickel, however, we just want to take the house next door to Heather's and talk to her over the garden fence and join her for coffee.

Heather must have been a real beaut as a baby, because just look at her now, cobber.

Oh, trying to be all matey and Australian, are we?

You bet we are.

For all you blokes who collect mathematics, Heather is 5' 7" tall and her vitalistics measure 39"-24"-37". Kinda cute, curvy and cuddly, mmmm?

Span No 178 - June 1969